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Thread: TRT question

  1. #1
    thelazygent is offline Junior Member
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    TRT question

    Hi all,

    I have been doing a self TRT for about 10 years. Donating blood every 4 months.

    I went to an endocrinologist with the intention of going on TRT under a doctors supervision (getting blood labs done regularly). I got a couple blood tests and the most recent one came back as below:

    LH - .6 on a scale of 1.7 - 8.6
    FSH - <.3 on a scale of 1.5 - 12.4
    Total Testosterone - 234 on ascale of 264-916
    Free Testosterone - 5.8 on a scale of 8.7 - 25.1

    He says I wont have to do anymore blood work and that he wants to do one or potentially 2 more non blood test to see if there arent any other issues going on. BUt otherwise he told me that I will be going on TRT

    The first test I will be doing is a MRI of my brain. (MRI Brain Inc Sterm W+WO Contro). I have this test scheduled 6/1/23.

    The second test will be testing my XY chromosomes to see if there are any abnormalities. He said I may not need this test.

    Question. If I injected the Testosterone that I do have before my MRI, will it screw up my chances to get TRT at all? I dont think so but figure Id ask.

    How about the second chromosome test? Will injecting Testosterone flag something that might make the doctor not give me testosterone?

    I ask because having low T especially before a holiday week where hopefully I will be sleeping with women is not fun

  2. #2
    teedoff is offline Member
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    Dude, didnt you start a threat exactly the same title and basically asking the same thing as you are here? wth.
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  3. #3
    Zenpump's Avatar
    Zenpump is offline Junior Member
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    Why is the doctor doing an MRI of your brain to see if you qualify for TRT?????????????????

  4. #4
    thelazygent is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by teedoff View Post
    Dude, didnt you start a threat exactly the same title and basically asking the same thing as you are here? wth.
    I asked different questions.

  5. #5
    thelazygent is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Zenpump View Post
    Why is the doctor doing an MRI of your brain to see if you qualify for TRT?????????????????
    From my understanding, he said he wants to see if there is issue/anything blocking my pituitary gland that is causing my body not to produce enough testosterone .

  6. #6
    Honkey_Kong's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by thelazygent View Post
    From my understanding, he said he wants to see if there is issue/anything blocking my pituitary gland that is causing my body not to produce enough testosterone.
    Did this doctor test your prolactin level? If so what is it?

  7. #7
    thelazygent is offline Junior Member
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    They did not test for prolactin

  8. #8
    almostgone's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by thelazygent View Post
    Hi all,

    I have been doing a self TRT for about 10 years. Donating blood every 4 months.

    I went to an endocrinologist with the intention of going on TRT under a doctors supervision (getting blood labs done regularly). I got a couple blood tests and the most recent one came back as below:

    LH - .6 on a scale of 1.7 - 8.6
    FSH - <.3 on a scale of 1.5 - 12.4
    Total Testosterone - 234 on ascale of 264-916
    Free Testosterone - 5.8 on a scale of 8.7 - 25.1

    He says I wont have to do anymore blood work and that he wants to do one or potentially 2 more non blood test to see if there arent any other issues going on. BUt otherwise he told me that I will be going on TRT

    The first test I will be doing is a MRI of my brain. (MRI Brain Inc Sterm W+WO Contro). I have this test scheduled 6/1/23.

    The second test will be testing my XY chromosomes to see if there are any abnormalities. He said I may not need this test.

    Question. If I injected the Testosterone that I do have before my MRI, will it screw up my chances to get TRT at all? I dont think so but figure Id ask.

    How about the second chromosome test? Will injecting Testosterone flag something that might make the doctor not give me testosterone?

    I ask because having low T especially before a holiday week where hopefully I will be sleeping with women is not fun
    Tough it out. You're almost have a script. Why risk screwing that up?
    Test Monsterone and Cylon357 like this.
    There are 3 loves in my life: my wife, my English mastiffs, and my weightlifting....Man, my wife gets really pissed when I get the 3 confused...
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  9. #9
    almostgone's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Zenpump View Post
    Why is the doctor doing an MRI of your brain to see if you qualify for TRT?????????????????
    Probably identify or rule out a pituitary adenoma.

    Edit. Don't know why they didn't pull a Prl panel first like Honkey_K mentioned.
    Last edited by almostgone; 05-24-2023 at 12:05 PM.
    Test Monsterone and Cylon357 like this.
    There are 3 loves in my life: my wife, my English mastiffs, and my weightlifting....Man, my wife gets really pissed when I get the 3 confused...
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  10. #10
    kelkel's Avatar
    kelkel is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~ No Source Checks
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    If you went in for BW and he tested Pituitary function, which is normal for a doc to do pre-TRT, your LH/FSH levels will be bottomed out due to the exogenous T in your system. Thus, the doctor will think you may have an adenoma and send you for the MRI to rule it in or out. All due to him not knowing about self administered test.

    Coming from a guy who actually has a pituitary tumor....
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  11. #11
    Cylon357's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by kelkel View Post
    If you went in for BW and he tested Pituitary function, which is normal for a doc to do pre-TRT, your LH/FSH levels will be bottomed out due to the exogenous T in your system. Thus, the doctor will think you may have an adenoma and send you for the MRI to rule it in or out. All due to him not knowing about self administered test.

    Coming from a guy who actually has a pituitary tumor....
    I was hoping you would chime in here. Nothing beats experience.
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  12. #12
    Lemonada8's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by kelkel View Post
    If you went in for BW and he tested Pituitary function, which is normal for a doc to do pre-TRT, your LH/FSH levels will be bottomed out due to the exogenous T in your system. Thus, the doctor will think you may have an adenoma and send you for the MRI to rule it in or out. All due to him not knowing about self administered test.

    Coming from a guy who actually has a pituitary tumor....
    Meh... def do a prolactin first, and thyroids esp if ur considerin pit tumor... goin straight to MRI w/ and w/o, and a XY chromosome panel? like... seriously? thats blowing some money
    Honkey_Kong likes this.

  13. #13
    kelkel's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lemonada8 View Post
    Meh... def do a prolactin first, and thyroids esp if ur considerin pit tumor... goin straight to MRI w/ and w/o, and a XY chromosome panel? like... seriously? thats blowing some money

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  14. #14
    thelazygent is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lemonada8 View Post
    Meh... def do a prolactin first, and thyroids esp if ur considerin pit tumor... goin straight to MRI w/ and w/o, and a XY chromosome panel? like... seriously? thats blowing some money
    This is why I hate doctors and the medical field. Always trying to generate money and never about doing what's right cost effectively.

  15. #15
    Lemonada8's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by thelazygent View Post
    This is why I hate doctors and the medical field. Always trying to generate money and never about doing what's right cost effectively.
    lol... u think the doc gets a cut from the MRI? try again... thats more CYA medicine then anything, cuz if there was a tumor and a MRI wasnt ordered, thats a lawsuit waiting to happen...

  16. #16
    Honkey_Kong's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by thelazygent View Post
    This is why I hate doctors and the medical field. Always trying to generate money and never about doing what's right cost effectively.
    Cost effectiveness and "what's right" are not the same thing in medicine. Granted that doctor probably should've tested for prolactin first, but an MRI would definitely tell for sure if you had a pituitary tumor or not. And prolactinomas only account for about 30% of all pituitary tumors.

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by thelazygent View Post
    This is why I hate doctors and the medical field. Always trying to generate money and never about doing what's right cost effectively.
    The doctors can't order any old script or procedure because the insurance companies would be down their backs. The great thing about the failing American health insurance system. Insurance companies are bs. This should be socialized, but I know that term makes some people jump in their seats. Medical care is a necessity like water, why involve a middle-man? Every state should have a state-level social health program. Our taxes pay for schools, roads, social security, etc.. Why not health care?

  18. #18
    Lemonada8's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Test Monsterone View Post
    The doctors can't order any old script or procedure because the insurance companies would be down their backs. The great thing about the failing American health insurance system. Insurance companies are bs. This should be socialized, but I know that term makes some people jump in their seats. Medical care is a necessity like water, why involve a middle-man? Every state should have a state-level social health program. Our taxes pay for schools, roads, social security, etc.. Why not health care?
    This is a very hot topic currently... and i am def on the other side of that aisle of you. but thats neither here nor there and not gonna hijack this threat lol.. but yep, gotta love insurance (:

  19. #19
    thelazygent is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lemonada8 View Post
    lol... u think the doc gets a cut from the MRI? try again... thats more CYA medicine then anything, cuz if there was a tumor and a MRI wasnt ordered, thats a lawsuit waiting to happen...
    Not what I said. My point is that the laws are often made so you have to see many medical doctors to generate revenue for as many practices as they can.

    For example, I am going to rehab for my elbow and shoulder. I can only go there a month before I need to go back to my general doctor to get a prescription so I can continue. The family doctor knows limited knowledge about physical therapy. The physical therapist should be the one who determines if I need more rehab. The doctor, who you know, does this every day for a living.

    Medical Industrial Complex.

  20. #20
    thelazygent is offline Junior Member
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    After my doctor told me I was done taking bloods, I got my MRI back. The report says "Findings suspicious for a 5 mm pituitary adenoma."

    My endocrinologist says I could have prolactinoma (high prolactin production due to the adenoma). He want to test my prolactin. I need a total pituitary blood test. It tests everything prolactin, Test, GH, etc.

    He says if it is prolactinoma then my low T would be fixed by taking Caber. If I have low prolactin we will go forward with TRT.

    I injected Test

    5/25 - 150 mg
    5/31 - 135 mg

    And HGH

    5/30 - 4 IUs

    Good news is that he has to mail in my lab work so that will arrive prob tuesday/wendesay (6/6 or 6/7) so I can wait till Friday or Monday (6/9 or 6/12) to get blood work.

    Do you think my blood work will be suspicious if I do it 6/9 or 6/12 (I'm not going to inject anything until after the blood work) ?

  21. #21
    Honkey_Kong's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by thelazygent View Post

    After my doctor told me I was done taking bloods, I got my MRI back. The report says "Findings suspicious for a 5 mm pituitary adenoma."

    My endocrinologist says I could have prolactinoma (high prolactin production due to the adenoma). He want to test my prolactin. I need a total pituitary blood test. It tests everything prolactin, Test, GH, etc.

    He says if it is prolactinoma then my low T would be fixed by taking Caber. If I have low prolactin we will go forward with TRT.

    I injected Test

    5/25 - 150 mg
    5/31 - 135 mg

    And HGH

    5/30 - 4 IUs

    Good news is that he has to mail in my lab work so that will arrive prob tuesday/wendesay (6/6 or 6/7) so I can wait till Friday or Monday (6/9 or 6/12) to get blood work.

    Do you think my blood work will be suspicious if I do it 6/9 or 6/12 (I'm not going to inject anything until after the blood work) ?
    Instead of giving yourself shots of test, why don't you let the endocrinologist try to fix you? This is fvuking stupid.
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  22. #22
    thelazygent is offline Junior Member
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    He told me that I was done with blood work so I injected Test.

  23. #23
    Lemonada8's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by thelazygent View Post
    Not what I said. My point is that the laws are often made so you have to see many medical doctors to generate revenue for as many practices as they can.
    For example, I am going to rehab for my elbow and shoulder. I can only go there a month before I need to go back to my general doctor to get a prescription so I can continue. The family doctor knows limited knowledge about physical therapy. The physical therapist should be the one who determines if I need more rehab. The doctor, who you know, does this every day for a living.
    Medical Industrial Complex.
    While you are partially right above... few key flaws... the red, is inaccurate. Its not laws that do that, its insurance companies and the hoops you have to jump through for them to pay for it. No law what-so-ever.
    The 2nd part, you can continue going to physical therapy. Insurance wont pay for it though. But you are free to do so, no law is obstructing you.
    the 3rd bit, you are basically insulting the knowledge of the family doctor and their part in the medical system; both diagnosis and treatment.

    You have frusteration, thats good... just bad intel.

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