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Thread: sus 250 & d-ball or reg test & d-ball

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    fort lauderdale, fl

    Thumbs up sus 250 & d-ball or reg test & d-ball

    what do you think works better sus250 & d-ball or reg test & d-ball...just thinking about doin a 10 week cycle of one of these. thankx

  2. #2
    Ranger Guest
    Test, is test, is for which one...Generally speaking, most kick start a cycle with dbol because they're using a longer acting Test ester chain, such as enath.

    With Sus 250 you have the 4 test ester blend, 2 fast acting, and 2 slow...

    All of this will depend on price, availability, and your desired end of cycle goal....

    Kind of a shitty answer, but it's hard to say...this one is the BEST....per se of course....


  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    Is that full intensity's logo?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    looks like...did FI change his name? as for the answer to your question, i prefer sus and dbol, but as ranger said, test is test is test...i only use sus because i've had good results in the past and don't feel like changing

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    Toronto, Canada
    hey thats my avatar, u stole it!

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    Toronto, Canada
    I get drunk outta my mind for one nite and now look, people are trying to take me over!

  7. #7
    hahaha stealing FIs avatar,good one.
    as for your ?
    i say and so do others,test is test bro,personaly i think sus is overrated and overpriced.cyp is half the price and just as good.go with cyp @600 mg wk 10 wks and dbol @40-50 mg ed for the 1st 4 wks
    take the money you would have spent on sus and get some prop as well and after cyp run it @100mg ed for 3 wks,hit the clomid 3 days after that @300 day 1 ,100 mg for 10 days then 50 mg for 10 days

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