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  1. #1
    Gettin'Old is offline Associate Member
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    Apr 2003

    Approx. 7 weeks post-cycle: Still carrying excess Fat. Help.

    Hey all. I'm about 7 weeks off of my first cycle, a moderate test only cycle at 300 mg/week. I researched like crazy and am happy, overall, with the results. Understanding the aas actions of metabolizing nutrients and protein and listening to the many posts, I started eating good clean food like a real pig while I was on. I went from 190 to 218 in 8 weeks and felt huge!! I took in about 200-250 grams of protein a day and would have a mega carb up (oatmeal, yogurt and grapes) immediately following my workouts.

    I followed proper pct with clomid starting two weeks after the cypionate . I also kept my protein really high until just last week.

    Now, 7 weeks after the cycle, I'm down to about 203-206 pounds. I'm still bigger around the chest etc but A LOT of the muscle has just plain disappeared (obviously a ton of water poured out immediately after). Unfortunately, I think about 4-5 pounds of the weight gain is fat. My waste is a solid inch bigger than before, at least.

    Now, I've reduced my cals and even cut my protein back some so I can try to cut out some of this fat before my second cycle. The fat is going, but very slowly; and I'm pretty careful about restricting my hyperglycemic carbs for only immediately preceding and following my workouts.

    Any help on this would be appreciated.

    Thanks, GO

  2. #2
    Rich8888's Avatar
    Rich8888 is offline Member
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    Bro...I would say you are still carrying water blout. also if you have put on fat it would be as a reuslt of ur diet and cardio. Although you say you ate clean and you watch your carb in take...may times you need to even get more striuct with ur eating program. Also you didn't describe your cardio routine if any. So examine your cardio routine and your diet.....90% of fat reduction is a direct result of both of those factors and not necessarily attributed to juice.....good luck


  3. #3
    Gettin'Old is offline Associate Member
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    Ok. Well, in the interest of full disclosure, I was trying to bulk and so I'm doing no cardio. The diet was clean though. I'm just wondering if the quantity was over the top. Sounds like I need to start cardio if there are no other options.

    Diet-wise, I'm trying to figure out how to cut back without losing any more muscle.

    7 weeks post- cycle and after 3 weeks of Clomid, it's not water bloat. Unfortunately, it's fat.

  4. #4
    TheMudMan's Avatar
    TheMudMan is offline Retired~ AR-Hall of Famer
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    Are you sure it's not water? Have your bf tested so you know for sure. Hopefully you knew your bf before you started the cycle.

  5. #5
    Gettin'Old is offline Associate Member
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    Unfortunately I didn't know my bf % beforehand. I'm surprised Y'all think it still could be water 7 weeks post cycle. Just pinching the extra inch on my stomach makes me think otherwise. Would all that water just sit around my waist?? If so, how can I get it out?

  6. #6
    gundam675's Avatar
    gundam675 is offline Senior Member
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    thats why i run slin in between cycles to prevent muscle loss ! its prolly water.

  7. #7
    Gettin'Old is offline Associate Member
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    How long does the extra water stay around for anyway??

  8. #8
    TheMudMan's Avatar
    TheMudMan is offline Retired~ AR-Hall of Famer
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    I used Winny for the last 6 weeks of my cycle and then and still am using Clen /ECA. By the 4 the week of the winny I could see a big difference. I also used nolva through my cycle so I wouldn't hold as much water.

    Everyone is different but I would say a few weeks after your cycle eneded you should have seen the bloat going away. Maybe next time you might want to use Winny/Clen/ECA at the end of your cycle. Just a thought.

    Also, I read that you have cut your protein back. I wouldn't do that. I would keep the protein up and cut the carbs. Carbs will make you hold more water and fat.

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