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  1. #1
    BiggerBri2002's Avatar
    BiggerBri2002 is offline Senior Member
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    Starting First Cycle Next Week..Some Dumb Questions


    Most of you guys may know my story by now. If not check my past posts. Anyway starting my first real cycle on Monday or will be:

    Test Ent 500mg 10 weeks
    Deca 300mg 10 weeks
    DBOL 20mg day First 4 week
    Nolva and Clomid on hand for any trouble

    Here are my dumb questions:

    1) I'm gonna be injecting the Test twice weekly at 250mg. Should I also do the DECA twice weekly at 150mg or should I do that at 300mg once a week. If so I wanted to mix with the TEST but my pins only take 3cc. How should I split it up????

    2) I have PRIMO Depot on hand too. I was gonna run that later in the year, but should I run that at the end of this cycle? Or just hold onto it for a cutting cycle next spring which I will add some winny to.

    3) I am going to inject in glutes and you guys recommend I do biceps or delts?

    4) Since this is a bulking cycle should I DROP my cardio all together? I currently do 20-25 mins of walking on the track or tread.

    5) My current diet looks like this:
    Morning after workout
    Protein Shake 55g protein 5g Glutamine
    2-3 hours later
    Can of Tuna or Chicken breast...Some crackers or little bread
    Protein Bar 35g protein
    Chicken breast, steak, pork chops...etc with some veggies
    Hour before bed
    Protein Shake 55g protein 5g Glutamine

    What should I add to this. With my work, its hard for me to eat any more than this? Should I add a weight gainer while on the cycle? Or just more foo..if possible?

    Please try to answer as many of these questions as you can. Need to get this all straight over the weekend so I can get going on Monday/Tuesday.

  2. #2
    Pheedno is offline Respected Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by BiggerBri2002

    Most of you guys may know my story by now. If not check my past posts. Anyway starting my first real cycle on Monday or will be:

    Test Ent 500mg 10 weeks
    Deca 300mg 10 weeks
    DBOL 20mg day First 4 week
    Nolva and Clomid on hand for any trouble

    Here are my dumb questions:

    1) I'm gonna be injecting the Test twice weekly at 250mg. Should I also do the DECA twice weekly at 150mg or should I do that at 300mg once a week. If so I wanted to mix with the TEST but my pins only take 3cc. How should I split it up????

    2) I have PRIMO Depot on hand too. I was gonna run that later in the year, but should I run that at the end of this cycle? Or just hold onto it for a cutting cycle next spring which I will add some winny to.

    3) I am going to inject in glutes and you guys recommend I do biceps or delts?

    4) Since this is a bulking cycle should I DROP my cardio all together? I currently do 20-25 mins of walking on the track or tread.

    5) My current diet looks like this:
    Morning after workout
    Protein Shake 55g protein 5g Glutamine
    2-3 hours later
    Can of Tuna or Chicken breast...Some crackers or little bread
    Protein Bar 35g protein
    Chicken breast, steak, pork chops...etc with some veggies
    Hour before bed
    Protein Shake 55g protein 5g Glutamine

    What should I add to this. With my work, its hard for me to eat any more than this? Should I add a weight gainer while on the cycle? Or just more foo..if possible?

    Please try to answer as many of these questions as you can. Need to get this all straight over the weekend so I can get going on Monday/Tuesday.

    1. shoot 1cc of each on Mon. and Thurs. Mixing is OK

    2. Forget the Primo

    3. Go to spot, do any of those you feel comfortable with

    4. I do cardio whether bulking, maintaining, and of course cutting.
    It will speed up the metabolism so you can eat more than you could without it.

    5. You need to really work on the diet bro, That's not a suffeciant amount fo calories. I eat more than that cutting

    Look at the food profiles on the main page and develope something that will work better. Your bulking, which means your never going to be hungry. Your going to be needing to eat every 2.5-3hrs. Take a cooler full of food to work. Thats what I do.

  3. #3
    BiggerBri2002's Avatar
    BiggerBri2002 is offline Senior Member
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    Re: FOOD

    Could I take a weight gainer like TwinLabs Gainers Fuel 2500 ..that would add a good amount of calories to my diet???

  4. #4
    Pheedno is offline Respected Member
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    Thats not really a great option. You should eat real food. Cook at night and take to work the next day.

    The weight gainer is probably going to add a lot of fat. With real food, you can manipulate your diet much easier to optimize muscle without adding fat.

    Also, your post workout shake needs 75g of dextrose or maltodextrose to compliment the protein

  5. #5
    BiggerBri2002's Avatar
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  6. #6
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    BiggerBri2002 is offline Senior Member
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  7. #7
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    BiggerBri2002 is offline Senior Member
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  8. #8
    usualsuspect's Avatar
    usualsuspect is offline Anabolic Member
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    no need to bump...Pheedno covered it

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