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Thread: Test E and adding Deca after 8 Weeks.

  1. #1

    Test E and adding Deca after 8 Weeks.

    Hi, I've been training natural for about 15 years but completely stopped training for the past 2 years. Decided to get back into it and run a high TRT dosage of Test E 110mg twice per week. Just to note my total test level before I started was 460. My plan was to not come off Test if I liked the increase in test levels. I would just cruise and blast a occasionally. I'm at week 8 now and planned to increase Test to 300 with some Deca at 150 to 200 for 12 weeks. Now I'm having second thoughts whether this plan is stupid or not.

    My question is, should I just wait and cycle off everything before doing a higher dosage cycle?

    36 y/o
    220-230 lbs
    12-15% bf

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    The Dude Abides
    Quote Originally Posted by Firebird98 View Post
    Hi, I've been training natural for about 15 years but completely stopped training for the past 2 years. Decided to get back into it and run a high TRT dosage of Test E 110mg twice per week. Just to note my total test level before I started was 460. My plan was to not come off Test if I liked the increase in test levels. I would just cruise and blast a occasionally. I'm at week 8 now and planned to increase Test to 300 with some Deca at 150 to 200 for 12 weeks. Now I'm having second thoughts whether this plan is stupid or not.

    My question is, should I just wait and cycle off everything before doing a higher dosage cycle?

    36 y/o
    220-230 lbs
    12-15% bf
    So you plan to run deca for 4 weeks? That's not even enough time to notice it start working.

    What I'd suggest to you is to come off gear, go to one of those TRT clinics and get on it through them. Then you can worry about blasting and cruising. By the way, I wouldnt run a cycle at 220mg that's a waste of time and you shut down your endocrine system for marginal (if even that) gains.

  3. #3
    No the plan is to run Deca for 12 weeks.

    Essentially I'm just starting of with a cruise rather than go straight into a blast. Probably continue cruising after.

  4. #4
    I guess a better question would be is shutting myself down for 8 weeks vs 20 weeks vs longer significantly different? Does it become linearly more difficult to recover from the longer you are on gear?

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by Firebird98 View Post
    I guess a better question would be is shutting myself down for 8 weeks vs 20 weeks vs longer significantly different? Does it become linearly more difficult to recover from the longer you are on gear?
    A lot of factors go into answering your questions.

    Recovery has as much to do with what you ran during cycle as your pct drugs. 19nors? Probably going to need a bit longer to recover. Didn't use hcg while you were on? Probably going to need longer.

    How old are you? 460 test ain't awful if you are 50, but once you run 220mg test per week, you will probably never look back.

  6. #6
    Why not try one compound at a time, since you've been natural up until now.

    Do a test only cycle to see how your body reacts.

  7. #7
    I've been on test for 8 weeks at that dosage now and body has reacted good, no side effects and gained most of what lost back from the 2 years off. I'm 36 so 460 seems a bit low for my age but not crazy. I did plan on using HCG, didn't run it yet.

    Main reason I wanted to go with Deca I'm prone to MPB and want to avoid loosing my hair. The hair is eventually going but i was able to put a pause on that with treatment, I would like to push it off as long as I can (without stay away from this stuff).

    I mean is there any reason to not cruise? My test is going to keep getting lower from here.

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by Firebird98 View Post
    Main reason I wanted to go with Deca I'm prone to MPB and want to avoid loosing my hair. The hair is eventually going but i was able to put a pause on that with treatment, I would like to push it off as long as I can (without stay away from this stuff).

    I mean is there any reason to not cruise? My test is going to keep getting lower from here.
    Had you want to avoid accelerating hair loss, might want to consider (dramatically) reducing your (biologic) testosterone and focus more on the derivative/durabolin, jmho.

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by Firebird98 View Post
    I've been on test for 8 weeks at that dosage now and body has reacted good, no side effects and gained most of what lost back from the 2 years off. I'm 36 so 460 seems a bit low for my age but not crazy. I did plan on using HCG, didn't run it yet.

    Main reason I wanted to go with Deca I'm prone to MPB and want to avoid loosing my hair. The hair is eventually going but i was able to put a pause on that with treatment, I would like to push it off as long as I can (without stay away from this stuff).

    I mean is there any reason to not cruise? My test is going to keep getting lower from here.
    I like nandrolone a lot. Personally, what I would do is drop the test down to a TRT dose (or a little heavier of a dose than that) and let the nandrolone do the heavy lifting. It's pretty mild on the hairline, if you're NOT taking finasteride.

    But back to you 460 test level. It really doesn't matter, if it "seems" low. Different bodies respond differently to different test levels. Some people might be fine on half of what you produce, others might suffer from low test symptoms with a higher level than yours. Besides, total test really isn't that important. Free test (the unbounded test) is what matters.

    So as to whether or not you should be cruising. If you're looking to lift/bodybuild as a hobby, there is no good reason to be permanently fvuking your HPTA over by cruising. If you're a professional athlete or if you have a real chance in hell at being successful at competing, that's a different story (and at 36 and being away from training for 2 years, I doubt you're in this category).

    Now this is different than if you're experiencing low-test symptoms. In that case, I would consider doing TRT but only under medical supervision (plus you'd get access to pharma gear for it). And although most insurance companies won't pay for it, I don't know the details of your coverage (if you have it), maybe you could get it covered?

  10. #10
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    Just my experience and I’m no expert so take it for what it worth…

    My first “cycle” lasted like 2 years almost if I remember correctly. 18 months at least. Yup just checked my notes it was like 2 yrs long.

    Planned a standard 500mg test cycle 12 weeks. Fucking loved it. Got some EQ, DHB, Dbol. FUCKING LOVED THAT. Then Added really low dose Tren, mast, and finally Deca. IIRC but basically it was something like that.

    I never ran “high” doses.( most was like 1g total when I was on EQ and that dose was only for a matter of weeks). I basically cycled compounds in and out usually keeping low dose (10mg) dbol preworkout for a long time(thanks Gearhead! ��)

    In retrospect I wouldn’t change a thing cuz I was able to determine which compounds I really liked and didn’t over the course of like 2 years using reasonable doses and making gains. Gains were not linear though I’m sure. The longer it went on the less focused I was on BB as my life was getting complicated. So maybe I could have achieved better gains more linearly had I remained focused.

    Anyways long ass story short- Compound cycling even on my first cycle was great for me. But I had some really amamzing knowledgeable guys on this forum I could lean on for advice.

    I guess I’d say I wouldn’t tell you do to anything cuz I’m NO EXPERT lol but that was my experience. Hope that’s somewhat coherent and maybe helps a little bit! Good luck!

  11. #11
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    I would like to add though one thing. I was like 26-7 maybe when I did this cycle so like anything it’s easier to bounce back when younger. But I don’t see the point of coming off when you know your going to run another cycle(I assume lol). Why not keep doses reasonable and do your bloods and have ancillaries on hand(did get gyno from Deca fuck) to be prepared. It’s your health and it’s not a game. That being said as long as your dialed in on diet, training, bloods, etc then I don’t think it’s unreasonable at all to add in another compound or two or whatever but just be smart for your future ya know?

  12. #12
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    kelkel is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~ No Source Checks
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    Quote Originally Posted by Firebird98 View Post
    I guess a better question would be is shutting myself down for 8 weeks vs 20 weeks vs longer significantly different? Does it become linearly more difficult to recover from the longer you are on gear?
    No it does not.
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