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Thread: Test Only

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2003

    Test Only

    Hey guys what do yall think of a test only cycle? I'm thinking of running only test and possibly some winny at the end. This will be my third cycle. My fist cycle was 12 weeks 400mg test E and 300mg deca, second cycle was 15 weeks 500mg testE and 500mg EQ. What do u bros think of this one:

    weeks 1-2 1000mg Test E
    weeks 3-12 750mg Test E
    (possibly weeks 9-14 50mg ed winny)

    Question is will the winny do much for me or should i just save it for my next cycle? I'm open to all suggestions. Thnx bros.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    Why taper your cycle?? How did your first two cycles go?? Why don't you do a cycle with test, deca, and winny???

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    Week 1-2 dose is at 1000mgs to kinda kickstart the test in my system. The reason I don't throw any others in the mix is cuz I have test and winny already and I'm trying not to spend extra money right now. But if enough bros suggest adding EQ or Deca then I'll probably hold off on my cycle til i can get some.
    Thanx for the suggestion calidude

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    Valhalla, where the brave live forever!
    No need to taper, it will take at least two weeks for the test e to kick in anyway. The question is are you trying to bulk or Cut?

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    It's a frontload of the test, saturate the receptors faster or so it's believed, it's not really tapering. I'm running a 2 gram frontload for a 1 gram cycle, seems to work well. You could also add prop to the start of the cycle instead of frontloading, say for week 1-4. Either way it looks good IMO. Good luck.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    Thanx bdtr, yup that's exactly what it is a frontload. I'm gonnabe doing a sorta lean bulk cycle. I'll be runnin femara ed to keep fat and water down. I'll also do cardio about 2-3 times a week. Nothing intense just enough to stay fairly lean and possibly even shed a little fat. Thanx for the replies bros.

  7. #7
    I think you should throw in some d-bol or test prop for the 1-4 weeks and do the test E at 750 like you planned and if you still wanna do winny throw it in.

    1-4=dbol 30mg or 1-4 test prop e3d 150mg
    1-12=test 750mg
    9-14=winny ed 50-100mg
    start pct 1 day after last winny shot.

    Good luck

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