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Thread: Hey Yall! Been a very long time need some advice! (Test-C)

  1. #1

    Question Hey Yall! Been a very long time need some advice! (Test-C)

    Hey everyone! I was a member here a long long time ago and did a few cycles of Test-C, D-Bol, EQ, and Nolva in my hey day. I had really low Test and found out it was cancer and have since recovered but obviously lost just about every gain I ever made plus 15 years of aging. I was on TRT for a few years and the doctors had me on the standard 1CC 200MG/ML oil based Test C and I also tried the pellets (hated it.) I lost my insurance a few years ago and was off TRT and then moved over seas for 2 years. While overseas I was able to get Balkan Lab Test C 200MG/ML and currently have a box of it and a box of 1MG Anastrolex. Here is my question. I lost about 50lbs during this whole ordeal and am in the 125lbs range. I am not looking to be the way I was before (though I loved EQ) I just want to get feeling good again and putting muscle mass back on. Also these amps of Test are clear and not yellow like all the other Test I have taken prescribed or not. Should I go back to the 1CC, 1x week, for 12 weeks, with a taper for 6 weeks like I was doing while prescribed? Also how much Ana should I be taking? The solution the Test is in seems a lot less thicker would I be ok using thinner needles? Also I am an extremely thin framed guy and always used 1" needles. Could I get by using 5/8" 24-26G needles instead? I have a bit of scar tissue in my thighs so I wouldn't mind using smaller needles. Any help advice you can give me I'd appreciate it so much. My insurance kicks back in, in 6 months, and I didn't want to go through another 6 months of feeling lethargic and horrible so I was hoping I could get a quick cycle in to hold me over.

    Thank you everyone!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2018
    AKA "Nice Guy Cy"
    Quote Originally Posted by Toxic Panda View Post
    Hey everyone! I was a member here a long long time ago and did a few cycles of Test-C, D-Bol, EQ, and Nolva in my hey day. I had really low Test and found out it was cancer and have since recovered but obviously lost just about every gain I ever made plus 15 years of aging. I was on TRT for a few years and the doctors had me on the standard 1CC 200MG/ML oil based Test C and I also tried the pellets (hated it.) I lost my insurance a few years ago and was off TRT and then moved over seas for 2 years. While overseas I was able to get Balkan Lab Test C 200MG/ML and currently have a box of it and a box of 1MG Anastrolex. Here is my question. I lost about 50lbs during this whole ordeal and am in the 125lbs range. I am not looking to be the way I was before (though I loved EQ) I just want to get feeling good again and putting muscle mass back on. Also these amps of Test are clear and not yellow like all the other Test I have taken prescribed or not. Should I go back to the 1CC, 1x week, for 12 weeks, with a taper for 6 weeks like I was doing while prescribed? Also how much Ana should I be taking? The solution the Test is in seems a lot less thicker would I be ok using thinner needles? Also I am an extremely thin framed guy and always used 1" needles. Could I get by using 5/8" 24-26G needles instead? I have a bit of scar tissue in my thighs so I wouldn't mind using smaller needles. Any help advice you can give me I'd appreciate it so much. My insurance kicks back in, in 6 months, and I didn't want to go through another 6 months of feeling lethargic and horrible so I was hoping I could get a quick cycle in to hold me over.

    Thank you everyone!
    Man, there is a lot to unpack there.

    Do you want to cycle or go back on trt? If trt, you could self administer until insurance kicks back in. If cycle, go peep the planning my first cycle sticky.

    AI should be reserved for those people that need it. That is, either total noobs or folks with a disposition towards negative estrogen sides. In other words, use it only when you have to, not preemptively.

    My recommend for TRT would be to start at 100mg per week, preferably in 2 injections. At that dose, and in the condition you say you are in, you shouldn't need an AI at all. I also recommend HCG, especially in this case because it's not clear what you are wanting. I use HCG on my trt, but plenty of people don't.

    If you go with that lower dose, you could inject subq, depending on carrier oil. I use GSO and up to .4ml at a time without problem. I like 27g 1/2" back filled insulin pins to inject.

    Depending on carrier oil and volume, you might be able to go to 28g or even 29g, but you need more to go on than "the oil seems thinner". The brand I use uses GSO, but MCT is apparently pretty well tolerated subq by most people, too. I think think think Balkan uses MCT, but did you see how many times I said "think"? Confirm this for yourself. Or just shoot it and see how it does.

  3. #3
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    If you want to avoid injecting into muscle you can do sub q, wherever you have most fat (around belly button or love handle area typically), but it sounds like you may not have much fat to work with. You can inject both sub q or intramuscular with a thin, short needle, like a 30 gauge 1/2" for example. With small volumes, it shouldn't be too bad. You can head up the syringe with test in it under warm/hot water for 30 seconds before injecting to make it flow smoother. Now, getting the test into the syringe I would not do with a 30 gauge needle. I would go 25-23 gauge for loading the syringe, then replace the needle with the smaller one for injection.

    Good luck and stay healthy.

  4. #4
    I wanted to get a cycle in to get a kick start on things. I've been back in the gym and my eating habits have been a lot better since I moved back to the states. As for an AI, when I was on TRT I only took half a pill of what I was given (Aromadex I think) and never had any issues. Even when I was using more gear I never really had any issues. I'm very very lean so if I did 50MG 2x a week would that be a small even amount to go Sub-Q? My goodness posting here again has flooded memories of me filling needles with C, EQ and just pumping it in like it was nothing. As for HGC its interesting you bring this up because the last cycle I did I was in the 170lbs area and pretty jacked and had purchased HCG and wanted to give it a shot but balked because I was a little nervous about (tried Tren and that was the beginning of the end of me experimenting with gear I wasn't familiar with.) Tren was horrid!

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    AKA "Nice Guy Cy"
    Quote Originally Posted by Toxic Panda View Post
    I wanted to get a cycle in to get a kick start on things. I've been back in the gym and my eating habits have been a lot better since I moved back to the states. As for an AI, when I was on TRT I only took half a pill of what I was given (Aromadex I think) and never had any issues. Even when I was using more gear I never really had any issues. I'm very very lean so if I did 50MG 2x a week would that be a small even amount to go Sub-Q? My goodness posting here again has flooded memories of me filling needles with C, EQ and just pumping it in like it was nothing. As for HGC its interesting you bring this up because the last cycle I did I was in the 170lbs area and pretty jacked and had purchased HCG and wanted to give it a shot but balked because I was a little nervous about (tried Tren and that was the beginning of the end of me experimenting with gear I wasn't familiar with.) Tren was horrid!
    Hcg should be the last thing to be nervous about. It is fairly unexceptional in its overt effects.

    Don't be nervous about hcg or pretty much any other compound now that you have tried tren lol! There is not much else like it, or at least so I'm told. I haven't and probably won't give it a go.

    50mg would be .25ml at 200mg per ml. I'm carrying around some body fat (20'ish percent or more) so I have all sorts of places to inject. I like the glute area and basically do a "twist grab and stab". That is, I twist my body to pinch skin on my right glute with my left hand then inject with the right hand. It's a little awkward but I have it down now. Anyhow, use the pinch technique if you want to try sub-q. You might see and feel a little puddle of oil under the skin for a bit, but I've never had it last longer than a day or two. Usually not noticeable in an hour or so.
    Last edited by Cylon357; 11-29-2022 at 09:06 PM.

  6. #6
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    Congrats on beating cancer, celebrate it.

    Pop rocks hurt more than Hcg. Slow and steady and I wouldn’t start an AI without symptoms or labs. The days of proactively starting an AI are over.


    Lots of good advice above

  7. #7
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    Pop rocks hurt more than Hcg.


    Now there's a correlation you hear every day........might be on the package insert!
    -*- NO SOURCE CHECKS -*-

  8. #8
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    lmao pop rocks.

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    Can you tell I have kids?! SMHL

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