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Thread: kindly advice

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2023

    kindly advice

    Hi everyone I would like to do a cycle of testosterone 250 enanthate for a couple of months and a kik start with oxa at 20 mg.
    The problem is that I suffer from anxiety after doing wrong multidose cycles in the past (with tren) and I am currently on benzodiazepines

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2018
    Don’t do tren. Keep your estrogen in check. If you get anxiety, you get anxiety. That’s not something that can be solved with a word of advice. You either cope with it or don’t run the cycle.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2009
    The Dude Abides
    Quote Originally Posted by Galana View Post
    Hi everyone I would like to do a cycle of testosterone 250 enanthate for a couple of months and a kik start with oxa at 20 mg.
    The problem is that I suffer from anxiety after doing wrong multidose cycles in the past (with tren) and I am currently on benzodiazepines
    Your anxiety issue is a lot more important than whatever gains you can get from doing a cycle. And benzos are no-bullshit serious medications that if you get hooked on can kill you if you go off of them suddenly. So, what I would do, if I were you is go see a therapist and probably also a real psychiatrist and deal with your anxiety issues. Likely, they'll move you from benzos to an anti-depressant (possibly multiple anti-depressants).

    Get yourself stable for at least a good 6 months to a year with your therapy and whatever meds the psychiatrist wants to get you on, BEFORE you even think of doing a cycle.

    What were you specifically looking for advice on though?

  4. #4
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    May 2023
    Quote Originally Posted by Honkey_Kong View Post
    Your anxiety issue is a lot more important than whatever gains you can get from doing a cycle. And benzos are no-bullshit serious medications that if you get hooked on can kill you if you go off of them suddenly. So, what I would do, if I were you is go see a therapist and probably also a real psychiatrist and deal with your anxiety issues. Likely, they'll move you from benzos to an anti-depressant (possibly multiple anti-depressants).

    Get yourself stable for at least a good 6 months to a year with your therapy and whatever meds the psychiatrist wants to get you on, BEFORE you even think of doing a cycle.

    What were you specifically looking for advice on though?
    I took an antidepressant treatment (my mood improved and so did my anxiety) but I gained weight despite eating clean and now I'm down because I don't see myself like I used to..
    I'm not saying I want to go back to being + 16 hp at 12% bodyfat but at least get back athletic and with the right boost (testosterone for 2 months) recover physically and psychologically..
    What stops me is that panic attacks return.

  5. #5
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    The Dude Abides
    Quote Originally Posted by Galana View Post
    I took an antidepressant treatment (my mood improved and so did my anxiety) but I gained weight despite eating clean and now I'm down because I don't see myself like I used to..
    I'm not saying I want to go back to being + 16 hp at 12% bodyfat but at least get back athletic and with the right boost (testosterone for 2 months) recover physically and psychologically..
    What stops me is that panic attacks return.
    So are you not currently training? And there are plenty of people on anti-depressants that have their weight under control. There's more to weight loss than just eating clean. It's about how many calories you're taking in vs how many calories you're using. I honestly don't know what you consider "eating clean" anyways. But the rule of thumb is if you're gaining fat weigh, then you're eating too many calories.

    And the impression I got from your reply is you have depression in addition to anxiety. And these are issues you need to work on with a qualified therapist and a psychiatrist.

    You shouldn't be taking gear to "get back in shape." You should already be in shape before you ever touch gear. Gear is just to take you to the next level. But I'm getting the impression that this another troll thread so go do whatever you want.

  6. #6
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    Sep 2020
    Quote Originally Posted by Galana View Post
    I took an antidepressant treatment (my mood improved and so did my anxiety) but I gained weight despite eating clean and now I'm down because I don't see myself like I used to..
    I'm not saying I want to go back to being + 16 hp at 12% bodyfat but at least get back athletic and with the right boost (testosterone for 2 months) recover physically and psychologically..
    What stops me is that panic attacks return.
    I’m assuming meds are prescribed by an MD right?

    Anxiety & depression often go hand in hand & are often treated together.

    How about a low TRT level dosage (100-125mg) with a more severe diet & training? If bf is an issue, hit it harder with cardio and diet.

    Just get a handle on the anxiety/depression with a good med regiment and if that doesn’t help, additional therapy.

    No big or super unique problem here unless you exacerbate the situation with an unnecessary level of chemicals which includes AAS.

    Keep it simple.

  7. #7
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    May 2023
    No now I'm not training but because I injured my back doing the slow forward with the dumbbells..
    I'm definitely not a troll and I'm sorry you think this.
    I was on orals but in the second week I had to stop because I felt pain in my liver (stinging).. I went for tests and I had transaminases AST 144 ALt 402.
    I was using oxa and winstrol 10 + 10 the first week and 20 + 20 the second week but had to stop because scared and after a few days injury..
    I didn't do it all by myself but under the supervision of my former trainer who is only now realizing that he is a butcher.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    May 2023
    Yes, that's right Wango.
    I would love to do a trt or at least a low dose of text but specifically what should I do?

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    The Dude Abides
    Quote Originally Posted by Galana View Post
    No now I'm not training but because I injured my back doing the slow forward with the dumbbells..
    I'm definitely not a troll and I'm sorry you think this.
    I was on orals but in the second week I had to stop because I felt pain in my liver (stinging).. I went for tests and I had transaminases AST 144 ALt 402.
    I was using oxa and winstrol 10 + 10 the first week and 20 + 20 the second week but had to stop because scared and after a few days injury..
    I didn't do it all by myself but under the supervision of my former trainer who is only now realizing that he is a butcher.
    Ok so you're not training at all, but you want to jump on oral to lose weight? I hope you are trolling, because that's fvuking retarded. I'm really tired of these sock accounts.

  10. #10
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    East Coast
    Quote Originally Posted by Honkey_Kong View Post
    Ok so you're not training at all, but you want to jump on oral to lose weight? I hope you are trolling, because that's fvuking retarded. I'm really tired of these sock accounts.
    It sucks when you are really looking to help someone, I wonder if there is a way to weed these accounts out before they start

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Sep 2020
    Quote Originally Posted by Galana View Post
    Yes, that's right Wango.
    I would love to do a trt or at least a low dose of text but specifically what should I do?
    After reading all of your newer posts - definitely don’t use AAS, at least now. In fact get the idea out of your head completely.

    Get your depression/anxiety controlled with the help of an actual physician. Ditto that with your back injury.

    Learn to train without hurting yourself and do so consistently for at least 5 years. Learn about diet & cardio for bf control.

    As I said before, keep it simple because this sure as shit ain’t rocket science.

  12. #12
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    Jun 2023
    Quote Originally Posted by Galana View Post
    I took an antidepressant treatment (my mood improved and so did my anxiety) but I gained weight despite eating clean and now I'm down because I don't see myself like I used to..
    I'm not saying I want to go back to being + 16 hp at 12% bodyfat but at least get back athletic and with the right boost (testosterone for 2 months) recover physically and psychologically..
    What stops me is that panic attacks return.
    my initial thoughts are that you really should avoid using tren as that is seriously prone to affecting mood. i would advise you stay away from nandrolone as well because that can cause depression too. if youre looking to do a mild dose of test for moderate improvements in physique then TRT would be more ideal, depending on your age and income. basically if youre at least 30 and can afford it then i dont think theres any reason not to be on TRT. some here may say you should be older though

    with black market blasting cycles, test will generally make you feel good, although it depends how much you take. primobolan is a great choice as is masteron but primo is often fake so be sure you trust your source. dbol is another effective, and all around feel good drug.

    by oxa, you mean oxandrolone, (anavar) correct? that is another drug which is great, but often fake.

    regarding body fat, it comes down to diet, and for that ive found ephedra and caffeine to be imperative for suppressing appetite, but if you have anxiety that might be problematic for you.

    Quote Originally Posted by Honkey_Kong View Post
    Ok so you're not training at all, but you want to jump on oral to lose weight? I hope you are trolling, because that's fvuking retarded. I'm really tired of these sock accounts.
    not training at all. well shit, if a man wants to improve his physique he should probably start there.

    caveat to my first post, first step is to sit down with a pen and paper, write out a full and complete training routine that hits every muscle group and repeats every week. get your diet in order (40 grams high quality protein and 60 grams complex carbs every 3 hours) as a very general basic guideline. get in the gym and apply yourself. the foundation to all of this is solid training, diet and rest. AAS will not magically do the work for you, you have to earn it through a lifetime of consistency
    Last edited by JTP$; 06-10-2023 at 10:57 AM.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by wango View Post
    After reading all of your newer posts - definitely don’t use AAS, at least now. In fact get the idea out of your head completely.

    Get your depression/anxiety controlled with the help of an actual physician. Ditto that with your back injury.

    Learn to train without hurting yourself and do so consistently for at least 5 years. Learn about diet & cardio for bf control.

    As I said before, keep it simple because this sure as shit ain’t rocket science.

    the world may stop spinning but I fully agree here. Follow these steps OP.
    stay away from steroids and start training. get the mind right.

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