My friend got a hold of some boldenone and is planning to stack it with test .... we are wandering if this would be a good mix? thanks for the advice
My friend got a hold of some boldenone and is planning to stack it with test .... we are wandering if this would be a good mix? thanks for the advice
EQ and test is perfect brother !
EQ stacks nicely with TEST,, what dosage/how long does he/you plan to run it?
uh i think he is going to take half a cc of d-bol and half a cc of super test two times a week
oh wait he is going to take a half cc of test two times a week and he is not sure on how he should take the d-bol
D-bol? don't you mean EQ (bold), or did I miss something?
they guy told him it was boldenone, but on the bottle it said d-bol is that different.
VERY different!
EQ(bold) is a slow ester oil base steriod that is injected 1 or 2 times a wk, with the dosage usually in the 400-600mg range.
D-bol is a 17aa steriod that is taken orally at 20-50mg ED... go to the main page and look at the profiles...
yeah i know man thats what i thought but this is an injectable and it says D-Bol on the bottle
Never heard of injectable d-bol...Originally Posted by scroach
What brand is it? I think you mighty have yourself a fake there bro.
Reforvit-B makes a liquid D-bol that works well. You can inject it, but I prefer to just drink it... taste like ass,,, and to be honest I kinda question how sterile it is, so drinking it is safer.
geeeesh! dosent anybody do any research before sticking themselfs anymore. seem every board i go to i see someome just poking themselves then they ask questions. and you wonder why AAS has a bad rap, holy shit!!!!!!
i'm taking eq200(1cc) every 6 days,should i break it down to 1/2cc every 3days? and if i'm almost on my 5th shot is it to late to finish off with stanazol and if not what dosages and for how long?
from musclesci profiles:
It is interesting to note that structurally Equipoise and the classic bulking drug Dianabol are almost identical. In the case of Equipoise the compound uses a l7beta ester (undecylenate), while Dianabol is 17 alpha alkylated. Aside from that difference, the drugs are basically the same. Of course they act quite differently in the body, which goes to show the 17-methylation effects more than just the oral efficancy of a steroid.
So maybe it is oral dbol, no?
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