just curious to see what type of gains you guys think a 1st timer could make on 250mgs/wk for 10wks on test, enthanate or sust?
just curious to see what type of gains you guys think a 1st timer could make on 250mgs/wk for 10wks on test, enthanate or sust?
bump it to 500/week with the test E. 250mgs/week will not do much for u.
You will see gains on 250mg enanthate(not sus!) a week, just not very much probably.
its easyer for us if you told us your stats
I have to disagree. I started my first cycle with 250mg of Test enan for the first 8 weeks, and with a proper diet, I had great gains...my bench went up 50lbs! (see pics in members picture forum.) but, once I knew how my body reacted to AS, I did bump it up to 350/400mg a week. I also only did 200mg of EQ.
There are a lot of great posts on low dosage cycles...
Last edited by buylongterm; 08-06-2003 at 04:16 PM.
I would say I am the poster child of the success of a low dose first cycle...
QV TE 250...1cc every 5 days...about 350mg/week.
Diet near perfect
Training heavy as all hell
Sleep 8+ hours a night
Before weight 189lbs @ 15-18% bf
After weight 214lbs @ 13% bf
All of my lifts went through the roof, and I wasnt very weak to begin with.
All this, and I'm fairly certain that my batch was underdosed...
Gear should be used to enhance an already dialed in program...not to make up for weak areas in the program.
I have a scenario I'm interested in hearing about. One of my good friends is about to leap to the dark side. Here's some background on him: he's 21, 165, 6ft, has been working out religiously with me for years, and although he is a 'skinny' guy, he's definitely all muscle and has an amazing base to work from. Diet is also in check. Cycle will look something like this from what he's told me: Enan 250mg/week 1-11, Eq 400mg/wk 1-10, dbol to kickstart wks 1-4 at 25mg. He asked me if he should kick the enan to 500, however the kid has been cursed with some BAD acne in the past (has some ugly scars from during high school, was on accutane twice). Acne's not bad at all anymore, but he still gets a few every now and then. Do you think it'd be worth it for him to jump it to 500 or do you think at his weight, he'll be ok at 250 for a first cycle? He's pretty nervous about the acne flairing again at a higher dose. Also, the reason he picked eq is because he wants to stay lean, have his gains keepable even if they aren't as much, and avoid acne as much as possible. But I've been reading on here lately that Eq still causes some nasty acne on some people. Thoughts on any of this? Maybe it's not worth the risk for him to cycle yet until the acne is long gone?
my first cycle was 300mg test enanthate. keep it low and see how ur body reacts. If u run 250mg of enanthate a week without the ester weight thats about 180mg of test. Naturally lets see u produce 60mg of test a week. Now just by taking in 250of test a week thats already 3x ur natural level. And then lets talk about half lifes real quick. VERY ROUGH ESTIMATE(if u need exact calculations PM me and ill give ur the formulas)
1st week total test is 180mg
2nd week 180+ 90mg(the test from the previous injection) total 270mg of test floating around... and so on
Some people have better receptors than others, so I would try 8-10 weeks of SUS or ENANTHATE at 250/wk for the whole cycle cause both take 4-5 weeks to really kick in, and just see how you do. If you start out any higher you will always have to start higher which means more money and more side effects. My first 2 cycles were SUS 250/wk for 8 weeks each and gained about 18lbs. each time, keeping 10lbs from each cycle.
I would start low and then for your second cycle I would go higher IF you need to.
Good Luck
Id say to do enanthate at 250mg. Doesn't anybody else think that 250 a week of sus is a waste???? Not saying you can't make some gains but c'mon. There are such low doses of each of the test esters in it. Maybe I'm completely wrong but I think 250 a week of sus is a waste of time. Just my opinion.
Well I personally gained up to 20 lbs. off just 250mg/wk on sust alone for my first cycle that I just completed. I kept 12 lbs. all together and my strength increased a lot! I don't think that 250mg/wk is such a waste for a first time user who just wants to get a feel for what will work best!!!
Thanks everyone. I appreciate the help. Sometimes us skinnier guys need to read a thread or two that says it IS ok to start out with a smaller dose- My friend and I are really similar physically. Everyone that doesn't know us thinks we are related. So I'm taking this all in for myself as well incase that time ever comes for me in the future to cross to 'the dark side'
I respond real well on low doses. My first cycle was dbol at 30mg and sus300 at 300 a week. I blew up on it. To this day, i still use relatively low doses of any compound. I think it all depends on the person. Abercrombie, even though you and your friend are very similar, you will prolly be surprised at the differences. It does take a real educated guess though to get the ball started. I would rather start off small to see how i react to it wouldnt you? Shit, if you are growing great off 250, why bump it up? Dont fall into the trap that more is better.
Finally, a thread where I am not the minority thinking low doses cant be extremely effective. Twosox, although sust has different esters, test is test, I thought the esters just determine the release times. There are alot of us who gained 20 lbs on 250 a week cycles.
my first cycle was 250 test e and 200 primo and I gained 16 lbs solid and was pretty hard used proviron as well.......currently I am on my second cycle of 250 test e and 300 primo a week ....just shot my last primo 15 minutes ago and that will be the end of week 5 of a 10 week cycle.......right now I am up 10 lbs........well that was last saturday. and strength is going well bench is up 40 lbs.....for reps ....did 238 for 9 reps....up from 200 so thats good .....no acne no nada a little bloat but will us proviron soon. start low see how your body reacts....be safe
Its good to know others are out there that got decent gains from just 250 a wk for a 1st cycle. There are a lot of people that say you should start at 500mgs and maybe thats looking back and saying if i could do my 1st over again i'd do more, but i think you have to get your feet wet to AAS before you dive right in. I don't see how you could get no results from 250mgs as long as you have a proper diet and training split. Besides if everyone says once you do your 1st cycle you'll do another, then why not start small and work your way up to higher doses once you know how you will react.
Low dose cycles of testosterone will work if you use a long lasting ester of testosterone. In other words. Use Testosterone Cypionate or Testosterone Enanthate; Do not use Sust.
There are several low dose cycle posts/discussions on the board. You will find them if you search using the phrase "low dose." I've posted many things about low doses, you can also use my screen name as search criteria.
If you want to see a progression of someone on a low dose cycle, there are a few people, including me, who have posted pictures in the member's picture section documenting their growth. Do a search in that section using my name and you'll find my before, during and after pics.
Best of luck!![]()
One of the few posts I've read advocating low(er) doses...
If there's one criticism I have of this board it is that some of the veterans are a little blase about the quantities that *they personally* can and have used effectively......
Nice to see more people advocating caution to newbies.
Wazzup bro my name is Conrad and im new to the dark side.Im starting a low dose mon morning t-200 eth... im going to do 1cc the first week but should i run it like that until im completed
I think you should definitely try the 1 cc/week dose for your first cycle.
I know you're a new memeber, so you probably don't know that it's not a good idea to ask a question that relates only to you on someone else's thread (as you know, a thread is a series of posts).
You will get more responses to your question if you begin your own thread. When asking cycle questions remember to include your stats, lifting experience and goals. This will help people provide you with accurate information. You can also fill out your profile and just refer people to it rather than rewriting your stats every time you have a question.
If anyone else has something to add, it would probably be best to keep it in the context of Tmeoe's question since it is he who started this thread.
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