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Thread: Test question stashing trt for cycle

  1. #1

    Test question stashing trt for cycle

    I just turned 39 last month and have trained as an athlete since i was a teenager but I am ready to do my first test cycle. I don't have any sources but would prefer pharma grade over ugl. I had my blood results and total test at 476 ng/dl. I was wondering if I went ahead and got a script for trt and stock piled for a few months can i do that for a cycle say 8 week pyramid up to 500mg high to see how my body reacts for first cycle.

    If that's stupid and it's recommended to just buy online how can I test the cypionate to verify what I'm injecting is the real deal.

    Last question how often should I get blood work done while on and after cycle?

    Thanks in advance for any feedback it is muxh appreciated

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    The Dude Abides
    Quote Originally Posted by Rymill02 View Post
    I just turned 39 last month and have trained as an athlete since i was a teenager but I am ready to do my first test cycle. I don't have any sources but would prefer pharma grade over ugl. I had my blood results and total test at 476 ng/dl. I was wondering if I went ahead and got a script for trt and stock piled for a few months can i do that for a cycle say 8 week pyramid up to 500mg high to see how my body reacts for first cycle.

    If that's stupid and it's recommended to just buy online how can I test the cypionate to verify what I'm injecting is the real deal.

    Last question how often should I get blood work done while on and after cycle?

    Thanks in advance for any feedback it is muxh appreciated
    I think it's stupid to do that. You're going to feel like shit and lose mass over those months while you save up the medicine to do a mini cycle with. Besides, TRT medicine is usually a longer estered test and 8 weeks isn't really enough time to get any results. Just as it starts to work, you'll be out of gear. So you wasted those months saving it up.

    An easy way to verify that the gear you're taking is real is to go run bloodwork once you start a blast. Your test levels should increase drastically after a couple weeks. The more obvious way to tell is if you gain size and strength beyond what you normally would gain from working out.

    And since you're on TRT, you're not concerned if your natural test levels bounce back. It's not coming back. As soon as you stop taking the gear from the blast, your levels are going to go back down to what they were when your doctor dialed in your TRT medication. So aside from checking your RBC and cholesterol levels (and maybe liver enzymes and kidney function) what would you be running the bloodwork for?
    Last edited by Honkey_Kong; 06-22-2023 at 10:28 PM.

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rymill02 View Post
    I just turned 39 last month and have trained as an athlete since i was a teenager but I am ready to do my first test cycle. I don't have any sources but would prefer pharma grade over ugl. I had my blood results and total test at 476 ng/dl. I was wondering if I went ahead and got a script for trt and stock piled for a few months can i do that for a cycle say 8 week pyramid up to 500mg high to see how my body reacts for first cycle.

    If that's stupid and it's recommended to just buy online how can I test the cypionate to verify what I'm injecting is the real deal.

    Last question how often should I get blood work done while on and after cycle?

    Thanks in advance for any feedback it is muxh appreciated
    Nice job asking these questions in advance.

    A) You don't want to go on TRT unless you have to.

    B) Blood work is your best best to determine legitimacy of your gear. Unless you can find a very reliable/trustworthy local source.

    C) what's causig you to consider your 1st cycle now?

  4. #4
    Thanks. I always was in great shape and played at a high level until 26 but age is catching up and I'm losing strength mass and explosiveness. I eat clean have great workout periodization but I am a somewhat older father at 39 with young children and when I'm in my 50s ( their highschool years) I want to be able to teach them and train with them if they have the same passion toward competition as me. So I want to preserve as much as I can now and I think a couple of cycles of test per year should be able to assist in that goal

  5. #5
    Thanks I won't go trt route I guess that was wishful thinking on my part

  6. #6
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    what are ur stats?

    this idea sucks by the way. do ur research, do not pyramid up.

    what are ur full stats?

  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by Mooseman33 View Post
    what are ur stats?

    this idea sucks by the way. do ur research, do not pyramid up.

    what are ur full stats?
    Now I'm 6ft4 218 and stay between 16- 17% bf. At 30 I was 240 and stayed around 10% bf. So overall pretty significant change in composition. I don't get paid to train anymore so my workouts fit around my work but I still train 5 days per week and I've cleaned up a lot of processed food crap the past couple years but I'm still at a plateau between 35 and 39.

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rymill02 View Post
    Thanks. I always was in great shape and played at a high level until 26 but age is catching up and I'm losing strength mass and explosiveness. I eat clean have great workout periodization but I am a somewhat older father at 39 with young children and when I'm in my 50s ( their highschool years) I want to be able to teach them and train with them if they have the same passion toward competition as me. So I want to preserve as much as I can now and I think a couple of cycles of test per year should be able to assist in that goal
    In the words of Apollo Creed "it's a shame we gotta get old"

    It would be a good idea to get a blood test B4 starting.

    For your 1st cycle; keep it simple and keep the doses moderate:

    Test C 350 - 400 Mg's week
    Arimidex .5 mg 2x week

    I haven't run PCT in a while so I will hand of to Cylon or one of the other guys on that.

    If your diet and training are in line you shoud be GOLLLLLDDDDDEN
    Last edited by Scorpion0922; 06-23-2023 at 11:33 AM.

  9. #9
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    I was at 471 total test when I started TRT (on my own), so I kind of understand where you're coming from. However, I don't know any legit doctor that will prescribe TRT at those levels. I went to a couple of drs and they pretty much told me it's a no go papito. Your FREE testosterone level is a better indicator of where things stand. If your free-T is well within range, then you shouldn't need to get on TRT unless you really want to. Mine was really low, so I decided to get on.

    Another thing - don't assume that running cycles is going to improve your performance that much. I agree with Scorpion - the problem with aging is not just the test levels dropping. Raising your test levels to unnatural levels can put more of a strain on your organs which will actually make you perform less than if you weren't on anything. To give you an example - my cardio wen to shit on TRT and especially while running cycles. I would cramp up constantly and couldn't even keep up with my girlfriend while biking, walking, etc. I was a little stronger, but god forbid I had to defend her and myself - if I didn't incapacitate the aggressor quickly, I would be gassed out within a minute.

  10. #10
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    so you blame the trt for ur cardio going to shit?

  11. #11
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    tbh I never had great cardio to begin with, it just got worse on TRT and definitely worse on cycle.

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by Test Monsterone View Post
    I was at 471 total test when I started TRT (on my own), so I kind of understand where you're coming from. However, I don't know any legit doctor that will prescribe TRT at those levels. I went to a couple of drs and they pretty much told me it's a no go papito. Your FREE testosterone level is a better indicator of where things stand. If your free-T is well within range, then you shouldn't need to get on TRT unless you really want to. Mine was really low, so I decided to get on.

    Another thing - don't assume that running cycles is going to improve your performance that much. I agree with Scorpion - the problem with aging is not just the test levels dropping. Raising your test levels to unnatural levels can put more of a strain on your organs which will actually make you perform less than if you weren't on anything. To give you an example - my cardio wen to shit on TRT and especially while running cycles. I would cramp up constantly and couldn't even keep up with my girlfriend while biking, walking, etc. I was a little stronger, but god forbid I had to defend her and myself - if I didn't incapacitate the aggressor quickly, I would be gassed out within a minute.
    Not to mention the prostate issues that could come up....and if you want to start family, woahhhh...hold on.

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by Scorpion0922 View Post
    Not to mention the prostate issues that could come up....and if you want to start family, woahhhh...hold on.
    One of the biggest potential problems is what it's doing to your heart. Things like atherosclerosis happen naturally, but can accelerate on TRT. I hypothesize that the fact that the body is no longer making testosterone and other signaling hormones out of cholesterol, it adds to the buildup already happening in people's bodies.

    But part of TRT is accepting there are risks from that treatment. There are side-effects which may or may not be so apparent and it's a calculated risk to see if the benefits to the patient are worth all of that.

    But yeah, I agree with TM that aside from a "men's health" clinic, you're going to have a hard time finding a doctor (or nurse practitioner) willing to prescribe TRT to a guy who's total test levels are in the 400s.

  14. #14
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    No source checks
    I feel absolutely normal and great on trt only, 160mg a week. Of course the bigger someone is the more oxygen is needed so yes cardio for a guy over 200
    Pounds isnt the same as some 160lb runt.
    If you like cardio great but don’t expect to be jacked as fuck and be able to run a marathon.

    On a mild cycle my cardio will suffer and on a big cycle like im on now i get back pumps from just walking so cardio is out the window but i know this is temporary.

    As said, OP your levels are too high for trt. At 31 yo when i got on i had 213 total and 4.3 free T level. I needed the shit.

    I personally think yes trt may increase heart disease but if you eat a good clean diet with natural food sources and not all this godamm processed junk I believe it offsets. No fuckin one will ever tell me being on trt is more damaging to one’s health than being a fat couch potato that drinks alcohol and smokes living off ice coffees and mt dews…not happening

    So OP you have options. Good luck in whatever u choose.

  15. #15
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by Scorpion0922 View Post
    In the words of Apollo Creed "it's a shame we gotta get old"

    It would be a good idea to get a blood test B4 starting.

    For your 1st cycle; keep it simple and keep the doses moderate:

    Test C 350 - 400 Mg's week
    Arimidex .5 mg 2x week

    I haven't run PCT in a while so I will hand of to Cylon or one of the other guys on that.

    If your diet and training are in line you shoud be GOLLLLLDDDDDEN
    PCT should really just follow the instructions in the planning my first cycle sticky, though I would replace 100 / 50 clomid with 50 / 25 enclomiphene. Maybe even 25 / 12.5 enclomiphene.

    Use hcg on cycle OR AT THE VERY LEAST the last 6 weeks right up to start of PCT. Some will say you don't need hcg, I simply believe in maximizing the chances of successful restart.

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