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Thread: Test. Flu

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2010

    Test. Flu

    I know this gets posted quite often, I tried to view some of the previous threads but cannot find them.

    I have been using a trt dose of 125mg per week since my last cycle that ended in July. I have been on trt and cycling/blasting for ten years now so I am not new to this.

    About two weeks ago I decided I was ready for another blast. I started 500mg of test e and 500mg of deca per week with 50mg of dbol per day. A pretty basic cycle I’ve done multiple times.

    All week at work I felt myself moving slow, having to stop and catch my breath, and just needing to sit down, which is very unlike me. I feel weak/shaky, and just very unwell. I usually run low 98s for a temp and it has been 99.5 a couple of times. I did take a covid test just to rule that out. I just feel like absolute crap, my body is shaky, going up or down stairs my legs shake, and I’m winded.

    I can only assume this is test flu?? I find it very odd that this would randomly happen to me now after all these years. I am even using the same brand I always use (Balkan). How do you go about handling this? Just hope that it passes? Or should I stop injections for a week or two until I feel better and then try to start again?

  2. #2
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    Hard to say, I been sickly like feeling in/out

    “Could” be the serious bump in gear - or, anything else

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2018
    Are you checking your blood pressure? All that gear aromatizes like a mf, so wouldn't be surprised if your estrogen is high and you're holding water.

  4. #4
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    Sorry I forgot to mention my blood pressure is perfect. I honestly never hold much water. I feel a little bit better so far today but I’m still a little concerned… just the constant shakiness and feeling unwell. Maybe I’m just getting old and can’t tolerate gear like I used to… I don’t know. But again, I ran almost this exact cycle just this spring and I was 100% fine.

    A lot of people at work have mentioned they are feeling “off” too but I take that with a grain of salt as some of them are just plain lazy lol who knows…. Maybe a Covid 22 pandemic is starting lol

  5. #5
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    I thought “test flu” was only for first timers I could be wrong I know I never experienced it anymore after the first couple cycles. Have you had pre blast bloods done?

  6. #6
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    I haven’t had blood work done in quite some time. I’m probably due to donate some blood too. I actually felt this way before two years ago… I started a cycle in December. I was using test e, tren e, and masterone. I felt this way for about 3-4 weeks before I gave up on the cycle and saw a doctor who tested me for everything (Covid, strep, flu) and did some bloodwork. Everything came back fine, my white cell count was high and a couple other things that made it clear my body was fighting off something. He just put me on some heavy antibiotics and I was fine in a week or so. Not sure if it was the antibiotics or stopping the cycle that helped. It wasn’t my first run with tren but it was my first time using Val’s injectables… I thought maybe the oils or something he was using didn’t agree with my body but who knows.

    I’m just a little freaked out to be feeling these same symptoms again as that was the worst I’ve ever felt in my life… and it lasted weeks. It was so bad I really thought I would have to end my life because I didn’t know what was causing it and it just wouldn’t go away. I don’t want to feel that way ever again.

  7. #7
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    In the last few days I started getting horrid headaches. Just got over whatever the fuck illness we all had - took a COVId test, it came back negative

    Only thing I’m on is 50mg of dBol on top of my usual shit. I’m popping 800mg ibuprofen’s like pez. It sucks, cause I’m not even supposed to use ibuprofen. Today I did half ibuprofen, half Tylenol - I felt fine when I woke up & went to the gym

    “Something’s going around” - gawd, I hate that statement. But, it feels like it

  8. #8
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    Oct 2010
    I do feel a little better today but definitely concerned as last time I had these symptoms I was in a world of sh*t. I was going to skip tonight’s injection and haven’t taken any dbol today but I think I’m just gonna keep pressing on and hope for the best.

    Last week was definitely a rough week… I wasn’t myself at work… I never have to sit down and take breaks… I usually can crank out work pretty good but it was like I was stuck in slow motion and it sucks because lack of productivity hurts my paycheck.

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by yeahbuddy289 View Post
    I usually can crank out work pretty good but it was like I was stuck in slow motion and it sucks because lack of productivity hurts my paycheck.
    Who you tellin, we just got this beast on the rack - I had another one to pick up today & felt like crap. I’m like, I rather not - not today. I just straight passed out & fell asleep. Just woke up from a mid day 2+ hour nap - wtf, I never do that shit

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    Not much we don’t do

  10. #10
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    Stupid double post - I was trying to edit the last one

    Anyway, now you got me thinking maybe it’s the gear - since I been off for two months & just cranked that shit after getting over being sick

    It’s not much compared to my old usual doses, but - who knows

    Especially all this heartburn from my orals
    Last edited by < <Samson> >; 12-18-2022 at 02:41 PM.

  11. #11
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    Oct 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by < <Samson> > View Post
    Who you tellin, we just got this beast on the rack - I had another one to pick up today & felt like crap. I’m like, I rather not - not today. I just straight passed out & fell asleep. Just woke up from a mid day 2+ hour nap - wtf, I never do that shit

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    Not much we don’t do
    Man what a mess!! That right there will give you a headache for sure haha.

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by yeahbuddy289 View Post
    Man what a mess!! That right there will give you a headache for sure haha.
    Thank u Jesus for Mexican labor - I only get em, inspect em & get the parts. Getting all the parts was a bitch to go.

    I pull em all tho now myself Click image for larger version. 

Name:	E4C80CAD-7A9A-42E3-A0AA-CC332F8FBD58.jpg 
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    Last edited by < <Samson> >; 12-18-2022 at 04:35 PM.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Oct 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by < <Samson> > View Post
    Thank u Jesus for Mexican labor - I only get em, inspect em & get the parts. Getting all the parts was a bitch to go.

    I pull em all tho now myself Click image for larger version. 

Name:	E4C80CAD-7A9A-42E3-A0AA-CC332F8FBD58.jpg 
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ID:	182259
    Nice little tow rig you got there… judging by the side badge looks like it’s an 04 or older that has the 05+ front clip on it… and those 08+ mirrors are the best mirrors as far as functionality goes.

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by yeahbuddy289 View Post
    Nice little tow rig you got there… judging by the side badge looks like it’s an 04 or older that has the 05+ front clip on it… and those 08+ mirrors are the best mirrors as far as functionality goes.

    2000 with almost 600k on a true US made International 7.3 long block. I still dump a full tune on her when I have to move quick.

    Right now I just use it to haul our own cars around - but, who knows where shit will go here shortly.

    Hope u feeling better man

  15. #15
    Join Date
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    The Dude Abides
    I wouldn't stop taking your dose. It sounds like you probably just caught that bug that's been going around. Regardless of if it's "test flu" or real flu, in a few days it'll be over with and you'll be fine.

  16. #16
    Quote Originally Posted by < <Samson> > View Post

    In the last few days I started getting horrid headaches. Just got over whatever the fuck illness we all had - took a COVId test, it came back negative

    Only thing I’m on is 50mg of dBol on top of my usual shit. I’m popping 800mg ibuprofen’s like pez. It sucks, cause I’m not even supposed to use ibuprofen. Today I did half ibuprofen, half Tylenol - I felt fine when I woke up & went to the gym

    “Something’s going around” - gawd, I hate that statement. But, it feels like it
    If you can find duexis cheap, its safer than regular ibuprofen. It has famotidine in it so its safer for your stomach. I got them from the Dr who did my rotator cuff surgery. You can take 4 a day I think....800mg each.

  17. #17
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    I felt a lot better yesterday and seemed ok at work today, and had a decent workout this morning. I hope to god whatever it was has passed and I won’t be dealing with it for weeks like last time.

  18. #18
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    AKA "Nice Guy Cy"
    Quote Originally Posted by yeahbuddy289 View Post
    I felt a lot better yesterday and seemed ok at work today, and had a decent workout this morning. I hope to god whatever it was has passed and I won’t be dealing with it for weeks like last time.
    You know, we are so hyper-sensitive to our bodies that we sometimes freak out over stuff that really isn't anything lol! Well, at least I know I have done that a time or two...

  19. #19
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    Back at the rack today - I finally felt aight too. . . My dude snapped a link and went through the radiator.

    Hope your days go smoother than this

    Took a another day off at the gym tho

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  20. #20
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    Oct 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by < <Samson> > View Post
    Back at the rack today - I finally felt aight too. . . My dude snapped a link and went through the radiator.

    Hope your days go smoother than this

    Took a another day off at the gym tho

    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	image0(6).jpg 
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ID:	182261

    None of that body work for me!! I do everything bumper to bumper but no body work, thank god lol

  21. #21
    Join Date
    Oct 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by Cylon357 View Post
    You know, we are so hyper-sensitive to our bodies that we sometimes freak out over stuff that really isn't anything lol! Well, at least I know I have done that a time or two...

    I was definitely freaked out… last time I felt these symptoms it was one of the worst things I’ve had to go through. Hopefully we’re all good though!

  22. #22
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    Oct 2010
    Ok boys a little update on this… Monday December 19th I went to bed at 8pm, woke up at 11pm coughing uncontrollably, I finally managed to get back to sleep after a couple hours but woke up in the morning with a cough and an extremely sore throat. I honestly thought it was from acid reflux (I had a small bowl of pasta with red sauce and a shake right before bed that night), even though I am on medication for it and haven’t had an issues. But, I have had this extremely sore throat from that day and it hasn’t gone away so I would say it wasn’t caused by reflux.

    This is probably the worst sore throat I have ever had. My voice is terrible, I do still have a cough and I can’t push too hard in the gym because I’ll just start coughing. My temperature is normal sometimes, but mostly seems to be 99.5-100.5. I do have some nasty colorful snot that started coming out these past couple days, and I just feel awful- completely run down and weak.

    I did a telehealth appointment Tuesday (which is a joke) but I was prescribed some antibiotics for possible strep throat. It’s been 5 days and they don’t seem to be helping.

    I find it so hard to believe aas can cause a sore throat… I would buy it causing fatigue and a general unwell feeling but a sore throat as well??? And its not like I went from nothing to a full blown cycle, I’ve been injecting testosterone (same brand) for years. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve ran this exact cycle without an issue. This is just blowing my mind. I dropped the dbol over a week ago and I’m about to just drop everything all together if this is what is really causing this.

    Maybe I’m just getting old at 33 and my body can’t do it anymore. It really sucks but my thought was to just skip injections for the next week or two, wait until I feel better, and then very slowly try to ramp back up to my current dose. And if that doesn’t work, maybe it’s time I hang it up..

  23. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by yeahbuddy289 View Post
    Ok boys a little update on this… Monday December 19th I went to bed at 8pm, woke up at 11pm coughing uncontrollably, I finally managed to get back to sleep after a couple hours but woke up in the morning with a cough and an extremely sore throat. I honestly thought it was from acid reflux (I had a small bowl of pasta with red sauce and a shake right before bed that night), even though I am on medication for it and haven’t had an issues. But, I have had this extremely sore throat from that day and it hasn’t gone away so I would say it wasn’t caused by reflux.

    This is probably the worst sore throat I have ever had. My voice is terrible, I do still have a cough and I can’t push too hard in the gym because I’ll just start coughing. My temperature is normal sometimes, but mostly seems to be 99.5-100.5. I do have some nasty colorful snot that started coming out these past couple days, and I just feel awful- completely run down and weak.

    I did a telehealth appointment Tuesday (which is a joke) but I was prescribed some antibiotics for possible strep throat. It’s been 5 days and they don’t seem to be helping.

    I find it so hard to believe aas can cause a sore throat… I would buy it causing fatigue and a general unwell feeling but a sore throat as well??? And its not like I went from nothing to a full blown cycle, I’ve been injecting testosterone (same brand) for years. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve ran this exact cycle without an issue. This is just blowing my mind. I dropped the dbol over a week ago and I’m about to just drop everything all together if this is what is really causing this.

    Maybe I’m just getting old at 33 and my body can’t do it anymore. It really sucks but my thought was to just skip injections for the next week or two, wait until I feel better, and then very slowly try to ramp back up to my current dose. And if that doesn’t work, maybe it’s time I hang it up..

    You either have a viral or bacterial respiratory infection I don’t think Testosterone is the culprit here. Starting the cycle may have weakened your immune system for a short time but not likely. Take some time off, rest and heal up. Try it again in 4-6 weeks

  24. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cuz View Post
    You either have a viral or bacterial respiratory infection I don’t think Testosterone is the culprit here. Starting the cycle may have weakened your immune system for a short time but not likely. Take some time off, rest and heal up. Try it again in 4-6 weeks
    I’m really hoping that is the case…. I know there’s a lot of nasty stuff going around but damn it’s been about 3 weeks of feeling like garbage… would have thought if it was viral it would have passed by now, and if it was bacterial it would be much better 5 days in on antibiotics.

  25. #25
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    You’re 33?! Fuck - I feel old

    Take it easy & listen to your body. Who knows wtf is in the air. From what you’re experiencing, it doesn’t sound so good - but, I agree - I’d pull the roids aside from super low dose test

    GL man

  26. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by < <Samson> > View Post
    You’re 33?! Fuck - I feel old

    Take it easy & listen to your body. Who knows wtf is in the air. From what you’re experiencing, it doesn’t sound so good - but, I agree - I’d pull the roids aside from super low dose test

    GL man
    33 going on 65 haha. Having these kids has aged me considerably. I used to be able to come home from work and decompress, now it’s almost better to be at work than at home lol After a full weekend at home I feel like I’ve worked a 60 hour week lol And my wife is a saint who does most of the work with the kids, I just take care of everything else around the house lol.

    I skipped my injection tonight and will probably not inject again for a couple of weeks just to let everything come back down a little until I’m feeling better. This has been absolute hell. I almost can’t remember what it’s like to speak or take a drink without having an insane amount of throat pain lol. Or just plain old not wanting to talk to anyone because you sound like death and don’t want to freak them out lol.

  27. #27
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    Smart move putting on the breaks for now till you start feeling better. A cycle is not even worth it imo if you feel like shit the whole time, no matter the cause.

  28. #28
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    Quote Originally Posted by yeahbuddy289 View Post
    I’m really hoping that is the case…. I know there’s a lot of nasty stuff going around but damn it’s been about 3 weeks of feeling like garbage… would have thought if it was viral it would have passed by now, and if it was bacterial it would be much better 5 days in on antibiotics.
    You probably had a weakened immune system from catching a virus (that initially made you ill) and then a week or so later you got sick again with this RSV shit that I can attest to is fvuking nasty. I still have a cough weeks after it.

    Best thing you can do is get rest, food and water.

  29. #29
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    Yeah at this point it would be a waste of gear to keep injecting… hopefully I can clear this in a couple more weeks and then start ramping things back up again.

  30. #30
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    Quote Originally Posted by yeahbuddy289 View Post
    Yeah at this point it would be a waste of gear to keep injecting… hopefully I can clear this in a couple more weeks and then start ramping things back up again.
    Do you have a humidifier? If not, get one. Sleep with that fvuker on, it'll make a night and day difference.

  31. #31
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    Quote Originally Posted by yeahbuddy289 View Post
    I know this gets posted quite often, I tried to view some of the previous threads but cannot find them.

    I have been using a trt dose of 125mg per week since my last cycle that ended in July. I have been on trt and cycling/blasting for ten years now so I am not new to this.

    About two weeks ago I decided I was ready for another blast. I started 500mg of test e and 500mg of deca per week with 50mg of dbol per day. A pretty basic cycle I’ve done multiple times.

    All week at work I felt myself moving slow, having to stop and catch my breath, and just needing to sit down, which is very unlike me. I feel weak/shaky, and just very unwell. I usually run low 98s for a temp and it has been 99.5 a couple of times. I did take a covid test just to rule that out. I just feel like absolute crap, my body is shaky, going up or down stairs my legs shake, and I’m winded.

    I can only assume this is test flu?? I find it very odd that this would randomly happen to me now after all these years. I am even using the same brand I always use (Balkan). How do you go about handling this? Just hope that it passes? Or should I stop injections for a week or two until I feel better and then try to start again?
    Listen very closely there is a bad shipment of raws coming out of China for test e

    It's making people sick and it comes with severe post injection pain.

    I just lost some of the fucking best friends I ever had over this. I endorsed a source that knowingly sent out shit test e.

    I'm not a liar brother you know me I've known you for fucking years.
    Stay the fuck away from test e if it comes from China.

  32. #32
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    It does literally feel like you have the flu from what guys have told me but it's not test flu it's just shit raws.

    I'm so fucking done with people I can't describe it.
    This whole fucking world is going to hell fucking fast.

    I'm a batshit motherfucker and everyone knows it but I'm sick of people making excuses and fucking people over.
    I'm tired of people making excuses for people making excuses to fuck people over.

    Like I said if it's pharma disregard everything I just said but stay away from Chinese testosterone enantate raws.

    I got nothing bad to say about any of the other raws coming out of China

  33. #33
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    I was actually using some of his test e from a couple of years ago and was getting bad knots even with .2 ml sub q. The primo was really bad, too. So was DHB. I just stuck with the same supply and haven’t tried anything else since. It’s the same old story with UGLs. They start off with great product, get popular, can’t keep up with demand, then the quality goes down. I don’t want to generalize across all products, though, as I’m sure it’s a tough business to be in. Last time I ran the primo I couldn’t even finish a bottle cause the pip was so bad. Test C seemed fine.

  34. #34
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    Quote Originally Posted by yeahbuddy289 View Post
    Yeah at this point it would be a waste of gear to keep injecting… hopefully I can clear this in a couple more weeks and then start ramping things back up again.
    Ugl or pharma?

  35. #35
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    Quote Originally Posted by Honkey_Kong View Post
    Do you have a humidifier? If not, get one. Sleep with that fvuker on, it'll make a night and day difference.
    Yeah we do… definitely need to get that going again, it’s that time of year unfortunately.

  36. #36
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    Quote Originally Posted by Obs View Post
    Listen very closely there is a bad shipment of raws coming out of China for test e

    It's making people sick and it comes with severe post injection pain.

    I just lost some of the fucking best friends I ever had over this. I endorsed a source that knowingly sent out shit test e.

    I'm not a liar brother you know me I've known you for fucking years.
    Stay the fuck away from test e if it comes from China.
    I am using Balkan at the moment, are you referring to products from Val?

  37. #37
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cuz View Post
    Ugl or pharma?
    I’m using Balkan.

  38. #38
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    Shit, at this point I’m good with my one son. Lol

    Shitty to hear about raws being the cause. Shit, this prescribed trt thing might not be so bad after all - I just want her to double my dose. Fuck a 1ml 200mg vial every other week - one a week b solid

    Shit, GL man

  39. #39
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    Quote Originally Posted by < <Samson> > View Post
    Shit, at this point I’m good with my one son. Lol

    Shitty to hear about raws being the cause. Shit, this prescribed trt thing might not be so bad after all - I just want her to double my dose. Fuck a 1ml 200mg vial every other week - one a week b solid

    Shit, GL man
    I don’t think there is an issue with the gear I’m using, think obs was referring to a different source.

  40. #40
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    Quote Originally Posted by yeahbuddy289 View Post
    I don’t think there is an issue with the gear I’m using, think obs was referring to a different source.
    Yah but just about damn near all raws come from China something like 97% or so the only other place i know is Ukraine and its a shitstorm now im sure theres others also but a could chance your test e could be shit. Whether it is or not better jst to drop the cycle and see what happens. Think you said you’re on trt right self prescribed or dr?

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