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Thread: Incredible PIP from Test-E

  1. #1

    Incredible PIP from Test-E

    I'm currently in my second week of my first cycle and having a lot of glute pain from injections. I have so far done three pins. The injections themselves have gone well as I have a medical background and am very comfortable with sterile practices and injecting. No sign of infection whatsoever. However, my glutes hurt BAD for days after every injection. I've tried massaging, heating pad, etc. The first injection was the worst because I believe I injected too quickly. Since then I have tried heating the oil and a slower, timed injection. It has made a bit of a difference but its honestly painful to even sit for long periods currently.

    After some research, it seems like this is a common thing with Test-E. I really don't want to abandon my cycle two weeks in so I'm looking for possible solutions or trying to figure out if this gets better.

    What are you opinions on switching from Test-Enan to Test-Cyp midway through a cycle? I could potentially get some but I wouldn't have it for at least 4-5 weeks.

    Test-E 400 dosed 2x per week - .6ml (~240mg) per injection. Injections are 3.5 days apart (monday morning, thursday evening)
    23g, 1in needle
    Last edited by Nerveblock67; 02-14-2023 at 01:27 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2009
    Hello you know the composition of your test % of benzyl alcolhol what type of oil ?

    For exemple when i use Bayer Test Enanthate 250 it's with castor oil and the pip are high so 400mg ...

    For exemple try to cute 0.5ml if test E with 0.5 or 1ml of Masteron.

    I'm remember the old version of balkan test C / E with very hard pip i add some Deca from smooth stuff and that's helping a lot.

    Do you feel your test E ? You plan some blood work ?

    Take care [emoji120]

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2018
    AKA "Nice Guy Cy"
    This is almost certainly a direct effect of the 400mg / ml. They have to add more solvent to keep it in suspension, thus you get a bit of bite.

    Zero problem switching to test c, though I don't think e is the problem. That is, if you got test c at 400mg per ml, you would probably have the same issue. Test c at 250mg should not be problematic, and since you are doing IM anyhow, 1ml per injection is a good volume.

    That 23g needle ain't helping either. Depending on carrier oil, you might be able to go to 27g and not be waiting too much on the injection, plus save some PITA, literally.
    Last edited by Cylon357; 02-14-2023 at 03:12 PM.

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by Cylon357 View Post
    This is almost certainly a direct effect of the 400mg / ml. They have to add more solvent to keep it in suspension, thus you get a bit of bite.

    Zero problem switching to test c, though I don't think e is the problem. That is, if you got test c at 400mg per ml, you would probably have the same issue. Test c at 250mg should not be problematic, and since you are doing IM anyhow, 1ml per injection is a good volume.

    That 23g needle ain't helping either. Depending on carrier oil, you might be able to go to 27g and not be waiting too much on the injection, plus save some PITA, literally.
    Thanks for the response. Just so I understand, with Cyp I would essentially just keep my exact same dosing schedule but go up to 1ml per injection?

  5. #5
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    I agree with Cylon 357 and you would never see me use that Eth 400 I hated pip.

  6. #6
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    Try cutting the concentration down by filtering in grapeseed oil containing 1%BA. Stick to standard concentrations in the future you'll be happier.

    Personally, I steer clear of enanthate, it's too problematic due to contaminants left over from the manufacturing process. Couple that with a high concentration and it usually doesn't end well.
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  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nerveblock67 View Post
    Thanks for the response. Just so I understand, with Cyp I would essentially just keep my exact same dosing schedule but go up to 1ml per injection?
    Yes, that is it.

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by almostgone View Post
    Try cutting the concentration down by filtering in grapeseed oil containing 1%BA. Stick to standard concentrations in the future you'll be happier.

    Personally, I steer clear of enanthate, it's too problematic due to contaminants left over from the manufacturing process. Couple that with a high concentration and it usually doesn't end well.
    Would filtering enanthate through a .2 or even .1 micron filter fix the contamination issue? I would assume so, but you know what Benny Hill said about "assume"...

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cylon357 View Post
    Would filtering enanthate through a .2 or even .1 micron filter fix the contamination issue? I would assume so, but you know what Benny Hill said about "assume"...
    No sir not if there's residual acids. Now if it's a concentration issue, cutting it with filtered GSO would help with PIP.
    Last edited by almostgone; 02-14-2023 at 08:01 PM.
    There are 3 loves in my life: my wife, my English mastiffs, and my weightlifting....Man, my wife gets really pissed when I get the 3 confused...
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  10. #10
    Quote Originally Posted by Cylon357 View Post
    Yes, that is it.
    I appreciate it. I'll order some Cyp 250 today and hopefully only have to deal with the pip for another couple weeks instead of ten more.

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nerveblock67 View Post
    I appreciate it. I'll order some Cyp 250 today and hopefully only have to deal with the pip for another couple weeks instead of ten more.
    At one point or another, we are all tempted by high concentration gear, and it probably is for the same reason you were thinking: less volume. But it almost every single time bites us.

  12. #12
    Quote Originally Posted by Cylon357 View Post
    At one point or another, we are all tempted by high concentration gear, and it probably is for the same reason you were thinking: less volume. But it almost every single time bites us.
    Exactly right. I bought higher concentration thinking less volume would equal easier injections and less PIP. Bit me quite literally in the ass. Live and learn.

    Thanks for the help.

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nerveblock67 View Post
    Exactly right. I bought higher concentration thinking less volume would equal easier injections and less PIP. Bit me quite literally in the ass. Live and learn.

    Thanks for the help.
    You aren't the first and almost certainly won't be the last! Chalk it up to "life lessons" and move on lol! If I had all the money I have blown on supps, questionable gear, stuff that turned out to be snake oil, well, I would have a nice little stack of bills. Not huge, but still...

    Actually, I do like AG's suggestion for cutting it, though I haven't done that myself, so I would be fuzzy on the deets.

  14. #14
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    Its 400mg per cc…that’s insanely concentrated. Test E has some bite as is, I mean what did you expect honestly? For it to be like water?

    I guess if you dont know you just dont know. As said, take it as a lessoned learned.
    Last edited by Cuz; 02-15-2023 at 09:49 AM.

  15. #15
    Quote Originally Posted by Cuz View Post
    Its 400mg per cc…that’s insanely concentrated. Test E has some bite as is, I mean what did you expect honestly? For it to be like water?

    I guess if you dont know you just dont know. As said, take it as a lessoned learned.
    I didn't know what to expect. Like I said above, I wasn't sure about what the actual cause of PIP was as most of the information out there is anecdotal at best.

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cylon357 View Post
    At one point or another, we are all tempted by high concentration gear, and it probably is for the same reason you were thinking: less volume. But it almost every single time bites us.
    There is a good purpose for higher concentration gear. Your muscle can only take so many CCs of oil in it at once and if you're taking like 2 or more other steroids at once. That oil adds up.

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nerveblock67 View Post
    I didn't know what to expect. Like I said above, I wasn't sure about what the actual cause of PIP was as most of the information out there is anecdotal at best.
    Part of it can be the solvents used (and how much of them). You could also be allergic to the oil used. You also have virgin muscle and the more you do it the better it'll get. Also your injection technique comes in to play too.

    But yeah a lot of the UGL test E might be contaminated like Almostgone said. The UGLs buy the raw powders from China and make them in their "bathtub" labs, but even if they're good and clean, they don't know what kind of process the factories in China used to produce the raw powders. I'd be willing to bet that quality control isn't exactly a priority out there for chemicals they know are being produced for the black market.

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