Hey I'm looking to start planning ahead for my next bulk. I like to do plenty of research before I start it. Right now I'm on a slower cut while just on my TRT (200 test a week). I'm 6'1 and 230 at about 15-17% bf going to cut til around 10-12% before starting this bulk. My past blasts have been 500mg test alone for 2 cycles and 1 cycle of 500 test/400 deca I tried to use anavar but I'm not a huge fan or orals as of now so looking primarily injection only. What other compound would you add for next bulk if you were to add one? I really liked the way Deca felt and enjoyed running it so I'd imagine that test and deca are probably here to stay unless there's something else you would recommend.
I'm not big on the idea of tren so I'll probably stay away from it and would only entertain the idea if micro dosed but even then I'm not sure I wanna mess with it.