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Thread: big problem (please please read)

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2003

    big problem (please please read)

    Iam currently running

    500mg sus (10 weeks: monday/thurs)
    400mg eq (10 weeks: monday thurs)
    100mg fina (EOD: week 6 - 13)

    Iam on my last week now of the sus and the eq (week 10)

    I noticed iam never "horny" any more. i can go days without wanting/having too "ease tensions".

    Last night i had a female over, and i was having problems keeping my erection.

    I understand fina shuts the system down very hard.. but with 500mg of test per week shouldnt it be enough to keep me going strong?

    Now for my questions.

    i was planning on running the fina for 8 weeks (untill week 13) but after last night iam debating stoping the fina and doing my last 2 shots of test.

    i have clomids for post cycle. but iam wondering if i should maybe pickup some HCG? (i know nothing about HCG yet havnt done any research) but would the HCG get me back to normal again quickly? when would i have to start the hcg, and do you use both hcg and clomids?

    any help answering my questions or any info you can give me would be greatly appeciated.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    Miller's Crossing
    If the libido is that much of a problem, I would discontinue the Fina, run the test for 2 more weeks, and then do clomid on the regular.

    Running the test past the other two compounds should help in recovery. Especially the fina having a good amount of time to decrease in blood level.

    HCG will do nothing for HPTA and I don't think you'll need it.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by Pheedno
    If the libido is that much of a problem, I would discontinue the Fina, run the test for 2 more weeks, and then do clomid on the regular.

    Running the test past the other two compounds should help in recovery. Especially the fina having a good amount of time to decrease in blood level.

    HCG will do nothing for HPTA and I don't think you'll need it.

    this would be my last week of the test (week 10)

    but u said to run it for 2 more weeks, meaning run it for 11 weeks?

    if i do this, do i start the clomid 2 or 3 weeks from week 11?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2003
    btw i just did a quick search on the hcg, and read a few people saying doing it at the end of a cycle would do more harm than good, and wouldnt be necessary for a 10 week cycle.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by Fabs
    this would be my last week of the test (week 10)

    but u said to run it for 2 more weeks, meaning run it for 11 weeks?

    if i do this, do i start the clomid 2 or 3 weeks from week 11?
    Clomid is run after THREE weeks from last sust injection.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    Miller's Crossing
    Quote Originally Posted by Fabs
    btw i just did a quick search on the hcg, and read a few people saying doing it at the end of a cycle would do more harm than good, and wouldnt be necessary for a 10 week cycle.

    HCG is really only needed in cycles 15+ wks for testicular atrophy.

    But yes, run the Test 2wks past the Fina. If your stopping the Fina now in wk 10, run the test to wk 12 and start clomid 3wks after last Sust injection(as toolman stated)

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Aug 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by Pheedno
    HCG is really only needed in cycles 15+ wks for testicular atrophy.

    But yes, run the Test 2wks past the Fina. If your stopping the Fina now in wk 10, run the test to wk 12 and start clomid 3wks after last Sust injection(as toolman stated)
    is it okay to switch the test. I mean, i had 10 weeks worth of the cytahoh test. but i have some left over from last year (ttokoyo)

    can i finish off my next 2 weeks with the ttokoyo?

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    Miller's Crossing
    Test is test, shouldn't make much of a difference

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Aug 2003

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