Originally Posted by
Toxic Panda
Hey everyone! I was a member here a long long time ago and did a few cycles of Test-C, D-Bol, EQ, and Nolva in my hey day. I had really low Test and found out it was cancer and have since recovered but obviously lost just about every gain I ever made plus 15 years of aging. I was on TRT for a few years and the doctors had me on the standard 1CC 200MG/ML oil based Test C and I also tried the pellets (hated it.) I lost my insurance a few years ago and was off TRT and then moved over seas for 2 years. While overseas I was able to get Balkan Lab Test C 200MG/ML and currently have a box of it and a box of 1MG Anastrolex. Here is my question. I lost about 50lbs during this whole ordeal and am in the 125lbs range. I am not looking to be the way I was before (though I loved EQ) I just want to get feeling good again and putting muscle mass back on. Also these amps of Test are clear and not yellow like all the other Test I have taken prescribed or not. Should I go back to the 1CC, 1x week, for 12 weeks, with a taper for 6 weeks like I was doing while prescribed? Also how much Ana should I be taking? The solution the Test is in seems a lot less thicker would I be ok using thinner needles? Also I am an extremely thin framed guy and always used 1" needles. Could I get by using 5/8" 24-26G needles instead? I have a bit of scar tissue in my thighs so I wouldn't mind using smaller needles. Any help advice you can give me I'd appreciate it so much. My insurance kicks back in, in 6 months, and I didn't want to go through another 6 months of feeling lethargic and horrible so I was hoping I could get a quick cycle in to hold me over.
Thank you everyone!