This is a side effect that keeps getting more and more unbearable for me.

Right now i'm just chilling on some deca and test and this is how severe the sweats are getting:
~I soak about 5 pillows completely through every night
~I have a waterproof mattress cover and there is literally small pools of water in the bed by the time morning comes around.
~I fell asleep at my desk for 45 minutes, soaked all my clothes and my hair--people were asking if I just fell in a pool with my clothes on.
~I can lose 8-10 pounds just from sweat between 11pm and 7am
(side note-i keep my window open all winter and many times the glass of water on my bedside stand will be frozen through in the morning. Only use one blanket. So this is NOT a temperature issue)

Has anybody found a cure for this?? It's getting ridiculous. Needless to say, nobody really wants to sleep with me.