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Thread: Best kick start oral for bulking apart from Dbol

  1. #1

    Best kick start oral for bulking apart from Dbol

    Hi guys,
    Just wanted a bit of advice on what to use as a kick start for a bulk.
    I don’t get on with Dbol anymore after getting lumps behind my nipples with clear fluid and blood coming out.
    Got Adrol but heard about it directly stimulating your estrogen receptors
    Sdrol but don’t like the sound of the fatigue sides, so I was thinking about running it at about 10mg PW to limit the sides.
    Tbol at about 80mg or winny at 60mg
    The rest of my cycle is
    Tren A 300ml PW
    Mast 400ml PW
    Test cyp at 600-700ml PW
    I blast and cruise on 200cyp and 200 premo a week.
    I’ve just recovered from a car accident and I’ve used that time to lose BF (not that I was a fat f##k anyway) obviously lost a lot of muscle mass along with that.
    Looking forward to hitting it hard and getting back in the game.
    Any advice on the best kick start would be great 👍

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2013
    No source checks
    Thats a big ass cycle. What are your stats?

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by Cuz View Post
    Thats a big ass cycle. What are your stats?
    Exactly! My first reaction when reading that was Jesus!!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2009
    The Dude Abides
    You should try food.

    Seriously though, if you're trying to bulk, why mast or winny? Why not just run test/nandrolone instead of taking nearly every steroid known to man?

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2020
    East Coast
    Quote Originally Posted by Honkey_Kong View Post
    You should try food.

    Seriously though, if you're trying to bulk, why mast or winny? Why not just run test/nandrolone instead of taking nearly every steroid known to man?
    Definitely agree with Test and Deca with a high caloric intake all the way, limit your variables so you know what to adjust

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