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Thread: Testosterone Undecanoate pinning

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2016

    Testosterone Undecanoate pinning

    Going to be on a month long vacation and currently blast and cruise giving myself a reasonable trt dose of around 200mg of test per week.

    My vacation will be in another country which will not allow me to import any anabolics, it would be just too risky. Im wondering if anyone has took a healthy dose of undecanoate and been able to cruise for a month or so, and what would a pinning schedule look like since I can really only pin right before I go? Im assuming I might have to inject some undecanoate a little farther in advance to get the ester acclimated and somewhat leveled out.

  2. #2
    I am come across your thread while researching the info available here on Test Undecanoate.

    To be honest it is very strange dosing. I currently have it prescribed for TRT.

    My one called Nebido it comes 1000mg/4ml vials and 250mg equivalent to 157,9 mg testosterone according to Bayer.

    The recommended dosage for me was 1 x vial for 6 weeks another for six weeks than 1x every 11 weeks.

    This is meant to be a TRT dose, Currently I trying to figure out how to increase dosage is I can gain some athletic performance increase out of it.
    Last edited by limalex; 09-21-2022 at 02:54 PM.

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