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Thread: Had test flu for a whole year please help

  1. #1

    Had test flu for a whole year please help

    This will be long there’s a lot to dissect here I’ll get right to it. I previously ran test, deca, tren, and maybe a few other things when I was in high school (very stupid in hindsight). I don’t remember the exact dosages, but I don’t think it was much. I only remember pinning like 1 ml once a week, and I felt perfectly fine. I had no problems using it in high school.

    Fast forward to September 11th, 2021, I took a shot of test enanthate and did 600 mg about 2 ml a week. It was concentrated at 300 mg per ml. I did that until November 1st, 2021 when I threw in 400 mg of deca. Now using 600 mg of test and 400 mg of deca in total, this is where the problem started to set in. I started getting sick super often with a red sore throat, coughing, and headaches Hot flashes, feeling hot when the temperature is cold, fatigue it did not seem to happen after my pin, it seemed like it was random. I was pinning Monday and Thursday; there didn’t seem to be a correlation between when I pinned and when I got sick.

    before my pin on September 11th, 2021 It would only take me a day or two to shake off being sick, and I was very rarely sick, maybe 4 times a year. About 6 weeks after my first pin on September 11 2021, I slowly started to get sick more and more frequently. It started as maybe being sick for 4 days then I’d feel fine for a while, but after I threw in the deca on November 1st, 2021, it was a dramatic change. I was constantly missing work, and having to call in for a whole week at least every month.

    This continued until February 9th, 2022, when I had to have surgery for a tonsillectomy because when I would get sick, my tonsils would be so inflamed that it made it hard to breathe. I was hopeful my tonsils were the problem they were not. I did not pin a week before my surgery on February 9Th 2022 and did not pin again untill about March 15th of 2022 I went right back to pinning 600 mg of testosterone from the Xt labs this was the brand of test and deca I started using in September 2021 I was still not feeling well the carrier oil I believe was Arachis oil I continued to use pretty high amounts of testosterone from Xt labs for about 3 months.

    then I switched to a different lab using MCT oil there were some weeks I felt good some weeks I felt like shit still getting sick pretty frequently but not as bad as on the test and Deca cycle fast forward to November 2022 I started to get sick a lot again just like the previous test and Deca cycle nothing had changed I was using the same labs using the MCT oil I dropped my dose down to 100mg a week in November and I’m still feeling really shitty getting sick all the time and taking forever to recover never even feeling like I fully recover.

    Now I will mention that I had periodically used the Aburaihan Test enanthate ampules at 500 mg a week, and I don’t know if it’s a coincidence, but I felt a little better using the Iranian Test compared to the XT Labs and MCT Oil brand, but far from 100% and far from my previous self before this started on September 11th, 2021. I’m contemplating doing a PCT just to end this nightmare, but I love bodybuilding so much that I refuse to give up. I had my CRP checked last week and it was 18.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2018
    AKA "Nice Guy Cy"
    Maybe if you open another thread on the same topic, it will go away.

    Seriously, it makes you look like a troll when you open multiple threads on the same topic.

    Also, your definition of "get right to it" maybe needs some work, with six paragraphs of words.

    Recommendation: stick to your one thread where you are getting real responses. Elaborate there.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2018
    Quote Originally Posted by Cylon357 View Post
    Maybe if you open another thread on the same topic, it will go away.

    Seriously, it makes you look like a troll when you open multiple threads on the same topic.

    Also, your definition of "get right to it" maybe needs some work, with six paragraphs of words.

    Recommendation: stick to your one thread where you are getting real responses. Elaborate there.
    lol had same thoughts

  4. #4
    I just can’t make you guys happy, first you say that my grammar is horrible, so I rewrote the post as best as I could with as much info as I could so I could get some help. I’m not trolling. I’m trying my best but so far all I’ve gotten is hate thanks guys

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by GetSum22's View Post
    I just can’t make you guys happy, first you say that my grammar is horrible, so I rewrote the post as best as I could with as much info as I could so I could get some help. I’m not trolling. I’m trying my best but so far all I’ve gotten is hate thanks guys
    I just said your one long 300 word run on sentence was hard to read in order for others to help you. That didn't warrant 2 or 3 other new threads for the same topic/question. You could have edited your original post.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Nov 2018
    AKA "Nice Guy Cy"
    Quote Originally Posted by GetSum22's View Post
    I just can’t make you guys happy, first you say that my grammar is horrible, so I rewrote the post as best as I could with as much info as I could so I could get some help. I’m not trolling. I’m trying my best but so far all I’ve gotten is hate thanks guys
    I think what you meant to say was: "you're right, I'm freaking out here and not sure what to do. Can somebody help me, please?"

    It has already been suggested that you stop taking the test to see if that helps. That recommendation means "all non prescribed drugs".

    An alternate suggestion would be to switch gear to a well known, safe brand. I see that you already tried that and had some success. Get your hands on some legit pharma grade test, maybe in GSO and give that a try.

    Another possibility is some other underlying, completely unrelated condition. Nobody here can diagnose that.

    And for fucks sake, quit cycling. Drop to a real TRT dose for a bit - several months.

    Also be advised that some people's bodies just don't respond well to "foreign bodies" even in the form of injectable oil based testosterone. Topicals work for a lot of folks, it might be something to look at.

    Another fact is that estrogen plays a huge role in the male system, including the immune system. Are you blasting test and then bottoming out your estrogen with an AI by chance?

  7. #7
    I apologize for that man I’m sorry I’m not trying to be hard to get along with I am just desperate for advice brother

  8. #8
    Yes you are right I’m sorry man. I’ve been on the 100mg for a while now almost a month. Do you think I should wait till the rest of the test clears my system or just drop it all now? Also no I had my blood work done a few weeks ago and my estrogen was 53 I belive the unit was ngpdl so not crazy high nips are a bit itchy and swollen. What is GSO?

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Nov 2018
    AKA "Nice Guy Cy"
    Quote Originally Posted by GetSum22's View Post
    Yes you are right I’m sorry man. I’ve been on the 100mg for a while now almost a month. Do you think I should wait till the rest of the test clears my system or just drop it all now? Also no I had my blood work done a few weeks ago and my estrogen was 53 I belive the unit was ngpdl so not crazy high nips are a bit itchy and swollen. What is GSO?
    GSO = Grape Seed Oil. It is among the better tolerated carrier oils.

    If I were in your shoes, I would do the following:

    Get blood work. Either order it yourself or work with a doc to get what you need. TBH, I would not pull everything now, just a few things like CBC, CMP, Lipids, maybe thyroid. Reason being, you know your hormones are out of whack right now. But, there could be something else those tests would show.

    I TRT, so I would just drop to 100mg per week of C or E and run that for about two months to let all other drugs clear the system.

    Get with a doctor ASAP. How much you tell them is a big question... If you have a doc you trust like you trust your brother, then lay it all out. BTW, it's ok to just say "I have used steroids recently", not provide as much detail as you have here. Most docs won't know nandrolone from narnia, so no need to go into all of that. If you don't trust your doc... man, that's a tough one. "B-12 injections" is usually used as a cover for AAS use. Like "I've been doing these B-12 injections and they make me feel bad. Maybe they are bad or contaminated or ??" This is tough.

    Show the doc your blood work if they aren't the ones that ordered it. You are working with them to determine if there is some other un-diagnosed condition or something that needs immediate attention.

    After that two month time frame of running just TRT, re-pull bloods. All the ones above, plus get your hormones now, too. Total and Free T, Estradiol sensitive, DHT (maybe)... that will probably be enough.

    And I'm being absolutely serious here, but only you can know if it could be an issue: get an HIV test. Compromised immune systems can come from AAS use, if we aren't careful, but there are other causes, too. HIV is not the death sentence it once was, so if somehow that's the issue, better to know and address it sooner than later.

    And here is a bonus, but might be the best bit of advice I have ever received: quit worrying. Think like a dog. That is, live in the now. Don't dwell on what might happen. Worry leads to stress, and stress is a killer for damn sure. Live in the moment. If you feel bad right now, just feel bad RIGHT NOW. When you feel better, and you will, feel better RIGHT NOW, don't worry about when you will feel bad again. Easy to say, tough to do, but do it anyhow.

  10. #10
    That’s good advice thank you man, I had some bloods down a few weeks ago I can link them

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Nov 2018
    AKA "Nice Guy Cy"
    Quote Originally Posted by GetSum22's View Post
    That’s good advice thank you man, I had some bloods down a few weeks ago I can link them
    OK, that is helpful. The only thing I see that concerns me is the C-Reactive Protein... TBH, I'm not real familiar with that, but it seems to be a marker of inflammation, likely other things too.

    Chill for a bit on a TRT dose, with some good clean gear, take it easier (work and gym), and work with a doc.

    The inflammation could be high from icky gear or working too hard or beating your body to death in the gym, I don't really know, I'm not a doc.

    TBH, I was expecting your numbers to be all screwed up, I say it is a good sign that they aren't totally boned.

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