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Thread: eGFR update, finally better numbers

  1. #1
    hallehason is offline New Member
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    eGFR update, finally better numbers

    Six months ago I posted about very low eGFR and high creatinine. A few days ago I did another blood panel and it is up by 13 points which is surprising.

    The only things i’ve changed are:

    Colostrum daily
    UDCA to lower ASAT
    Test E decreased from 125/week to 100/week
    I also waited 20 minutes more than usual before taking bloods as the nurse was late (id this could have an impact at all)
    Diet still very clean

    I will add my bloods from June aswell as from last week further down. Seems like shbg is a little low, could maybe do more frequent injections. Is there anything else that I could improve in the latest blood test before starting a 300 Test E, 200 Primo cycle?

    Bloods June:

    (Kalium is Potassium
    Järn is Iron
    Järnmättnad is Iron saturation
    Natrium is Sodium)

    Bloods last week:

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    Quester is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Right on! You're rocking it! Or, what's the question?

  3. #3
    Honkey_Kong's Avatar
    Honkey_Kong is offline Superbowl XLIX Champs!
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    I'd just drink more water. And stay away from creatine (if you're taking it). Other than that, your GFR improved a lot. But mind you, the eGFR isn't the best measurement of kidney function for us. It doesn't take in to account people who put more muscle on their frames, so the number can be alarming even when in actuality there is no problem with your kidneys.

    Even with a 72 eGFR though, you should be keeping an eye on it. It's still considered "stage 2 CKD." I'd say you're fine, but if you have high blood pressure, you should definitely get that under control (especially if you're on cycle). Kidney damage is progressive and it's mostly permanent. A lot of guys take blood pressure meds while on cycle to help control their BP and that will help prevent or slow down a lot of organ damage.
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  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by Honkey_Kong View Post
    I'd just drink more water. And stay away from creatine (if you're taking it). Other than that, your GFR improved a lot. But mind you, the eGFR isn't the best measurement of kidney function for us. It doesn't take in to account people who put more muscle on their frames, so the number can be alarming even when in actuality there is no problem with your kidneys.

    Even with a 72 eGFR though, you should be keeping an eye on it. It's still considered "stage 2 CKD." I'd say you're fine, but if you have high blood pressure, you should definitely get that under control (especially if you're on cycle). Kidney damage is progressive and it's mostly permanent. A lot of guys take blood pressure meds while on cycle to help control their BP and that will help prevent or slow down a lot of organ damage.
    Very solid accurate advice here OP

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