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  1. #1
    Nixter's Avatar
    Nixter is offline Associate Member
    Join Date
    Mar 2002

    Gyno question, (what to look out for)

    I had some minor Gyno as a teen that left me with some very slight effects. It's not very noticable at all but I don't want to add to it with my current Eq/Winny cycle. What should I be watching out for? I understand "itchy nips" is the term but what is that exactly? Is it a soreness or do they actually feel itchy? Is it possible that I could get gyno and not feel it coming?

    Thanks guys,


    (yes, I know, "where's the test"?)

  2. #2
    trimunex's Avatar
    trimunex is offline Senior Member
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    First of all, with an Eq/Winny cycle you should have nothing to worry about.

    But to answer your question; you should be aware of any changes with your chest, not just the nipples. However, first signs of gyno are usually in the nipples. Look for signs of heightened sensitivity, puffiness, or some say their nipples become warmer (burning sensation). Most importantly look out for any unusual changes, and start anti-e's immediately if you notice signs of gyno. Nolva does a damn good job of taking care of the symptoms.


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