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Thread: Testo Enanthate+Boldenone First Cycle Dosage

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2022

    Testo Enanthate+Boldenone First Cycle Dosage

    Hello, I'm going to start my first cycle and it will take 10 months. I will do 2 months pct and continue again to new cycle, my goal is the podium. My first cycle will be Testo Ent. and Boldenone.I have a few questions.

    My coach told me to inject 250mg enanthate, 250mg boldenone every Monday - Thursday(total 500-500 per week)

    Since it will be my first cycle, I doubt that this dosage will be too much for me. Can someone with experience and knowledge comment on this dosage?

    Does using liver protectant during the cycle decrease the efficiency of the cycle?

    And do you have anything to recommend for this cycle?
    Last edited by quacky; 09-16-2022 at 03:01 AM.

  2. #2
    Your first cycle and your doing 10 months??. And test e? Your coach gave you this advice?

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by teedoff View Post
    Your first cycle and your doing 10 months??. And test e? Your coach gave you this advice?

  4. #4
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    Are you trolling for blue marlin or yellowfin today?

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cuz View Post
    Are you trolling for blue marlin or yellowfin today?
    Nah im not trolling. I just want to learn and be aware.
    I would like you to speak informatively instead of making fun of people. With this answer, you are justifying those who say that those who deal with this business have no brains.With this system, there are many competitors that my teacher coached and they were successful. I was just curious your opinion, not your empty talk.

    So if you are not going to write something informative and you will make fun of it, please do not comment on my post.

  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by quacky View Post
    Nah im not trolling. I just want to learn and be aware.
    I would like you to speak informatively instead of making fun of people. With this answer, you are justifying those who say that those who deal with this business have no brains.With this system, there are many competitors that my teacher coached and they were successful. I was just curious your opinion, not your empty talk.

    So if you are not going to write something informative and you will make fun of it, please do not comment on my post.
    So normally ppl asking for help here might give some stats and background of their training experience and such.

    Your age, weight height, and fitness level like body fat is helpful.

    How long have you been training naturally? How's your diet?

    Whats your pertinent medical history? Had blood work done recently?

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jul 2022
    Quote Originally Posted by teedoff View Post
    So normally ppl asking for help here might give some stats and background of their training experience and such.

    Your age, weight height, and fitness level like body fat is helpful.

    How long have you been training naturally? How's your diet?

    Whats your pertinent medical history? Had blood work done recently?
    I'm 22 years old. My height is 184 cm and my weight is 89. My fat ratio is around 13. I burned quite a bit of fat in the definition this summer for start the cycle.I have an estrogen-prone body and I can easily collect edema and gain weight. I have been training naturally for 3 years and my development has stopped. My diet is now 2000 cal fat:50g carb:120(before workout) protein: 200g.When I start the cycle, I will increase the carbs. I dont have any medical history or disease, first cycle.

    out-of-reference values blood work:
    B12 1766(FOR HOSPITAL REF MAX 911)

    the rest of my tests are all within the reference range.

    I stocked up on arimidex for estrogen. When I feel gyno, I will drink half a tablet.

  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by quacky View Post
    Nah im not trolling. I just want to learn and be aware.
    I would like you to speak informatively instead of making fun of people. With this answer, you are justifying those who say that those who deal with this business have no brains.With this system, there are many competitors that my teacher coached and they were successful. I was just curious your opinion, not your empty talk.

    So if you are not going to write something informative and you will make fun of it, please do not comment on my post.
    Duplicate post.

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    AKA "Nice Guy Cy"
    Quote Originally Posted by quacky View Post
    Hello, I'm going to start my first cycle and it will take 10 months. I will do 2 months pct and continue again to new cycle, my goal is the podium. My first cycle will be Testo Ent. and Boldenone.I have a few questions.

    My coach told me to inject 250mg enanthate, 250mg boldenone every Monday - Thursday(total 500-500 per week)

    Since it will be my first cycle, I doubt that this dosage will be too much for me. Can someone with experience and knowledge comment on this dosage?

    Does using liver protectant during the cycle decrease the efficiency of the cycle?

    And do you have anything to recommend for this cycle?
    This is not a good first cycle. Go read the planning my first cycle sticky for a different perspective.

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by quacky View Post
    With this system, there are many competitors that my teacher coached and they were successful.
    Trust your coach, or fire him.

  11. #11
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    If I hired a guy and he told me to do a 10 month cycle of test e and eq 500/500 with an 8 week pct and then repeat id fuckin fire him and demand a refund.
    Also, your diet isn’t sufficient for gaining mass.

  12. #12
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    Jul 2022
    Quote Originally Posted by Cuz View Post
    If I hired a guy and he told me to do a 10 month cycle of test e and eq 500/500 with an 8 week pct and then repeat id fuckin fire him and demand a refund.
    Also, your diet isn’t sufficient for gaining mass.
    Why you don't talk by giving information. I just do that, I do that bla bla. I brought this up to be informed, not to let me know that you're going to fire that coach.

    I think you should have understood that this is a fat burning diet that will of course change after my diet starts on the drug.I will gradually increase to 4000-5000 calories. Also thank you for this informative suggestion.

    And here is my coach's explanation for the long cycle. (for the podiums)

    We increase the doses of drugs over the years for muscle growth.
    Likewise, as we make pct, we use more units of medicine. For example, 2 doses of pregnyl in our first cycle, 4 doses in the next pct.
    Therefore, it is unreasonable to do short cycle-pct all the time.

    Because just as the body tolerates drug mg, it also shows the same tolerance to PCT products!
    If your cycle is short, if you do not take the drug for a long time after doing the pct, there is no problem.
    But if you get into the cycle of curing, pct, curing, pct, if the pcts are wrong, I cannot erect, lh and fsh are not the same as before, be ready to open topics like what should I do!

    Now do you understand why cycles are long, PCT needs to be done once?

    Quote Originally Posted by 956Vette View Post
    Trust your coach, or fire him.
    There are still nonsense comments instead of providing tangible information.incredible..
    Last edited by quacky; 09-18-2022 at 04:06 AM.

  13. #13
    Join Date
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    AKA "Nice Guy Cy"
    Quote Originally Posted by quacky View Post

    Because just as the body tolerates drug mg, it also shows the same tolerance to PCT products!

    There are still nonsense comments instead of providing tangible information.incredible..
    That is absolutely false. Your body does not "show tolerance" to PCT products like Clomid and Nolvadex. Clomid can be used long term as HRT (3+ years here before moving to cream and the needle). If your coach thinks that we develop tolerances to Clomid and thus it stops working or loses effectiveness, he needs to turn in his coaches license.

    If he means HCG (which should generally NOT be used in PCT), then yes, at higher doses (5000iu or so per week), yes, it does begin to lose effectiveness. This is because in absence of any other source of test, the body relies solely upon HCG (masquerading as LH) to produce Test. But, it also sees the Test level increase and starts to shutdown the boys production. This starts a negative feedback loop where you need more and more HCG and eventually the testicles become desensitized and just stop production. This is why HCG monotherapy does not work long term.

    All of that to say that if your coach has you using HCG in PCT, not on cycle, then that is another reason to fire him and find someone else.

    BTW, this is not conjecture. These are simple facts based on human physiology, personal experience, and the collected research of thousands of gym bros, doctors and formal studies. Perhaps this will provide sufficient "tangible information" for you to act on.

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cylon357 View Post
    That is absolutely false. Your body does not "show tolerance" to PCT products like Clomid and Nolvadex. Clomid can be used long term as HRT (3+ years here before moving to cream and the needle). If your coach thinks that we develop tolerances to Clomid and thus it stops working or loses effectiveness, he needs to turn in his coaches license.

    If he means HCG (which should generally NOT be used in PCT), then yes, at higher doses (5000iu or so per week), yes, it does begin to lose effectiveness. This is because in absence of any other source of test, the body relies solely upon HCG (masquerading as LH) to produce Test. But, it also sees the Test level increase and starts to shutdown the boys production. This starts a negative feedback loop where you need more and more HCG and eventually the testicles become desensitized and just stop production. This is why HCG monotherapy does not work long term.

    All of that to say that if your coach has you using HCG in PCT, not on cycle, then that is another reason to fire him and find someone else.

    BTW, this is not conjecture. These are simple facts based on human physiology, personal experience, and the collected research of thousands of gym bros, doctors and formal studies. Perhaps this will provide sufficient "tangible information" for you to act on.
    As you said, my coach want for hcg at the end of the cycle for the 2-month pct period.As I understand it, this is wrong and should be used within the cycle and the cycle should be limited to 12 weeks.This was the only real comment on the subject,I'll take what you said into consideration. Thank you very much man.The rest seem a little nervous from using trenbolone lol.

    So, can a podium athlete be successful with a 3-month cycle-pct cycle? Shouldn't we use systems such as blast cruise or long cycle?
    What is your suggestion for this?

  15. #15
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    None of these guys know what they’re taking about.

    I’m with your coach, except id go closer to 12 months bold can take a while to kick in. Your ratio is perfect, it’s obvious your coach knows what he’s doing. Right as you feel gyno, drink a half a tablet. If you still feel it, drink a little more.

    Good luck! Start a log, so we can watch your progress!

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by SampsonandDelilah View Post
    None of these guys know what they’re taking about.

    I’m with your coach, except id go closer to 12 months bold can take a while to kick in. Your ratio is perfect, it’s obvious your coach knows what he’s doing. Right as you feel gyno, drink a half a tablet. If you still feel it, drink a little more.

    Good luck! Start a log, so we can watch your progress!
    Thank you for your very valuable advice.Anyway yours ratio looks a bit bad. You should hang out a bit in the diet section and open topic, so we can saw watch your progress too .You should do some cardio too, man. Your waist and shoulder are the same size I can give you my coach's number if you want. you can drink half a tablet of some clen lol

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by quacky View Post
    Thank you for your very valuable advice.Anyway yours ratio looks a bit bad. You should hang out a bit in the diet section and open topic, so we can saw watch your progress too .You should do some cardio too, man. Your waist and shoulder are the same size I can give you my coach's number if you want. you can drink half a tablet of some clen lol
    Your opinion matters greatly to me, thank you for expressing it. I’d post my chest to waist ratio but I’m sure all 89 kilos of you smashes it, you animal you. I bow at your impressiveness…

    Definitely forward me his information, I’ll call him right up.

    My shit has already been documented and logged. Read up Spanky…excuse me, Quacky
    Ironic, here in the greatest country in the world we have a saying. “If it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck, it’s probably a duck”. Quack quack brother…

    22 and king of the world, you’re turning into quite an impressive young man. I really admire you, it sounds like you’re in great hands too with your coach. Train hard, eat right and pump that bold and enth, no time like the present

    Now lace up those Pumas and put on your Speedo and head to the gym, he who hesitates masturbates

  18. #18
    Quote Originally Posted by Cylon357 View Post
    That is absolutely false. Your body does not "show tolerance" to PCT products like Clomid and Nolvadex. Clomid can be used long term as HRT (3+ years here before moving to cream and the needle). If your coach thinks that we develop tolerances to Clomid and thus it stops working or loses effectiveness, he needs to turn in his coaches license.

    If he means HCG (which should generally NOT be used in PCT), then yes, at higher doses (5000iu or so per week), yes, it does begin to lose effectiveness. This is because in absence of any other source of test, the body relies solely upon HCG (masquerading as LH) to produce Test. But, it also sees the Test level increase and starts to shutdown the boys production. This starts a negative feedback loop where you need more and more HCG and eventually the testicles become desensitized and just stop production. This is why HCG monotherapy does not work long term.

    All of that to say that if your coach has you using HCG in PCT, not on cycle, then that is another reason to fire him and find someone else.

    BTW, this is not conjecture. These are simple facts based on human physiology, personal experience, and the collected research of thousands of gym bros, doctors and formal studies. Perhaps this will provide sufficient "tangible information" for you to act on.
    This is helpful for me also. I've only done one cycle but I've heard conflicting things about HCG during cycle or PCT. I noticed that the pinned (no pun intended) First Cycle thread has it being used during cycle.

    Can you elaborate on the science of this just for my learning?

  19. #19
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    AKA "Nice Guy Cy"
    Quote Originally Posted by matthewsunset View Post
    This is helpful for me also. I've only done one cycle but I've heard conflicting things about HCG during cycle or PCT. I noticed that the pinned (no pun intended) First Cycle thread has it being used during cycle.

    Can you elaborate on the science of this just for my learning?
    If you have read the first cycle sticky, then you have more "science" than I have provided here, though TBH, I really don't think there is much more to tell, at least not from the Iron Game perspective. Maybe consult a good book on the endocrine system?

  20. #20
    Heres a very indepth page and video about the use and benefits of HCG.

  21. #21
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    HCG will keep your balls plump and talking while exogenous test is being introduced. It keeps the internal factory workers at their stations in your bean bag.

    Don’t want to stay on too long though or your body will forget to do it on its own once you remove the aforementioned factory workers. I found it only beneficial for aesthetics. Can keep your grapes from pruning up for sure. I’ve gotten by just fine carting around a bag of chewed up big league chew in my pants and never had a complaint about my coin purse.

    Certainly not worth the money, the refrigeration headache and what feels like an endless supply of insulin needles poking my tummy. For what, my Crown Jewels? Nah, they’re fine turtled up. Makes my hot dog look bigger anyways and I need all the help I can get.

    Now if I was a young man and thinking about having kids and not committed for the long haul, then yes…I’d rotate 3 months on and 3 months off while I was on the gas. PCT or no PCT, it doesn’t really matter.

    Except for you Quacky, you just keep doing what your trainer says…he’s clearly a fucking genius and way smarter than I is. You’re gonna be on stage in no time, hcg or no hcg…it don’t matter for you youngin

  22. #22
    Quote Originally Posted by Cylon357 View Post
    If you have read the first cycle sticky, then you have more "science" than I have provided here, though TBH, I really don't think there is much more to tell, at least not from the Iron Game perspective. Maybe consult a good book on the endocrine system?
    The author of the First Cycle sticky has a whole article on the endocrine system I plan to read. Yes I saw that they wrote about HCG in first cycle and that’s my go-forward approach.

    Tbh I consider myself a bright enough guy, but watching these vids and reading these articles makes it clear that this is a complex are of study.

    When I used to do rails I never gave a F what was happening to my body. But with this game it seems like knowledge is power.

  23. #23
    Quote Originally Posted by SampsonandDelilah View Post
    HCG will keep your balls plump and talking while exogenous test is being introduced. It keeps the internal factory workers at their stations in your bean bag.

    Don’t want to stay on too long though or your body will forget to do it on its own once you remove the aforementioned factory workers. I found it only beneficial for aesthetics. Can keep your grapes from pruning up for sure. I’ve gotten by just fine carting around a bag of chewed up big league chew in my pants and never had a complaint about my coin purse.

    Certainly not worth the money, the refrigeration headache and what feels like an endless supply of insulin needles poking my tummy. For what, my Crown Jewels? Nah, they’re fine turtled up. Makes my hot dog look bigger anyways and I need all the help I can get.

    Now if I was a young man and thinking about having kids and not committed for the long haul, then yes…I’d rotate 3 months on and 3 months off while I was on the gas. PCT or no PCT, it doesn’t really matter.

    Except for you Quacky, you just keep doing what your trainer says…he’s clearly a fucking genius and way smarter than I is. You’re gonna be on stage in no time, hcg or no hcg…it don’t matter for you youngin
    So on my first cycle of 750mg test a week, 40mg Ava er a day, and .5mg Arimidex a week, I never really noticed any difference in my nuts and I did not take any HCG while on cycle. Not sure if that happens more with more cycles or if maybe I don’t get that side effect as much

  24. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by matthewsunset View Post
    So on my first cycle of 750mg test a week, 40mg Ava er a day, and .5mg Arimidex a week, I never really noticed any difference in my nuts and I did not take any HCG while on cycle. Not sure if that happens more with more cycles or if maybe I don’t get that side effect as much
    This samydog boomer is so unnecessary and insecure. He changed her profile picture to cover her waist after I commented, that explains it all. One reason not to listen to this person, man.After this situation, I chose to take him seriously and not answer anymore.
    Regular use of Arimidex can ruin your estrogen, preventing you from putting on mass. Use tamoxifen or arimidex for intervention when there are signs of gyno, otherwise unnecessary.Hcg is still a mystery, I will do it after the cycle. I don't plan on having kids now I'm not as old as a samydog lol. Everyone's methods are different and they use hcg during the cycle in this forum.If you say otherwise, be careful my friend, these boomers are a little pissed off.
    Last edited by quacky; 09-20-2022 at 01:01 PM.

  25. #25
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    Oh little little man, you don’t get credit when it’s not due. Let me know when it’s ok to change it. You know I’ve been here since you shitting in your diapers, right? Avi’s come and go and sadly you’ll get no responsibility or credit for it. Appreciate you reading my responses though and I’m definitely a boomer and a Fudd.

    Goodnight young lad, I hope story time was good and you’re sleeping warmly in your little bed. I don’t know if you need attention, a stern whiff of a paddle or a positive male role model…but clearly something is missing.

    We’re here to help, what are you here for?

    See that shit under my name where it says “knowledgeable member”, it’s earned and if you weren’t such a whiney little prick we could help save you from yourself (and your coach) but sadly you know everything. I’m sorry I hit a nerve and got you all worked up, I’ll try harder little buddy

    Nigh nigh
    Last edited by SampsonandDelilah; 09-21-2022 at 02:16 AM.

  26. #26
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    Last edited by SampsonandDelilah; 09-21-2022 at 02:10 AM. Reason: Rant over

  27. #27
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    Quote Originally Posted by SampsonandDelilah View Post
    Oh little little man, you don’t get credit when it’s not due. Let me know when it’s ok to change it. You know I’ve been here since you shitting in your diapers, right? Avi’s come and go and sadly you’ll get no responsibility or credit for it. Appreciate you reading my responses though and I’m definitely a boomer and a Fudd.

    Goodnight young lad, I hope story time was good and you’re sleeping warmly in your little bed. I don’t know if you need attention, a stern whiff of a paddle or a positive male role model…but clearly something is missing.

    We’re here to help, what are you here for?

    See that shit under my name where it says “knowledgeable member”, it’s earned and if you weren’t such a whiney little prick we could help save you from yourself (and your coach) but sadly you know everything. I’m sorry I hit a nerve and got you all worked up, I’ll try harder little buddy

    Nigh nigh
    Deleting and editing an insulting message shows that you can think rationally sometimes. Even though I don't take what you say very seriously, I can listen a little after you do this, Mr. Knowledge Member. You are here to give information, but I did not get information.

    It might make more sense if you tell someone new to the business why I shouldn't, instead of saying don't do it, don't do it.It was just mocked and told not to do it for no reason. Of course, I would like to learn with what you wrote consciously, but these attitudes and uninformed comments only made me angry and demoralized.

    Anyway, I was taught to respect people older than me so I apologize for my insults. Despite all your teasing, I shouldn't have exceeded my respect.I cant think rationally under intense hormones, but in my opinion so are the comments here too...

  28. #28
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    Quote Originally Posted by quacky View Post
    Deleting and editing an insulting message shows that you can think rationally sometimes. Even though I don't take what you say very seriously, I can listen a little after you do this, Mr. Knowledge Member. You are here to give information, but I did not get information.

    It might make more sense if you tell someone new to the business why I shouldn't, instead of saying don't do it, don't do it.It was just mocked and told not to do it for no reason. Of course, I would like to learn with what you wrote consciously, but these attitudes and uninformed comments only made me angry and demoralized.

    Anyway, I was taught to respect people older than me so I apologize for my insults. Despite all your teasing, I shouldn't have exceeded my respect.I cant think rationally under intense hormones, but in my opinion so are the comments here too...
    I thought you said that you wanted to learn and be aware? I don’t see that in these posts. Just an outsider looking in.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

  29. #29
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    Quote Originally Posted by charger69 View Post
    I thought you said that you wanted to learn and be aware? I don’t see that in these posts. Just an outsider looking in.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    Yes, I wanted to learn and be aware. But after these comments(except cylon), I'm not looking for help here.

  30. #30
    Quote Originally Posted by quacky View Post
    Yes, I wanted to learn and be aware. But after these comments(except cylon), I'm not looking for help here.
    Pretty sure you've been given very good advice by multiple members, including Samson. But it seems like you want approval for what your coach is telling you and are ignoring sound advice that will save you from some bad trouble down the road. Hormones are nothing to play with. It's either do it right, or suffer from doing it wrong.

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