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Thread: First cycle back

  1. #1

    First cycle back

    Starting my first cycle since 10yrs ago. Pre-cycle Bloodwork checked out and I’m ready to start. Bought what I could from my source and picked up 6 weeks of d-bol (15mg dosage) 12 weeks of test-450 (cyp/enan blend), 12 weeks worth of deca at 400mg/week. Plan on starting with d-bol and deca for for 6 weeks. After the 6weeks of both, I’ll drop the d-bol and stay on the deca for 6 more weeks and work in my pct. I was going to lay off for 8-10 weeks and then run a second cycle of the test-450 for 12 weeks and see if I like where I’m at. Can anyone critique my plan or dosage or offer a better cycle with what I have on hand? I’m trying to put on some serious mass and then lean out. I’m normally around 10-11% BF and currently weigh 197lb at 5’10”. I’m trying to get my hands on an A.I or SARM but currently not having any luck…

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2018
    AKA "Nice Guy Cy"
    Quote Originally Posted by don2ie View Post
    Starting my first cycle since 10yrs ago. Pre-cycle Bloodwork checked out and I’m ready to start. Bought what I could from my source and picked up 6 weeks of d-bol (15mg dosage) 12 weeks of test-450 (cyp/enan blend), 12 weeks worth of deca at 400mg/week. Plan on starting with d-bol and deca for for 6 weeks. After the 6weeks of both, I’ll drop the d-bol and stay on the deca for 6 more weeks and work in my pct. I was going to lay off for 8-10 weeks and then run a second cycle of the test-450 for 12 weeks and see if I like where I’m at. Can anyone critique my plan or dosage or offer a better cycle with what I have on hand? I’m trying to put on some serious mass and then lean out. I’m normally around 10-11% BF and currently weigh 197lb at 5’10”. I’m trying to get my hands on an A.I or SARM but currently not having any luck…
    Some quick thoughts...

    10 years is a long time. Go peep the planning my first cycle sticky and give serious thought to following it.

    If you are opposed to test only, I would say pick either dbol or deca, not both. Dbol kickstart is tried and true. Dbol gets some shade thrown at it, but it does what it says it will. Sometimes people take it without understanding it completely and are disappointed. That's not dbols fault...

    Pick a goal and stick with it through the cycle. That is, either bulk OR cut, not both. Mixing goals like part of cycle is bulk, part cut, is well beyond what 99% of us will ever come close to needing.

    Do not cycle until you have everything on hand, including ai, hcg and serms. Much better to have it and not need it than need it and not have it.

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