Hey everyone, I'm new to the forum and also a beginner with PEDs.
I have been running test cyp 250mg per week for 4 months and have seen amazing results with just that. I want to dive deeper into experimenting safely with different stacks moving forward. I plan to introduce NPP at 150mg per week and HcG 500 IUs E3D on top of my 250 test for 9 weeks. I know everyone will probably say that those values are to low and to bump up, but like I said I've experienced really amazing results on just test and really believe my body will respond well with "less is more."
My real question is, will I need and AI with a low weekly dose of NPP?? Should I just see how the first 4 weeks go? Im also getting bloodwork every 3 months and the next scheduled blood draw is 4 weeks into my "stack". Thanks everyone.