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Starting my first cycle since 10yrs ago. Pre-cycle Bloodwork checked out and I’m ready to start. Bought what I could from my source and picked up 6 weeks of d-bol (15mg dosage) 12 weeks of test-450 (cyp/enan blend), 12 weeks worth of deca at 400mg/week. Plan on starting with d-bol and deca for for 6 weeks. After the 6weeks of both, I’ll drop the d-bol and stay on the deca for 6 more weeks and work in my pct. I was going to lay off for 8-10 weeks and then run a second cycle of the test-450 for 12 weeks and see if I like where I’m at. Can anyone critique my plan or dosage or offer a better cycle with what I have on hand? I’m trying to put on some serious mass and then lean out. I’m normally around 10-11% BF and currently weigh 197lb at 5’10”. I’m trying to get my hands on an A.I or SARM but currently not having any luck…