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Thread: Appetite gone. Any suggestions?

  1. #1

    Appetite gone. Any suggestions?

    So just bumped my TRT to 375mg/wk. I’m currently about 2 weeks in to it. I also added anavar 25mg sublingual before workouts as a pre workout.

    My appetite seems to be a lot lower lately. The obvious answer is probably drop the oral. However, wondering if anyone else has any suggestions. I do like what I have seen so far as a pre workout.

    I don’t remember having this effect with dbol. That’s why I am asking if anavar is known for suppressing appetite and what other options might be worth considering.

  2. #2
    Didn't suppress my appetite at all, but I didn't run it with anything else. Just 75mg a day for 12 weeks two different cycles. Well other than my dr prescribed dose of trt.

  3. #3
    Never tried var myself but have read it suppresses for some people.
    Personally I wouldnt drop it if its helping with pre workout.
    Just like anything else that suppresses appetite,stuff yourself with calorie dense nutritional foods.
    I have a shit appetite regardless and still manage to get the calories in.
    That and of course heavy deads and squats get my appetite up too.

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    La Cocina
    Could definitely be the Var, it happens sometimes with me…shit Dbol does it too though.

    Could try taking some GHRP 6 or even 2, could try MK-677 too (something to hit gherlin)

    Not taking any stimulants or other PWO?

    Consistently eating when I first get up helps spike my metabolism and increases my appetite during the day. allows me to start eating earlier in the day too akd get more food in.

    Other option is taking some gummies and see if you can get the munchies rolling, I love them on a bulk.

    If bloat between meals is getting to you they make digestive enzymes that really help, Kel turned me on to those and they really help after big meals in particular.

    That’s all I got

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    When I struggle to eat I just remember that video of Cbum saying “don't be a little bitch and eat your meals”.

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    The Dude Abides
    I would consider trying some CBD supplements to help calm the CNS and stomach.

    Also I don't know of anything that will work towards this, but the hormone leptin does diminish appetite. It would make sense to suppress that hormone. In fact something that could suppress leptin would work well with what S&D suggested.

  7. #7
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    Up your test? Why 375 a week? Thats not trt my friend
    Try mk677. Do some heavy squats leg days give me an appetite increase.
    OR like you say drop the var you shouldnt be trying to bulk on var anyway its a cosmetic drug I mean you can sure but why when theres better options If none of that sounds appealing to you you can always make about 1000 cal shake and drink before bed. Force feeding sucks but sometimes theres no other option

  8. #8
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    On any roids I’m always hungry af - when I came is when my appetite really dropped

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    The Dude Abides
    Maybe eating shit you like might help? It's a lot easier to eat a ribeye than it is a bowl of lentils. Maybe use chicken broth instead of water when you make your rice? Put some real butter on whatever you're eating? Gravy and BBQ sauce can be your best friend too

    And if the thought of food is making you feel nauseous, try taking some Zofrans for a few days before you eat.

  10. #10
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    Oct 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by supersafado View Post
    what other options might be worth considering.
    Having just scanned through the majority of austenite's library for another reason I can tell you apparently methylcobalamin makes you super hungry. Disclaimer: I have no personal experience with this.

  11. #11
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    Vitamin B12 can actually suppress the appetite…
    Where’d you read that?

  12. #12
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by SampsonandDelilah View Post
    Vitamin B12 can actually suppress the appetite…
    Where’d you read that?
    Helps last I checked

  13. #13
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    Oct 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by SampsonandDelilah View Post
    Vitamin B12 can actually suppress the appetite…
    Where’d you read that?

  14. #14
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by RewardingLabor View Post
    I’d take it with a grain of salt…many “wellness centers” are using B12 injections as part of a weight loss regimen, as there’s data to support B12 use as helping to control appetite suppression. I’d need to read more into it, but it’s worth looking into. I know the TRT place I go to promotes it which is why I brought it up.

    “Data” changes all the time in this game and could also be dose dependent…I think it warrants further reading before I started jamming B12 bone my pie hole with the hopes of it making me hungry. I still think the gherlin receptors are where you should be focusing. I can tell you that GHRP-6, will make me eat a bag of rocks like my life depended on it.


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