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Thread: Test/deca/and???

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2023


    Hey I'm looking to start planning ahead for my next bulk. I like to do plenty of research before I start it. Right now I'm on a slower cut while just on my TRT (200 test a week). I'm 6'1 and 230 at about 15-17% bf going to cut til around 10-12% before starting this bulk. My past blasts have been 500mg test alone for 2 cycles and 1 cycle of 500 test/400 deca I tried to use anavar but I'm not a huge fan or orals as of now so looking primarily injection only. What other compound would you add for next bulk if you were to add one? I really liked the way Deca felt and enjoyed running it so I'd imagine that test and deca are probably here to stay unless there's something else you would recommend.

    I'm not big on the idea of tren so I'll probably stay away from it and would only entertain the idea if micro dosed but even then I'm not sure I wanna mess with it.


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2018
    AKA "Nice Guy Cy"
    Quote Originally Posted by LD1812 View Post
    Hey I'm looking to start planning ahead for my next bulk. I like to do plenty of research before I start it. Right now I'm on a slower cut while just on my TRT (200 test a week). I'm 6'1 and 230 at about 15-17% bf going to cut til around 10-12% before starting this bulk. My past blasts have been 500mg test alone for 2 cycles and 1 cycle of 500 test/400 deca I tried to use anavar but I'm not a huge fan or orals as of now so looking primarily injection only. What other compound would you add for next bulk if you were to add one? I really liked the way Deca felt and enjoyed running it so I'd imagine that test and deca are probably here to stay unless there's something else you would recommend.

    I'm not big on the idea of tren so I'll probably stay away from it and would only entertain the idea if micro dosed but even then I'm not sure I wanna mess with it.

    Take a look at masteron or primo.

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    The Dude Abides
    Quote Originally Posted by LD1812 View Post
    Hey I'm looking to start planning ahead for my next bulk. I like to do plenty of research before I start it. Right now I'm on a slower cut while just on my TRT (200 test a week). I'm 6'1 and 230 at about 15-17% bf going to cut til around 10-12% before starting this bulk. My past blasts have been 500mg test alone for 2 cycles and 1 cycle of 500 test/400 deca I tried to use anavar but I'm not a huge fan or orals as of now so looking primarily injection only. What other compound would you add for next bulk if you were to add one? I really liked the way Deca felt and enjoyed running it so I'd imagine that test and deca are probably here to stay unless there's something else you would recommend.

    I'm not big on the idea of tren so I'll probably stay away from it and would only entertain the idea if micro dosed but even then I'm not sure I wanna mess with it.

    Like Cylon said Primo is a good one to throw in there with deca. It's not going to give you the most strength or muscle growth (it will give you some of both), but it will help to a small degree with aromatase inhibition. And it'll help prevent some of the problems with 19nors (like deca dick) too. And it tends to be less hepatoxic than other choices out there. The downside is it's pretty pricey. And I know you said you don't like orals, but you should look in to using proviron with deca and test. It's pretty well tolerated on the liver, isn't going to shoot up your RBC, but will give you a lot of the AI effects that primo would give and will help prevent the deca dick.

    Proviron won't give you much (if anything) as far as muscle and strength goes. It's also significantly cheaper.

    As far as dosaging your cycle goes, I'd encourage you to run less test and more deca (supposing you're taking a DHT steroid as well). Like if you're taking a test/deca/proviron stack, I'd dose it like 300mg/wk test e or c, 600mg/wk deca and 50mg daily of proviron.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2023
    I will definitely look into those. As far as sides and "deca dick" goes I had the exact opposite. I was horny all the time and couldn't keep it down. Thankfully the wife had no issues in lending her assistance. Was like I was in my teens again only making a lot more gains haha.

    Thanks for the suggestions I'll take a look.

  5. #5
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    I would run test and nandrolone again if I were you. I personally prefer npp over deca. Id also throw some EQ in. I ran it last summer, coincidentally I was bigger and stronger than ever it worked well for me at 600 mg per week. Just keep an AI on hand you will more then likely be holding water with those compounds
    Last edited by Cuz; 12-26-2023 at 11:09 AM.

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    N. GA. Jaw Ja N A Cave
    Quote Originally Posted by LD1812 View Post
    I will definitely look into those. As far as sides and "deca dick" goes I had the exact opposite. I was horny all the time and couldn't keep it down. Thankfully the wife had no issues in lending her assistance. Was like I was in my teens again only making a lot more gains haha.

    Thanks for the suggestions I'll take a look.

    Primo is one of the cleanest compounds we can get our hands on . But deep research into dosing Primo is 1mg minimum per day few everyday ppl is to expensive . Next best and aging preference and not nearly as expensive is HGH daily 3 to 4iu’s . IMHO

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jun 2023
    as stated above, primobolan and masteron are both great compounds. primo is more effective for increasing size while masteron is more effective for adding definition. equipoise is also another option, good for adding endurance, but it takes a long time to kick in and needs to be run for longer periods of time.

    you might want to eventually try trenbolone also, that compound is fukn awesome

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    N. GA. Jaw Ja N A Cave
    Quote Originally Posted by Cuz View Post
    I would run test and nandrolone again if I were you. I personally prefer npp over deca. Id also throw some EQ in. I ran it last summer, coincidentally I was bigger and stronger than ever it worked well for me at 600 mg per week. Just keep an AI on hand you will more then likely be holding water with those compounds
    Is it possible or likely to get real EQ from a vet in 50ml bottles or have to stay with10ml home brew ?

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