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Thread: Sust 350 and Deca 300 cycle questions

  1. #1

    Sust 350 and Deca 300 cycle questions

    HI guys, I am working on planning my second cycle.

    I am 49 on TRT 265mg/ week, 6'2, 210ish, 13-14% body fat.

    I am trying to come up with the exact ratio for runnning sust inplace of test C along with DECA 300.

    I was thinking 600-700mg twice per week (M/Th) and splitting the DECA in the same shot twice per week of just taking all the deca at once with the first Sust shot.
    SO a ratio of 600-700mg Sust/ 400-450 Deca. I was then thinking .05 adex the day after each Sust shot to keep any bloat / retention down and do that 3x per week.

    I would greatly value feedback form those who have run this cycle. I was thinking 14-16 weeks total cycle time due to the longer esters.

    Thank you all for the feedback


  2. #2
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    Quote Originally Posted by manelson05 View Post
    HI guys, I am working on planning my second cycle.

    I am 49 on TRT 265mg/ week, 6'2, 210ish, 13-14% body fat.

    I am trying to come up with the exact ratio for runnning sust inplace of test C along with DECA 300.

    I was thinking 600-700mg twice per week (M/Th) and splitting the DECA in the same shot twice per week of just taking all the deca at once with the first Sust shot.
    SO a ratio of 600-700mg Sust/ 400-450 Deca. I was then thinking .05 adex the day after each Sust shot to keep any bloat / retention down and do that 3x per week.

    I would greatly value feedback form those who have run this cycle. I was thinking 14-16 weeks total cycle time due to the longer esters.

    Thank you all for the feedback

    Where does 265 mg put your test and estrogen at? Why sust and not test c?

  3. #3
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    A few observations:

    A) You have some nice stats.
    B) That's a pretty high dose of TRT, perscribed or self medicated?

    Having said that ans this being your 2nd cycle there is not need to go over 1G per week.

    Your adex is a little higher than I typically advise to start.

    I'd go like this:
    Test 450 mg/week
    Deca 300 mg/week
    Adex. .5 2x/week

    Drop the deca 2-4 weeks before the test

    Welcome to the board

  4. #4
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    going back to Cuz, where does this TRT dose put ur levels?

    Is it doctor trt or self trt?

  5. #5
    Current test has me around 800-880 estimated based on last labs.
    Estradiol was below 90.
    Last edited by manelson05; 06-12-2023 at 03:23 PM.

  6. #6
    Doctor prescribed TRT.
    My free test prior to TRT was 309.

  7. #7
    Doctor mentioned various Testosterones , Sust being one of them when I asked him about the cruise vs cycle.
    He was quick to suggest Deca and Sust or continue with Test C, he did mention that the longer esters would be a longer cycle and then I would have to stick with prescribed dosage for several months.

    First Test C cycle was 500Mg/ wk (M/Th) on week 6 I added in NPP and ran that until week 14, tapered my Test C dose and now back on TRT dose.

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by manelson05 View Post
    HI guys, I am working on planning my second cycle.

    I am 49 on TRT 265mg/ week, 6'2, 210ish, 13-14% body fat.

    I am trying to come up with the exact ratio for runnning sust inplace of test C along with DECA 300.

    I was thinking 600-700mg twice per week (M/Th) and splitting the DECA in the same shot twice per week of just taking all the deca at once with the first Sust shot.
    SO a ratio of 600-700mg Sust/ 400-450 Deca. I was then thinking .05 adex the day after each Sust shot to keep any bloat / retention down and do that 3x per week.

    I would greatly value feedback form those who have run this cycle. I was thinking 14-16 weeks total cycle time due to the longer esters.

    Thank you all for the feedback

    You may not find a lot of people who have run this exact cycle. Most people, I think, would prefer test C or E to cycle with in general. That said, can you cycle on sus? Sure you can! It just may be a little more roller coaster'y because of the short, long, and really long esters.

    Exact ratios are, frankly, a matter of preference and individual response. Some say 2 to 1, test to deca, others 1 to 1, and still others 1 to 2. There are pros and cons of each and will largely depend on your goals.

    Ask yourself this: what does deca bring to the party that adding a little more test doesn't?

    If you don't have a good answer, take a hard look at your cycle design. BTW, I'm not saying there aren't good reasons to run deca, just suggesting that you ask yourself that particular question AND have a good answer.

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by manelson05 View Post
    Doctor mentioned various Testosterones , Sust being one of them when I asked him about the cruise vs cycle.
    He was quick to suggest Deca and Sust or continue with Test C, he did mention that the longer esters would be a longer cycle and then I would have to stick with prescribed dosage for several months.

    First Test C cycle was 500Mg/ wk (M/Th) on week 6 I added in NPP and ran that until week 14, tapered my Test C dose and now back on TRT dose.
    Just use test c sust has no really no benefit over test c I would not chose sust at all. Test c 500-600 and deca at 400 would be a good mass builder. I prefer npp over deca. I get a bad bloat off any 19-nor adex does not fix this for me however it may for you

    Your trt dose seems high to only yeild 800s is this the day after your injection? I would think not. If your e2 is 90 thats a tad high and will be much high if you increase the test adding deca may or may not effect e2 I don’t run deca i can’t remember how my e2 looked i know I had issues if i ran it higher than test
    Last edited by Cuz; 06-12-2023 at 05:08 PM.

  10. #10
    Cuz, Thank you so much for the input. I will target 5-600 Test and 400 Deca, I am wanting to go for more mass in this cycle.
    Sounds like Sust can be unstable given the ratios.

    As to my labs that was my bloodwork about 1.5 weeks after my last dosage before I reupped my prescription, I have since switched my TRT doctor to someone who is a bit more proactive.
    Going forward I am going to simply use Test C I buy on my own, the doctor has a huge markup. On a side note what is the benefit of taking Anavar for 4-6 weeks during the beginnign of a Test/ Deca cycle, is this a " kickstart " like I read about guys using DBOL or OXY?

    Thank you all for the great insight.

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by manelson05 View Post
    Cuz, Thank you so much for the input. I will target 5-600 Test and 400 Deca, I am wanting to go for more mass in this cycle.
    Sounds like Sust can be unstable given the ratios.

    As to my labs that was my bloodwork about 1.5 weeks after my last dosage before I reupped my prescription, I have since switched my TRT doctor to someone who is a bit more proactive.
    Going forward I am going to simply use Test C I buy on my own, the doctor has a huge markup. On a side note what is the benefit of taking Anavar for 4-6 weeks during the beginnign of a Test/ Deca cycle, is this a " kickstart " like I read about guys using DBOL or OXY?

    Thank you all for the great insight.
    Yes many of us start the cycle with an oral with eager attempts of fast gains in the mirror. I do mini cycles now, usually 6 weeks and then go back to trt we call these blasts. I also usually run the oral for 6 weeks unless i get noticeable undesired side effects my lipid panel and liver enzymes have always been in the normal range.
    As per your question i do prefer anavar over any other oral but be careful its faked alot. Its not as harmful as others believed by many i do get occasional abdominal pain from var dosing is usually 25-50 i get good results of 25 daily split morning and evening. Sometimes i will use it just for a pre workout. Its a lean mass builder you wont get the bloat with var like drol or dbol.

    I recommend taking 1200 NAC with injection cycles and 1800 with oral cycles.
    Astragulus and cranberry extract is good for kidney function not just on cycle but year round id recommend at least 5g on cycle

    Im sure you already know about hemoglobin and what aas does to your red blood cell count given your trt dr prescribed

    Nolvadex would be a good idea to keep on hand with deca you already have the AI but if you get sensitive nips do not increase AI use 20mg nolva daily until symptoms decline if and when they do.

  12. #12
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    How do you accurately dose 265mg of sustanon? My bullshit detector was going off as soon as I read this.

  13. #13
    I am prescribed 265mg test c, my question revolves around running sustanon or test c for a cycle with deca.

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by manelson05 View Post
    HI guys, I am working on planning my second cycle.

    I am 49 on TRT 265mg/ week, 6'2, 210ish, 13-14% body fat.

    I am trying to come up with the exact ratio for runnning sust inplace of test C along with DECA 300.

    I was thinking 600-700mg twice per week (M/Th) and splitting the DECA in the same shot twice per week of just taking all the deca at once with the first Sust shot.
    SO a ratio of 600-700mg Sust/ 400-450 Deca. I was then thinking .05 adex the day after each Sust shot to keep any bloat / retention down and do that 3x per week.

    I would greatly value feedback form those who have run this cycle. I was thinking 14-16 weeks total cycle time due to the longer esters.

    Thank you all for the feedback

    my initial thoughts, 265 mgs/week for TRT is high. my doctor has me at 160 mgs a week. id like to get with your doctor and raise my cruise levels, but i digress.

    as you know, sustanon has short and long esters in it, when i run sus id go for EOD or every 3 day injections, twice a week isnt frequent enough to keep the test prop at stable levels in your blood. with my AIs, id opt to run 1 mg arimidex a day, or use a SERM like tomoxifen at 20 mgs a day. this may be high, i honestly dont know because i dont get blood work done when on cycle, only after when my doctor does bloodwork on me.

    being as youre already on TRT, and a generous dose at that id suggest keeping your cycle shorter, maybe do an eight week cycle, cruise for a month then do another 8 week cycle.

    deca is a 19-nor base AAS which causes complications with progesterone and prolactin, i would suggest either taking .5 mg cabergoline twice a week, or at least 300 mg P5P every day to combat this.

    regarding dose ratios, the bros in here are correct, keep the test higher than the deca. total mgs/week would be effective at 500 - 600, although i personally go higher than that.

    finally, regarding orals, anavar is a great compound but too often its fake. youl know its real because it has a stimulant like effect, youl feel your heart rate elevate with it. it also makes it difficult to sleep if taken too close to bed time. dbol and anadrol have similar psychological effects, but they are both much stronger compounds that give more dramatic results. my personal favorite is dbol, but it aromatizes heavily into methylestradiol, which is basically a stronger version of estrogen.

    anadrol can cause gyno too, but from what i understand, it is not definitively known how this process works. its speculated that it either is progestogenic like deca, or the anadrol molecule itself binds directly to the estrogen receptor. for this reason, i would only advise taking anadrol if you are taking both cabergoline and tomoxifen because the SERM tomaxifen will bind to the estrogen receptor and prevent anadrol causing gyno via this path.
    Last edited by JTP$; 06-12-2023 at 11:16 PM.

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by manelson05 View Post
    I am prescribed 265mg test c, my question revolves around running sustanon or test c for a cycle with deca.
    Again how do you measure out 265mgs? Usually test C is 200mg/ml so that comes out to 1.325 ml in a syringe. And that's a very high dosage to only get your total test between 800-880nl/dl.

    When I would do a test/deca/proviron cycle, I didn't even take as much test as you're claiming to take for TRT. The last deca cycle I did I ran test at 250mg, deca at 600mg per week and 50mg of proviron daily (to prevent deca dick). But anavar would work good too supposing you get real anavar.

    I don't believe you're on TRT. Not at that dose and not with your total test and estradiol levels you claim to have from it.

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by Honkey_Kong View Post
    Again how do you measure out 265mgs? Usually test C is 200mg/ml so that comes out to 1.325 ml in a syringe. And that's a very high dosage to only get your total test between 800-880nl/dl.

    When I would do a test/deca/proviron cycle, I didn't even take as much test as you're claiming to take for TRT. The last deca cycle I did I ran test at 250mg, deca at 600mg per week and 50mg of proviron daily (to prevent deca dick). But anavar would work good too supposing you get real anavar.

    I don't believe you're on TRT. Not at that dose and not with your total test and estradiol levels you claim to have from it.
    200mg weekly is as high i have seen prescribed trt.
    Usually at least with my clinic i pull bloods 24-36 hours my last injection

    Adding proviron would be a good idea to lower shbg

  17. #17

    Script image with dosage

    Quote Originally Posted by Honkey_Kong View Post
    Again how do you measure out 265mgs? Usually test C is 200mg/ml so that comes out to 1.325 ml in a syringe. And that's a very high dosage to only get your total test between 800-880nl/dl.

    When I would do a test/deca/proviron cycle, I didn't even take as much test as you're claiming to take for TRT. The last deca cycle I did I ran test at 250mg, deca at 600mg per week and 50mg of proviron daily (to prevent deca dick). But anavar would work good too supposing you get real anavar.

    I don't believe you're on TRT. Not at that dose and not with your total test and estradiol levels you claim to have from it.
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  18. #18
    Elevated numbers most likely was me coming off the tail end of a test c cycle of 500mg week with 4 weeks of dbol.

  19. #19
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    You don’t need more test than Deca..

    I’m currently on 750 Deca, 400 test p and 400 tren ace. I’m feeling great no ais necessary.

  20. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by redz View Post
    You don’t need more test than Deca..

    I’m currently on 750 Deca, 400 test p and 400 tren ace. I’m feeling great no ais necessary.
    youre lucky man, id get gyno for sure if i ran that with no AIs, SERMs or caber

    its also been my experience that nandrolone decanoate messes with my emotions, it actually makes me depressed, even with a higher dose of test and dbol. never tried injectable tren, because im apprehensive about loss of sleep and anger issues. im hoping to eventually try it at 150 mgs a week in a cutting cycle with test.

  21. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by JTP$ View Post
    youre lucky man, id get gyno for sure if i ran that with no AIs, SERMs or caber

    its also been my experience that nandrolone decanoate messes with my emotions, it actually makes me depressed, even with a higher dose of test and dbol. never tried injectable tren, because im apprehensive about loss of sleep and anger issues. im hoping to eventually try it at 150 mgs a week in a cutting cycle with test.
    Try taking 50mg of Benedryl about a half hour before bedtime. As far as the tren-rage issues go, I don't believe in it. I've never had anger issues because of tren. I mean if we went by the stories we hear of tren on the internet, you'd think everybody who touched the shit turned into a violent rapist on the prowl for fat chicks. And the reality is that's not true at all.

    You might be in a bad mood on tren, because you're tired and feel like shit, but that's not the same as the rage they claim people on tren get.

  22. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by Honkey_Kong View Post
    Try taking 50mg of Benedryl about a half hour before bedtime. As far as the tren-rage issues go, I don't believe in it. I've never had anger issues because of tren. I mean if we went by the stories we hear of tren on the internet, you'd think everybody who touched the shit turned into a violent rapist on the prowl for fat chicks. And the reality is that's not true at all.

    You might be in a bad mood on tren, because you're tired and feel like shit, but that's not the same as the rage they claim people on tren get.
    i hear ya man, take internet stories with a grain of salt. it probably also has to do with the individual and their overall mindset. normally short tempered guys will be more quick to get mad on AAS, some drugs affecting this more than others.

    i am open minded to taking tren, but id start with a mild dose and see how i react to it, then increase accordingly.

  23. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by JTP$ View Post
    i hear ya man, take internet stories with a grain of salt. it probably also has to do with the individual and their overall mindset. normally short tempered guys will be more quick to get mad on AAS, some drugs affecting this more than others.

    i am open minded to taking tren, but id start with a mild dose and see how i react to it, then increase accordingly.
    If even a fraction of the shit you hear about tren-rage or roid-rage in general was true, we'd all be in prison serving 50 consecutive life sentences each. The internet is full of people who tell complete bullshit stories about everything (especially being on tren). And that just adds to the myth behind it.

    I'm sure some people are more easily irritable on tren, but I'll bet that has to do with the fact that they didn't get a good night's sleep the night before.

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