This is for the future but whenever I'm good to go with cycling fun I'd love to try this 19-Nor

I read the profile of NPP and how reading it is very similar to Deca itself. It convinced me to borderline stay with Deca or do a blend of NPP and Deca. Where I'm confused at is the varying levels of test used in the background. Some use 300mg others go up to 600mg with again different levels of Deca used. What turned me back on to Deca and drop NPP is that deca dick is still possible on either. So why not use the more stable ester or blend them? Here's my thought.

Out of control option one:
Both doses of Deca and Test will be split into 50/50 blends. Using NPP and test Prop in a half and half blend.

Stable option 2:
400mg-500mg of just deca durabolin split Monday - Thursday.

Regardless what is the recommended levels of testosterone to add. If I had to go off the cuff being back to a student who needs to learn more and more. I'd want at the minimal 450mg of test a week. Lastly I'd frontload with Dbol and end with a prop cycle.

So here is the stable option:
450mg Durabolin : Monday - Thursday
450mg Test E: Monday - Thursday
Week 1-4: 50mg daily
Week 4-6: 25mg daily
Week 6-7: 10mg daily

.5mg Arimadex EOD. Since this will be the only front liner for prolactin levels.
20mg Nolvadex ED if any prolactin signs show up. Decrease to 10mg daily if succession in control of prolactin levels are acheived.
.25mg of Cabergoline: Monday - Thursday

The philosophy of HCG use is still to be decided.

For those acting why I would complicate things even more by supplementing NPP and/or test prop taken respectfully during the cycle. It's a personal preference. I love faster acting AAS, however longer esters are just standard protocol and keeps things simple. The seven week use of Dbol. To keep a few at bay, yes I'll check out liver toxicity at week 5.

This is a rough draft. Built it up or tear it down. I'm here to get it right the first time!
Lastly. I'm considering the use of Cabergoline at the start to the end of the cycle. If Cabergoline can be tolerated well then using it to avoid potential prolactin issues from even starting might be something I'm willing to do.

One last thing. Most Sustanon comes in 250mg doses. Although not a 50/50 mix of Test prop and Test E. This would keep things simple. If Susta replaced Test E. For simplicities sake should I just increase weekly test to 500mg? Also I'm open to decreasing weekly test down to 300mg. This is only because with Dbol I'm aware there could be some serious fuckery with estrogen converting and .5 of Arimadex EOD not being strong enough. This is why I threw in the possibility of adding 20mg of Nolvadex, at least during the first half just in case.

Be easy.
It's been a long while since I've studied AAS. Thankfully this won't be happening for awhile so plenty of time for critiques and time to learn.