01-04-2023, 05:11 AM #1
Cycle Check Plz
Hey Bros
Can someone check me here
I'm starting a cycle after 6 months training hard
37 yrs old now FFS
Took a break from gym and cycles for 4 years now had a kid
My diet is in check routine in check 7 months back now heavy at the gym so i think im ready again
Please let me know what u think and what u think needs changing
12 Week
Test Enanthate 250
Tren Enanthate 200
½ ml twice week of each 450mg week (This enough?)
Arimidex 0.25 EOD
2 weeks after last pin
1000 EOD 8 days
500 EOD 6 days
250 EOD 4 days
1 week after hcg starts
Week 1 40mg daily
Week 2 40mg daily
Week 3 20mg daiky
Week 4 20mg daily
Week 1 50mg daily
Week 2 50mg daily
Week 3 25mg daily
Week 4 25mg daily
Appreciate any feedback
01-04-2023, 07:04 AM #2
So what do you hope to accomplish with a TRT dose of test and a relatively low dose of tren ?
If I were you, I'd go train without gear for another 6 months to a year and then get bloodwork done. Pending a clean bill of health, then consider a 400-500mg test E or C per week only.
Mind you you've been off of gear and training for 4 years. I'm sure you've lost most if not all of your gains during that time and you've only been back for 7 months.
But it's your life so whatever. Have fun with that.
OP peep this link: https://forums.steroid.com/anabolic-...rst-cycle.html
Yes, I know you have cycled before, but the plan you have laid out does not look good. HCG use in PCT is generally discouraged, your doses are kind of low, pre-emptive use of AI, and hopping right on the tren train... all these things without some important fundamentals. Go read the first post of that link. Maybe do that cycle, keeping in mind that it is designed to be idiot proof.
01-04-2023, 08:18 AM #4
Ive actually done that cycle before and it was great but i didnt do the hcg so ill incorporate it while on this time, i was under the impression it would kick start the boys after cycle didn't know it could be done while on so thanks for that
Interested to hear your thoughts about the Tren ?
I want to add something extra this time round so leaned more toward tren but can change to something more suited if need
What is your goal? That should drive the choice of compounds. It is perfectly acceptable to just be like "well, I want to try this particular compound", but it still helps to know where you want to be at the end of cycle. Some compounds make more sense than others at times.
01-04-2023, 11:07 AM #6
What are you hoping to accomplish with this cycle you're thinking about running? And why would you want to run something extra, when you haven't used steroids in the 4 years you were not lifting nor were you in the 7 months since you've returned to it?
But yeah, if you haven't ran gear in over 4 years, a test-only cycle will give you a lot of gains and will give you room to make big gains from other compounds in future cycles.
01-08-2023, 05:30 PM #7
Through the years I have seen this a lot guys out of the gym for yrs and want instant results.Well they don't think of how it will hurt their legaments and tendons lifting the weights AAS lets you do.Not a good idea especally with tren .
01-09-2023, 12:37 AM #8
01-09-2023, 02:46 PM #9
Depending on what your goals are I’d say that dose of Tren is really good. I ran it at a low dose of like 100-150mg/week iirc something like that. And I liked it. Strength was incredible but no real Tren sides.
Maybe increase test dose and lower Tren? Maybe like 400 test and 100 Tren. Something along those lines.
Agree that you don’t need to start AI unless you need it due to side effects.
01-15-2023, 03:00 AM #10
Taking Advise dropping the Tren never taken it before and also reading alot into could make me feel pretty shit so ill leave it for later cycles
Thoughts on adding Primo 200 - 400 mg week ?
Anyone had any experience with BPC 157 ?
Also Brands i can get hold of right now are
UPA & EU Pharma
which should I go for ?
Seems the UPa is more expensive but if its good i dont mind getting quality
@Honkey_Kong We all here to get strong bro and you dont know i wont put in the work so stop judging
Once again, what is the goal? What specifically are you trying to accomplish with the addition of primo?
Lots of experience on the board with BPC-157. Pair it with TB-500 for the best effect. Peep this link and Roman's Log (not sure where it is). There are likely other threads, too.
01-15-2023, 10:23 AM #12
Id like to increase strength and mass but also try and burn some fat at the same time
I'm eating well so hoping to overturn the flab to muscle
01-15-2023, 10:31 AM #13Senior Member
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01-16-2023, 03:05 PM #14
AAS isnt a diet aid like a lot of people think!Proper diet with cardio helps with fat loss.
01-16-2023, 11:34 PM #15
I was prescribed BPC from a compounding pharmacy through my TRT clinic and was unimpressed. Super expensive and not worth it for me at least. Mine were all done via spot injections with skin pins.
As far as UGL’s, we’re all always on the hunt. There’s review sites and a UGL section here. There’s breadcrumbs out there, yiu just need to follow them.
Happy to read you dropped the Tren, I can attest it can be a handful even for the most experienced juicer.
Lots of great advice given and as song dog points out, hormones aren’t a substitute for diet and aren’t fat blasters. Donkey and Cy also gave you some great advice as well and after a 4 year hiatus, 6 months isn’t all that long. Guaranteed you aren’t at your natural potential yet…
That being said and the fact that you’re 37, guessing you’re gonna do what you’re gonna do. Hard not to advocate for just a test only cycle and see how you respond. You’re no spring chicken and aside from injury, jump starting your HPTA again is always a concern. I’ll parrot (or advocate) what’s already been said, run a cycles worth of test and see how you do. What’s your cycle history? What’re your current stats?
Primo is a safe bet, often faked, expensive and not going to give you that mass look it sounds like you want.
I mean there’s a 100 different options but until we know your goals (get big, add mass) it’s hard to say. Dirty bulk, shred up, lose fat…I know it all seems relative but even like “I want to add 10 # of lean muscle mass” helps sort shit out.
Not sure why you’re against just running test after 4 years? Shit goes sideways, you’ll know the culprit. Too many compounds in you, who fucking knows.
Dick doesn’t work, gyno, edema, ancne, insomnia, acid reflux, headaches…follow me? Start with the basics, see how you do and build upon it. It’s not rocket surgery
I’m running Tren right now after a year long breakup with it and am remembering why I have a fucking love hate relationship with it. I’m getting strong as shit, but have major struggles sleeping, hot as balls all the time and my GERD is ridiculous…I’m lucky it’s a recomp but on heavy feeding days, it’s a struggle to eat and afterwards im miserable.
My best mass building cycles came on test only and I didn’t run additional compounds until I got to the point where test alone wasn’t cutting it. I fucking miss those days.
I’m ho hum on hcg and really have realized (in my case anyway) it’s about testicular aesthetics. I’m good with smuggling raisins.
You’d be crazy not to get your baseline test and estrogen labs done as well as SHBG, etc.
again, at 37 you’re walking the line for recovering and holding onto your hard work. Really have to think hard and know your labs before you start. I don’t miss the days of Clomid and nolva at all and don’t miss how shitty that lull and crash made me feel. It gets harder with age too.
I’d think hard on it, I mean what do you have to lose? Either way, good luck and Godspeed. Hope you accomplish your goals
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