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  • 3 Post By teedoff
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Thread: is it time?

  1. #1
    BigBoiFred is offline New Member
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    is it time?

    sup, 32 years old here, just got my blood test back results;
    LH = 1,8 U/L (1,2-10,6)
    TSH = 1,58 mU/L (0,3-4,4)
    Testosterone = 8,7 nmol/L (10-30)
    free test = 261 pmol/L (223-915)
    Sex hormone-binding globulin = 16,2 nmol/L (12-46)
    Bioavailable testosterone = 5,3 nmol/L (4,6-18,8)

    reason why my levels are like this is because when i was about 24 years old i got carried away and did a steroid cycle (test+deca finished with test+tren ) along side with HGH.
    as you can imagine i went from superman to a fat potato.

    i tried many times over the last few years to get back into the gym but im too lazy i always stop eventually cant be constant.
    now i have hit 250lbs i have a very physical job and its getting harder and harder to keep up.
    i already have a daughter and we aren't planning on getting other child.
    i have to say i have no issue with my sex drive.

    i think its time to get on trt not sure thats why im here, looking for suggestions.

    follow up in replies
    Last edited by BigBoiFred; 04-24-2023 at 05:05 PM. Reason: added ranges

  2. #2
    yeahbuddy289's Avatar
    yeahbuddy289 is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Those numbers mean nothing without ranges. If you’re not worried about having more kids then I’d say definitely look into trt. I would start with trt and get that dialed in and get yourself back in the gym consistently for a solid 6 months to a year before even considering starting a cycle, or a “blast” as it’s referred to when you’re on trt.

  3. #3
    BigBoiFred is offline New Member
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    thank you for mentioning the ranges, its edited now.

  4. #4
    teedoff is offline Member
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    If you lack the willpower and consistency to work out on a regular basis, why would you want to start messing with AAS? Seems like you need to get in the gym and work on your health and weight first.
    s1nc1ty, Cylon357 and songdog like this.

  5. #5
    BigBoiFred is offline New Member
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    ive been telling me this for few years now, never had issue with consistency at the gym before messing with my hormones i guess there is 2 outcome here either i get confirmation that i need to overcome this with consistency in the gym, either i come to a conclusion that those levels hold me back.
    Cylon357 likes this.

  6. #6
    s1nc1ty's Avatar
    s1nc1ty is offline Member
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    Clean up your diet first, make sure you get enough rest, drink enough water, eat your vegetables, loose a little weight. Then check your hormones again. What you see in the results might be a reflection of unhealthy lifestyle. If this doesnt work then consider trt.

    Maybe consider a little cycle of vitamin d, magnesium glycinate, zinc and maybe tongkat ali wich is a natural testosterone booster
    Cylon357 likes this.

  7. #7
    Cylon357's Avatar
    Cylon357 is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by BigBoiFred View Post
    ive been telling me this for few years now, never had issue with consistency at the gym before messing with my hormones i guess there is 2 outcome here either i get confirmation that i need to overcome this with consistency in the gym, either i come to a conclusion that those levels hold me back.
    OP, what you (and the rest of the members) have described is a Catch 22... Am I inconsistent in the gym because my T is mediocre, or is my T mediocre because I'm inconsistent in the gym?

    Your numbers aren't awful, but true, they aren't great. So, I'm going to echo most of the rest of the advices here:
    Lose some weight
    Eat right
    Sleep well
    Exercise regularly

    Each of those steps will enable the others: Eating right will make it easier to lose weight and sleep well, which will in turn allow you to exercise regularly, which makes it easier to lose some weight and sleep well, etc. This is a positive feedback loop that enables success. Do this for 6 months to a year. You will likely be very pleased with what you see in that time, which will only encourage more of the same - more eating right, exercise, etc.

    A lot of men think TRT is a magic bullet. It isn't. We hear and read way too many stories of magical "TRT transformations" where someone drops 50 pounds of fat and puts on 20 pounds of muscle in 6 months... Is that type of progress doable? Yeah, if the subject were in horrible shape to begin with, and guess what, starts doing those four things above at the same time as starting TRT. Even in that case, TRT was only one piece of the puzzle, one that isn't required in most situations to make progress.

    Good luck! Please post up questions and progress to the board, this is a great support group when you show commitment.

  8. #8
    Test Monsterone's Avatar
    Test Monsterone is offline Anabolic Member
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    OP, if your levels were mid range, I’d say maybe work on your diet, sleep, etc. But, I would say your levels are pretty bad. Testosterone has an effect of pushing you to do hard physical work. You actually enjoy the feeling of lifting and the pain. Testosterone increases the pain threshold so you can withstand more than you would otherwise. theres certainly a mental component in regards to motivation to lift.

    If you are fat, I would 100% not hop into a cycle right away. I would however get on some trt and drop the weight over 6 months to a year. Once you’re at a healthy weight, then you can reevaluate and decide what you want to do. Do not run a cycle if you are obese, that’s asking for problems. The more visceral fat you have, the more of that test you inject will convert to estrogen.

    Imo it’s not like you risk screwing up your hormones - they’re already screwed up. I do highly recommend taking HCG the entire time you are on trt or steroids in general.
    BigBoiFred likes this.

  9. #9
    BigBoiFred is offline New Member
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    hi ,i guess ive been hard on myself with the fat potato at best i was 215lbs , this morning = 246 lbs. i do have some weight to lose but probably not 50 pounds.
    i do not think trt is magical in fact back in 2018 my doctor already suggested me trt after i had similar blood results but i refused. now with this result my doctor suggesting trt again. i think ill try it now like tm said its not like is i risk screwing my levels
    making this post motivated me so of course i do my workout but let see if i sustain.
    important is that its keeping me focus on want i really want.
    im gonna set myself a goal 220lbs before Oct 1st (6months)
    will post follow up

  10. #10
    BigBoiFred is offline New Member
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    so i started the test E with my doctor and i been taking hcg on my own 250 iu 2 times per week , and i have to say i dont like it at all , i feel like my testes shrink big time and its messing up my sex experience. starting to get very anxious about it , have any thoughts on this? btw other than that my lifestyle been good and i still hit the gym down to 240lbs

  11. #11
    Mooseman33's Avatar
    Mooseman33 is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    stop being lazy, that's what this comes down to.

    you got lazy and fat, lets not sugar coat it. ur habits suck and need to change.

    good news is we have all been there buddy. learn how to diet properly, stop guessing. This is along process, there is no short miracle. Hard work, diet and cardio will get u where u want.

    there is no drug that will help a lazy fat person get in shape, unless u take ozempic.
    day by day, week by week, grind it out and u will feel great and get back in shape.

    we will all support you but I won't sugar coat the habits. Look in mirror and be the change you want.
    BigBoiFred likes this.

  12. #12
    BigBoiFred is offline New Member
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    100% agree. i feel like my doctor was quick to put me on test and im even considering stopping right away. i just needed to be motivated again thats all. i did a follow up reply and didnt expect the post to be brought back in front. i guess i should have done new post with my newly concern.

  13. #13
    kelkel's Avatar
    kelkel is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~ No Source Checks
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    Great advice from the members! Definitely work on lifestyle and recheck your labs in 6 months. I'll bet you'll see a difference.
    Do you have sleep apnea?
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  14. #14
    scotty51312's Avatar
    scotty51312 is offline Transformation Challenge Trainer
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    TRT is a life long commitment. Remember you're gonna have 40 years of injections to look forward to. Its ok at first but after a few years you get really tired of it. Exhaust all your other options first. Test can increase with consistent exercise, good diet etc. Try tongat ali, or tribulis natural t bosters that stimulate lh and fsh first if you feel you have to have some kinda t boost. But TRT isnt magic. I went through some serious depression while on trt and sat on the couch and gained 40lbs in 9 months. Lifestyle and education before medication my friend

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