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  1. #1
    XFACTOR is offline New Member
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    Talking Deca/sustanon 250 stack...

    I am a beginning steroid user. I have just started my 2nd week of DECA QV 300. I am 23 years old and 5'9 150 lbs. I have always been cut but would like to be more bulky on the upper body but still mobile because i play alot of sports mostly baseball. I have access to Sustanon 250 also and i was wondering if combining the 2 would bulk me up too much? I want a bigger upper body like i said but nothing crazy. Maybe 165-170 lbs. How long and how much of the sustanon should i take with the deca if i do. I am taking 300mg per week of the Deca right now. And what else will i need at the end of my cycle like clomid or whatever. What kind of gains will i see with just the DECA? Thanks...

  2. #2
    toolman is offline Banned
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    Not to flame you bro but recently Im seeing all these posts from guys starting cycles, then asking what will they need at the end, like clomid, etc. You should ask these questions before starting. Clomid is a MUST if you plan on keeping your gains. Deca shuts your natural test down harder than most AS and you will lose it all without proper pct. Also, Deca alone will probably give you Deca dick as you have no test in this cycle. Also, what anti-e's do you have on hand, any Nolva,etc?

  3. #3
    G Child's Avatar
    G Child is offline Anabolic Member
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    Some kind of padded room...wearing some kinda white jacket...can't!
    add in 500mg Sus/week.

  4. #4
    gundam675's Avatar
    gundam675 is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by toolman
    Not to flame you bro but recently Im seeing all these posts from guys starting cycles, then asking what will they need at the end, like clomid, etc. You should ask these questions before starting. Clomid is a MUST if you plan on keeping your gains. Deca shuts your natural test down harder than most AS and you will lose it all without proper pct. Also, Deca alone will probably give you Deca dick as you have no test in this cycle. Also, what anti-e's do you have on hand, any Nolva,etc?


    lately i have seen so many guys start juice then ask what to do.

    1. deca alone = deca dick = no errections or hard time getting ur boys up !

    2. deca + test is a great combo. test should be run at around 400 mg/ew since u dont want crazy mass !

    3. how do u plan on recover ur natural test once ur done the cycle !
    u need to research clomid otherwise ur gonna lose most of ur gains !

  5. #5
    twosocks40's Avatar
    twosocks40 is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by XFACTOR
    And what else will i need at the end of my cycle like clomid or whatever.

    WTF? Wave good bye to your erections.


  6. #6
    depdaddy's Avatar
    depdaddy is offline Member
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    can you say LIMP need test..just finished 500mg week of Deca ..but also with 750 test

  7. #7
    Hero is offline Junior Member
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    id throw in 500mgs of test, not to flame but it doesnt sound like you have a good idea of what your doing, be careful dude.
    Last edited by Hero; 08-02-2003 at 01:00 AM.

  8. #8
    XFACTOR is offline New Member
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    Ok toolman so yeah i admit i havent researched much myself just was told all this bull from some muscleheads at 24 hour fitness they didnt even know what clomid is i found out about it... So i can get sustanon tomorrow and be on it that day from now on so what do you recommend i do from here out. Deca 300mg and sustanon 250mg a week and build to 500 or start out 500? And is clomid something legal i can buy at a pharmacy or do i need to get it online? I dont want to screw this up anymore than it sounds like i already have thanks for the info. And let me know where i can get nolvadex too and how much i need.

  9. #9
    XFACTOR is offline New Member
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    And isnt 500mg of Sustanon a little much for me a week im 150 if you guys didnt catch that...And would i take it all at once like 2cc's per week
    plus if im taking the deca on a monday would i want to take the sustanon a different day?

  10. #10
    Billy_Bathgate's Avatar
    Billy_Bathgate is offline AR Vet / Retired
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    You dont need steroids at all. If your 5'9" @ 150 and ony want to get to around 167 learn about training and diet.

    Hope you dont get drug tested for a year, as deca will show up for that long.

    If you must use, which is rediculous IMO, 437mg test and 300 deca is plenty.

    Your gains have little to do with what you take. Its how you train and diet. To be honest, and not a dick, I doubt you will gain much as it seems apparant to me you dont know much about what your doing in the kitchen or in the gym. Id seriously work on that first.

  11. #11
    XFACTOR is offline New Member
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    Ive been right around 150 lbs for 3 years.. I will work out like a crazy madman and will gain alot of strength and get more cut but i cant bulk up no matter how much i eat or what i eat. I have one of those super metabolisms... I guess i figured that deca /sus would help me gain the weight easier. Ive got the "small frame" to work with and i just want to put some bulk on it is that too much to ask for ?

  12. #12
    toolman is offline Banned
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    x, first, add the sust. Now here is where you are going to get alot of differing opinions. I have only 1 cycle under my belt but have read everything under the sun from all of Mick Harts stuff to every book I could find. I started sust 250 and Deca 200 a week and planned on an 8 week cycle. By week 6, I was up a solid 20 lbs. Alot of the guys here were telling me, and others to run at 500 sust and 400 Deca, so I upped it and decided to expand my 8 weeks to 10 weeks. I had little more gain so I definately didn't need it on that first cycle. My point is, that if it is your first cycle, if you ask anyone who has actually run with just 250 sust and 200 deca, I have yet to meet anyone that was not pleased, provided diet and workouts were done right. You will hear from alot of guys who never ran it that light on a first cycle saying it is a waste, but do a search. Anyone that actually ran it had no complaints.

    Alot of others will tell you you have to shoot sust EOD to gain from the prop, and while that may be true for the prop, there are still 220 mgs of other test blends in there.

  13. #13
    XFACTOR is offline New Member
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    Ok so ill have the sust @250mg per week and the deca qv 300@300mg per week and stay at those same dosages for 8 weeks... Now i read up a little about the clomid and im going to try and obtain some of that also... I am supposed to take my Deca shot on tuesday like i have been for the last 2 weeks but that will put me at taking the sustanon on a monday and the deca the next day should i hold off on the sustanon until towards the end of this week to spread it out or mix them together in the same syringe and take it all at once every tuesday? Thanks toolman i appreciate this info the guys at 24 hour fitness dont even know what clomid is. kinda pissed at myself for not doing my own research till now...

  14. #14
    toolman is offline Banned
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    Just mix them both in the same syringe. Just make sure your never shooting more than 2 ml and you can shoot that into your glutes. For many, myself included, if you dont mix the sust with deca or eq, it burns like hell.

  15. #15
    XFACTOR is offline New Member
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    Ok so the guy who was supposed to have my sustanon cannot get it for atleast another week. I am leaning towards dropping off of it altogether since i definitely need to learn more about all of it and dont want to continue just the deca . I have taken 2 shots so what is your opinion of me not taking anymore and getting some tribulis or some sort of testosterone booster until i can get ahold of clomid or would i even need it if i quit right now??? Hopefully this option isnt out of the question...

  16. #16
    toolman is offline Banned
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    I'd stop, wait to you have everything you need, then do it right. Two shots of Decca shouldnt shut you down completely.

  17. #17
    XFACTOR is offline New Member
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    Ok so ive been researching "Deca Dick" for a few hours now all over the net and i am not too pleased with the idea of having that haha... I have decided to stop "cold turkey". I bought a product today that has 500mg of tribulus terresstis in it per serving which i have read that it is a testosterone stimulator. Will that be enough for me if i take it for a month or so or do you think i still need the clomid? I also read today that deca stays active for quite awhile in your system...

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