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Thread: Legality

  1. #1
    gettankd's Avatar
    gettankd is offline Associate Member
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    A source from overseas, which I just recently got involved with is threatening me. I paid him half prior and supposed to pay the second half on delivery. He's saying it should be here,though it never showed up, and now he wants his money. He's talking a gang of chit about how his "American friends" are coming for me! Think anything to worry about, what to do?

  2. #2
    Rookiejay's Avatar
    Rookiejay is offline Member
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    That's fucked up, dude - sorry to hear that.

    I don't think you should discuss that in the open forum, though.
    Contact the MOD and ask if it' s ok to discuss it here.

    Hope it works out for you

    Keep us posted


  3. #3
    xtremesport14's Avatar
    xtremesport14 is offline Associate Member
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    Did you ever e-mail a Mod and see if he is legit?

  4. #4
    Rickson's Avatar
    Rickson is offline AR-Hall of Famer
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    Did he provide you with a tracking number?

  5. #5
    twosocks40's Avatar
    twosocks40 is offline Member
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    Sounds like bullshit to me. Whats the odds that he has friends in your same area of the U.S.? I'd say slim to none. Plus, whats the odds that those friends would fly or drive to your town to beat some money out of you? Again, slim to none. I'd say this guy is full of shit. How long ago did he supposedly send your order?


  6. #6
    P.T.P is offline Junior Member
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    Get some more gear get huge and go kick his ass

  7. #7
    bodybuilder6949 is offline New Member
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    While I am sure this is not too comforting.......Their threats are bullshit...tell them to come to Connecticut and look me up....I will take care of them for you...both physically and legally......this is a game that is commonly used by scammers........

  8. #8
    Catamount's Avatar
    Catamount is offline Associate Member
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    I'd call his bluff. Seems like he's full of shit to me. So many people say that shit because they want to be the next Lucky Luciano and think they're gangsters. All talk because he know's there's nothing he can do about it.

  9. #9
    Cycleon is offline AR-Hall of Famer / Retired
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    very simple - where is the tracking number?

  10. #10
    Sicilian30's Avatar
    Sicilian30 is offline Respected Member
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    Yeah bro, ask him about that good ole tracking number he should've received when he sent your package. However I will say this if it is USPS, then their tracking system is not all that up to date. However if your stuff had to go thru customs, then it may take longer than expected especially at this time of the year with all that is going on. Ask him if he can give you his tracking number see what you can dig up. Again your source (if he is experienced) with shipping orders overseas, then he should know all of this. I wouldn't sweat it to much however, as long as you are honest with the guy, and just flat out tell him that you haven't received your pack, then I would think he would be understanding.

  11. #11
    BASK8KACE is offline Anabolic Member
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    He's probably bluffing and trying to scam you.

    Do the following:
    --Take down all the info you have about him including his email address.
    --Call overseas information and ask for the phone number and address to the police station closest to the address that he gave you. Also ask for the postal authority in the same area.
    --If the person is using a certain account such as paypal or fedex, ect gather the overseas information for those companies or use the USA headquarters address.
    --Using the information you gathered about your "friend," write FORMAL, GRAMATICALLY CORRECT and CORRECTLY SPELLED, letters to each of the authorities (police, postal service, pay service, etc), naming the person and mention your CERTAINTY that he is a steroid dealer. Sign with a fake name and fake street address (but make sure the address exists just don't use your own--look it up in the phone book). Don't be an idiot by using the address of someone you don't like just because you want to cause him or her "trouble" (such as an x-girlfriend). Use an address that is not connected to you in any way but in the SAME town from wich you mail the letters (look for a house that's up for sale or a vacant apartment for rent).
    --Go to an out of town post office and mail the letters.
    --Sit tight.
    --I think that will clear up your problem.
    --Do not write anything in the letter that will incriminate you. Just state that you KNOW that this person is dealing steroids . No need to say why you know.
    --Keep copies of the letters (typed) after 3 weeks have passed after sending the original letters, send the copies to your dear friend. He doesn't need to know they are from you.
    Last edited by BASK8KACE; 08-06-2003 at 03:05 PM.

  12. #12
    twosocks40's Avatar
    twosocks40 is offline Member
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    Bask8kase, it sounds like you have done this before. I got to say though, I like it.


  13. #13
    BASK8KACE is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by twosocks40
    Bask8kase, it sounds like you have done this before. I got to say though, I like it.

    No, I've never had to do anything like that. I just imagined what I'd do if I were in the same situation.

  14. #14
    Sicilian30's Avatar
    Sicilian30 is offline Respected Member
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    Well Bask, great idea, however, I think that is a bit risky to report him to the authorities (the source I mean)... because: 1. Fingerprinting and DNA evidence, 2. If the FBI knows where this letter came from all they have to do is dig a bit in that city and they will find out who sent it and possibily snag the original person who sent it (if this person has gear on him or in his house). 3. the source may roll on all of his clients INCLUDING THE GUY WHO SENT THE LETTER TO THE AUTHORITIES IN THE FIRST PLACE. then they will know who sent it.
    While I think this is a good "SCARE" tatic, why not just threaten the guy with what Bas said, instead of actually doing it. Because if you do this, then the chances of you getting looked at by the FBI/DEA increases, even if you don't have any AS on you or with you. Maybe they will flag you for future possibilities of AS. That happened to a guy I know. Remember the FBI and DEA have nothing but time, I have seen them wait a guy out for almost 3 years before popping him.

  15. #15
    BASK8KACE is offline Anabolic Member
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    My response was mostly written tongue-in-cheek. The authorities are not going to act on a anonymous tip, unless they are given a convincing amount of evidence. I seriously doubt the feds are going to lift finger prints from a letter which contains no incriminating evidence of the person who sent it. They don't have that kind of time to waste on small people who are not dealing large quantities.

    I'm just trying to get my damn post count back up. I used to be listed as a senior member!

    Now, in order to raise my status, I have to resort to posting a bunch of one and two word responses at the end of other people's threads. I'll start with the picture forurm: "lookin' good!"..."Damn, bro!"..."bump"...."work on your traps!"

    Hmmm. I think I'll get started right now.

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