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Thread: Do females need to run PCT?

  1. #1
    LD1812 is offline New Member
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    Do females need to run PCT?

    My wife is considering a small cycle and I'm not well versed enough to answer that question. I'm on TRT so I don't need PCT but I know males typically do. If a women runs a cycle do they need a PCT since they don't produce the same amounts of test as males or is it they need to do something for estrogen? I'm not sure and Google has been confusing to say the least. I just want her to recover ok and keep as much gains as possible.

  2. #2
    Cylon357's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by LD1812 View Post
    My wife is considering a small cycle and I'm not well versed enough to answer that question. I'm on TRT so I don't need PCT but I know males typically do. If a women runs a cycle do they need a PCT since they don't produce the same amounts of test as males or is it they need to do something for estrogen? I'm not sure and Google has been confusing to say the least. I just want her to recover ok and keep as much gains as possible.
    Not an expert, but women don't have the T part of the HPTA to restart, so they wouldn't need a PCT for that.

    Yes, that is obvious, but you DID ask

    Now, are there other things that might need to be addressed post female AAS cycle? Maybe? IDK. Thyroid issues, depending on compound? Eh, I'm not going to engage in speculation. Hopefully, someone more versed on the topic will speak up.
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  3. #3
    Honkey_Kong's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by LD1812 View Post
    My wife is considering a small cycle and I'm not well versed enough to answer that question. I'm on TRT so I don't need PCT but I know males typically do. If a women runs a cycle do they need a PCT since they don't produce the same amounts of test as males or is it they need to do something for estrogen? I'm not sure and Google has been confusing to say the least. I just want her to recover ok and keep as much gains as possible.
    You should have your wife make an account on here and ask the other women in the women's sections.

    I did a little "web-searching" about your question. And although I couldn't find any concrete studies that suggest that PCTs are needed for women (in fact, I found bro-science sites that had conflicting information), I did see some reoccurring points that were made on several of these sites that maybe some experienced women could address better and say how true or false they are:

    1. Steroids do interfere with a woman's menstrual cycle and affects their ability to have children (and not in a good way).
    2. When a woman stops taking gear, they have hormonal levels similar to that of menopausal women.

    I would love to see some bloodwork from a woman before, during and as soon as the gear clears from her system. I think it would help to understand how steroids affect women.

  4. #4
    Cuz's Avatar
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    There absolutely no scientific studies done showing a post cycle therapy is needed in a female after a steroid cycle. The doses are much smaller in a female than a male and much more adverse effects are to be worried about than that in men

    For example virilization effects. Balding. Its not a huge deal with men yeah it sucks but oh well its a little more serious in women. Hair growth on the face, clitoral enlargement the list goes on.

    After the cycle is complete in a woman, from my knowledge is that “normal” test and estrogen ratios can vary quite a bit. My answer would be pull bw after the cycle and then again 4 weeks after. The main reason for that is too see where everything is. With that, you can add things to regulate the menstrual cycle because it is more than likely going to be off.

    Females really shouldn’t be doing aas its just alot more risk and complications involved. Just my .02
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  5. #5
    songdog's Avatar
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    The women I have heard on this site used Mast or Var and one other used Tren .I don't advise using tren because she can have problems.
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