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Thread: Deca & Test Cycle

  1. #1
    JohnGalt1776 is offline New Member
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    May 2022

    Deca & Test Cycle

    I am making this post to see as I am looking at doing my first cycle: low dose Test Cyp and Deca . I have dealt with multiple injuries over the years (herniated disk, two bad shoulders – one on which I’ve had surgery, bad knees, etc.) and my yoga teacher recommended I look into deca if I am willing to go down the pharmacological route (she used to be a steroid nurse and had clients that did deca cycles specifically for the benefits on joints). I just finished a one month BPC157 & TB500 which has been amazing for my back but was quite expensive. I want to run the deca/test cycle to really make my joints solid.

    I have been reading a lot on the forums here as well as the steroids reddit. Obviously, the first thing you’re wanting to comment right now is “your first cycle should be test only” (thank you Jimmy for the amazing explanation of why Test only for a first cycle in The Science of Stacking Steroids thread). You are 100% right. However, (1) I really have no desire to build supraphysiological amount of muscle over multiple cycles, (2) I am looking at just a “sports” TRT dose (please see below) and (3) I do not want to shut down my HPTA down more than I need to.

    Cycle Protocol:
    Weeks 1-16: 100 mg / week of Test Cyp (66mg of testosterone )
    Weeks 1-13: 75 mg / week of Nandrolone decanoate (48mg of Nandrolone)
    Testeca ratio of 1.375

    At these low doses, would you expect the side effects to be such that it is still highly recommended that I have done a test-only cycle first? I live in a country where steroids / PEDs are readily available and have been speaking with someone at a supplement shop which is where I got the above doses. I will of course be running a PCT, will be getting blood tests before / during / after, will have an AI on hand if I see my E2 is higher (Estradiol and Prolactin blood tests are only ~US$16 each here so that is something I plan on getting every week for the first 6-8 weeks of my cycle to really keep in check). The store that I would be buying the Test & Deca from has Caber on hand if I see my prolactin is raised.

    Any feedback is greatly appreciated.

    Additional info:
    Age: 24
    Lifting for 6 years now
    Height: 5’ 10”
    Weight: 168 lbs
    BF %: ~12% range

    Thanks all

  2. #2
    Iranon's Avatar
    Iranon is offline Associate Member
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    16 weeks for a first cycle?
    You get steroid info from Reddit?
    66mg of test cyp a week, is that a joke or typo?
    12% body fat, post some pics, most people are way off on body fat.

    Post your training program in detail, diet plan also.

  3. #3
    SampsonandDelilah's Avatar
    SampsonandDelilah is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Armed with info from Reddit
    “A sports TRT does”? That’s a new one too…just an easy way to shut yourself down.
    Caber for prolactin control from that minimal of a dose is like bringing a bazooka to a knife fight, absolutely unnecessary
    Steroid information from a yoga instructor?! That’s like taking automotive advice from the pizza delivery guy

    Ummm, I’d hold off bud. It’s not like Deca is going to magically repair your joints, it doesn’t work like that. Not even close
    Last edited by SampsonandDelilah; 07-31-2022 at 09:41 AM.
    songdog, wango, Cuz and 3 others like this.

  4. #4
    wango's Avatar
    wango is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by JohnGalt1776 View Post
    I am making this post to see as I am looking at doing my first cycle: low dose Test Cyp and Deca . I have dealt with multiple injuries over the years (herniated disk, two bad shoulders – one on which I’ve had surgery, bad knees, etc.) and my yoga teacher recommended I look into deca if I am willing to go down the pharmacological route (she used to be a steroid nurse and had clients that did deca cycles specifically for the benefits on joints). I just finished a one month BPC157 & TB500 which has been amazing for my back but was quite expensive. I want to run the deca/test cycle to really make my joints solid.

    I have been reading a lot on the forums here as well as the steroids reddit. Obviously, the first thing you’re wanting to comment right now is “your first cycle should be test only” (thank you Jimmy for the amazing explanation of why Test only for a first cycle in The Science of Stacking Steroids thread). You are 100% right. However, (1) I really have no desire to build supraphysiological amount of muscle over multiple cycles, (2) I am looking at just a “sports” TRT dose (please see below) and (3) I do not want to shut down my HPTA down more than I need to.

    Cycle Protocol:
    Weeks 1-16: 100 mg / week of Test Cyp (66mg of testosterone )
    Weeks 1-13: 75 mg / week of Nandrolone decanoate (48mg of Nandrolone)
    Testeca ratio of 1.375

    At these low doses, would you expect the side effects to be such that it is still highly recommended that I have done a test-only cycle first? I live in a country where steroids / PEDs are readily available and have been speaking with someone at a supplement shop which is where I got the above doses. I will of course be running a PCT, will be getting blood tests before / during / after, will have an AI on hand if I see my E2 is higher (Estradiol and Prolactin blood tests are only ~US$16 each here so that is something I plan on getting every week for the first 6-8 weeks of my cycle to really keep in check). The store that I would be buying the Test & Deca from has Caber on hand if I see my prolactin is raised.

    Any feedback is greatly appreciated.

    Additional info:
    Age: 24
    Lifting for 6 years now
    Height: 5’ 10”
    Weight: 168 lbs
    BF %: ~12% range

    Thanks all
    May I suggest what you’ve read already, that being, using test only for your first cycle. However, be aware that shutting down your own production of testosterone is a possibility even with lower doses, which means finding/using AAS the remainder of your long life.

    I do not like the deca for “joint support”. Joint pain is there for a reason and that reason is to tell you that something is not right in that joint, the exercise/movement isn’t being done correctly or the exercise is not a good match for you. You have quite a history already (and surgery) with two prominent joints at a young age. Very sorry, your shoulders and knees will not miraculously no longer be a problem. Covering up or masking the pain with anything including an anti-inflammatory so that you can continue damaging that joint for the sake of a physique is ridiculous, particularly at 24.

    Although you feel your information source about AAS info has been solid (and honestly, it could be worse), I’d strongly suggest you stay in this forum a while, read current & older threads & listen to much of the advice given. Hold off pulling the trigger on that cycle for a bit.

  5. #5
    XnavyHMCS is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by SampsonandDelilah View Post
    Previous injuries
    24 years old
    Less than 170 #
    Armed with info from Reddit
    “A sports TRT does”? That’s a new one too…just an easy way to shut yourself down.

    Steroid information from a yoga instructor?! That’s like taking automotive advice from the pizza delivery guy

    What could go wrong...?
    SampsonandDelilah likes this.

  6. #6
    XnavyHMCS is offline Senior Member
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    Sorry bro.

    You're 24yo... All those health issues / injuries...

    Sounds like you are ready for the glue factory.

  7. #7
    SampsonandDelilah's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by XnavyHMCS View Post
    Sorry bro.

    You're 24yo... All those health issues / injuries...

    Sounds like you are ready for the glue factory.
    If there’s any room for him, a few of us are already ahead of him in line
    XnavyHMCS and Booz like this.

  8. #8
    Test Monsterone's Avatar
    Test Monsterone is offline Anabolic Member
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    lol yoga teacher told me to do deca . Someone make a t-shirt.

    Bro, listen to what’s been stated. You know that deca is one of the longest lasting and sometimes most difficult steroids to recover from. But, at that dose it may not do much at all, except shut your endogenous testosterone production down.

    About the joints - I learned my lesson: less is more. I do 1/2 the weight I used to do on a lot of compound exercises, a lot more stretching and pumping with bands, and feel and look a whole lot better. It took a good 1.5 years to recover from most of my nagging pains. I ran 500 mg of deca at a time with these cycles and didn’t get any long lasting effects on my joints, and like Wango said, maybe further injured them, until I started lowering the weight and focusing on the pump.

  9. #9
    XnavyHMCS is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by SampsonandDelilah View Post
    If there’s any room for him, a few of us are already ahead of him in line
    Hey buddy.

    Better include me with that "head of the line privilege"...
    SampsonandDelilah likes this.

  10. #10
    Mooseman33's Avatar
    Mooseman33 is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    fuck deca . in spanish deca means - dick wont work.....

    im just kidding on translation but not about ur dick not working.
    Cuz and XnavyHMCS like this.

  11. #11
    SampsonandDelilah's Avatar
    SampsonandDelilah is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mooseman33 View Post
    fuck deca . in spanish deca means - dick wont work.....

    im just kidding on translation but not about ur dick not working.
    With all due respect, I have found that proviron with mast alongside Deca can overcome it. Granted, we are ALL so different but it works for me. The one weird thing is I don’t last nearly as long with Deca but with Tren I’m worried I’m going to start a fucking friction fire. Not sure what gives there, but most of the Deca dick stuff for me has been psychosomatic. Again, we are all different. Have to learn your body first and be willing to perform science experiments, and being prepared to suffer the consequences
    Cuz and XnavyHMCS like this.

  12. #12
    XnavyHMCS is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mooseman33 View Post
    fuck deca . in spanish deca means - dick wont work.....

    im just kidding on translation but not about ur dick not working.
    "The moose is loose."

    I second the Moose-man on the negative side of Deca...

    I had a similar problem when I was taking Equipoise ; my junk wasn't pointing any direction but "due south".

    For me, being able to whip it on the woman is a top priority.

  13. #13
    XnavyHMCS is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by SampsonandDelilah View Post
    With all due respect, I have found that proviron with mast alongside Deca can overcome it. Granted, we are ALL so different but it works for me. The one weird thing is I don’t last nearly as long with Deca but with Tren I’m worried I’m going to start a fucking friction fire. Not sure what gives there, but most of the Deca dick stuff for me has been psychosomatic. Again, we are all different. Have to learn your body first and be willing to perform science experiments, and being prepared to suffer the consequences
    I got on the Proviron , and I have to say that it totally increases libido.
    SampsonandDelilah likes this.

  14. #14
    Honkey_Kong's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by XnavyHMCS View Post
    I got on the Proviron, and I have to say that it totally increases libido.
    Careful with that shit. It can cause friction burns on your private parts.

  15. #15
    Honkey_Kong's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by JohnGalt1776 View Post
    I am making this post to see as I am looking at doing my first cycle: low dose Test Cyp and Deca . I have dealt with multiple injuries over the years (herniated disk, two bad shoulders – one on which I’ve had surgery, bad knees, etc.) and my yoga teacher recommended I look into deca if I am willing to go down the pharmacological route (she used to be a steroid nurse and had clients that did deca cycles specifically for the benefits on joints). I just finished a one month BPC157 & TB500 which has been amazing for my back but was quite expensive. I want to run the deca/test cycle to really make my joints solid.

    I have been reading a lot on the forums here as well as the steroids reddit. Obviously, the first thing you’re wanting to comment right now is “your first cycle should be test only” (thank you Jimmy for the amazing explanation of why Test only for a first cycle in The Science of Stacking Steroids thread). You are 100% right. However, (1) I really have no desire to build supraphysiological amount of muscle over multiple cycles, (2) I am looking at just a “sports” TRT dose (please see below) and (3) I do not want to shut down my HPTA down more than I need to.

    Cycle Protocol:
    Weeks 1-16: 100 mg / week of Test Cyp (66mg of testosterone )
    Weeks 1-13: 75 mg / week of Nandrolone decanoate (48mg of Nandrolone)
    Testeca ratio of 1.375

    At these low doses, would you expect the side effects to be such that it is still highly recommended that I have done a test-only cycle first? I live in a country where steroids / PEDs are readily available and have been speaking with someone at a supplement shop which is where I got the above doses. I will of course be running a PCT, will be getting blood tests before / during / after, will have an AI on hand if I see my E2 is higher (Estradiol and Prolactin blood tests are only ~US$16 each here so that is something I plan on getting every week for the first 6-8 weeks of my cycle to really keep in check). The store that I would be buying the Test & Deca from has Caber on hand if I see my prolactin is raised.

    Any feedback is greatly appreciated.

    Additional info:
    Age: 24
    Lifting for 6 years now
    Height: 5’ 10”
    Weight: 168 lbs
    BF %: ~12% range

    Thanks all
    Ever try eating a cheeseburger or two?
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