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Thread: Insulin and IDIOTS!!!

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2001

    Insulin and IDIOTS!!!

    There are some people who just don't do any research!

    Bodybuilders 'abusing insulin'

    It is easy to overdose on insulin
    Doctors believe that an increasing number of bodybuilders are putting themselves at risk by injecting themselves with insulin.
    The drug, normally given to diabetics to help control their blood sugar levels, is highly effective at helping bodybuilders boost their muscle mass.

    However, this comes at a price - careless use could cause a plummet in blood sugar levels which could leave the bodybuilder at risk of coma, or even death.

    Over the long term, the extra insulin could cause irreversible long-term damage.

    These people already have enough insulin. What they are doing is extremely risky

    Spokesman, Diabetes UK
    Bodybuilders who use insulin could end up becoming diabetic themselves as their body's natural mechanism for producing the hormone stops working properly, warn experts.

    The problem was highlighted by Dr Richard Lynch, an A&E doctor from Pontefract General Infirmary in Yorkshire, who encountered a bodybuilder who was found unconscious at home.

    His symptoms matched those of a diabetic who had experienced "hypoglycaemia" - dangerously low blood sugar.

    However, as he came round it was revealed that he was a bodybuilder who had been taking insulin to improve his muscle bulk.

    Sugar boost

    "Normal" practice among bodybuilders taking insulin is to combine the drug with a large amount of sugary food to stop blood sugar levels dropping too low.

    However, because the 31-year-old was close to a competition, he had, in addition, been on a strict diet, which compounded the problem.

    Although the man later recovered fully, Dr Lynch offered this warning to other bodybuilders.

    He said: "This potentially lethal drug has serious consequences should things go wrong, particularly as it is usually used in secret.

    "This puts the user at risk of developing hypoglycaemia for prolonged periods away from possible medical assistance, potentially resulting in coma and death."

    The precise source of the insulin is unknown, although it is rumoured that some diabetics sell some of their prescribed insulin to bodybuilders.

    Extreme risk

    A spokesman for Diabetes UK said that it was particularly dangerous for a non-diabetic to take insulin.

    She said: "These people already have enough insulin. What they are doing is extremely risky.

    "It's extremely easy to overdose on insulin if you haven't been trained in what to do."

    She said that the training process for newly-diagnosed type I diabetics was, at least at first, normally carried out in hospital by experienced diabetes doctors and specialist nurses to gauge exactly how much insulin each patient needed.

    Insulin abuse is also suspected in professional sport as an alternative to anabolic steroids - which can be detected by testing.

    In contrast, an insulin injection is virtually undetectable.

    The study was published in the British Journal of Sports Medicine.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    This is why insulin will soon be "prescription only". Stories like this that create negative reports on things. The more people that start using slin, the more reports of idiots not doing the proper research and safe practices.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    Damn!why people just stuck on every drug without thinking ha? research research research! thas the golden key for us.Thanks god we belong to the AR FAMILY!!!!!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    I mean, this kid must have thought he was the dogs bollocks - getting some slin, getting bigger and hey got a comp coming up lets diet. He was probably taking it as he knew he'd pass a test - what he didn't obviously count on was passing - - - - -- - - - - - - -OUT!!! What a dip shit!!

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    Austin, TX
    can it really cause a non-diabetic to become diabetic in the long run...even under safe use..?

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2003
    Use fast acting insulin directly after workouts and perhaps at breakfast. Rough rule of thumb is start with a very low dossage i.e 2-4 iu's progress dossage gradually to a tolerable level, i find 8-10 iu's ok. Consume 10 gms of simple carbs to every 1 iu of insulin. Don't stay on it any longer than 2-3 weeks as you will at best only gain lard at worst give yourself diabetes. Or if you aint carefull you die. If you know what to look out for meaning hypoglycemic effects you should be ok. Slow acting insulin is dangerous as the effects can be a lot harder to predict.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    ive never seen a single study that shows that in non-diabetics that exogenous insulin usage will cause diabetes

    however i think insulin is pretty fvcking dangerous shit and shouldnt be touched unless you cant grow off gear anymore. I decided to throw some humalog into my last cycle, about 4 weeks after taking it (same dosage) all of a sudden the carbs wouldnt take. I took my normal amount of carbs 100g for 10IU of insulin and went hypo really badly, I ended up being lucky enough to have a friend with me who ran inside a store and got me some honey and soda. For the next 2 hours I fought for my life. By the end of the 2 hours I had taken in over 300g of carbs. I drank like 2 liters of soda, 1/2 a tub of honey, about 10 glucose tabs, 75mg dextrose, a pear, and some of a power bar. Sometimes shit just doesnt go right with that stuff. I ended up having to induce vomitting because I was so full from taking in all that shit (I would wait about 5-10 minutes after last meal/drink so I would have time to absorb the sugar and I let the honey sit in my mouth for a few seconds to try to absorb some more quickly). I think I threw up 2 or 3 times. I honestly don't know how I made it through.

    I knew what I was doing, and all the knowledge in the world almost wasnt enough to keep me alive. I thought I was going to die, shit was going black, I was almost passing out, I had some out of body was fucked up shit.

    I recommend to ANYONE using insulin to get some glucagon! If you go hypo it could save your life. I wish I had some when that happened to me. BTW I havent touched insulin since, I dumped it down the toilet that night and promised my friend (who saved my life that night by getting me all that food/soda) that I would never use it again so I'm not going to.

    Not trying to scare people...well maybe I am a little, at least get them to realize there are consequences to this shit. Insulin is NOT to be taken lightly.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    Everybody is different. I ran an 8 week cycle humalin-r 22 i.u. after workout and never a prob. two times I did start to get a sweats but I just ate like a horse and felt better. It was kinda cool cause I could wolf down food and still be hungery. I did a little research on insulin and WISHED!!! i had done more. Like humalin-r is the worst kind to take for BB'rs because of the long effects. And rastus I think Insulin is prescipt only. Mine was...... but not for me 8)

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Aug 2003
    McBain you nutter!!! dodgy bad luck mate! Anyways i plan to stack a bit soon. Doing hgh at night for a few months, a little T3 if need be, insulin, and gear. Supose it will be my biggest course to date, Fvckin expensive too!!

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    You guys are brave fella's - it's not something that I would want to fuck around with. HGH and gear is one thing but your insulin levels, fuck I'll leave that to the Doctors!

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    McBain's story is enough to scare me from using it....damn

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    Yeah, I dont think there are enough stories where shit goes wrong out there. When I was using I had absolutely no idea that something like what happened to me was even possible, and I was researching slin for prob close to a year

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Aug 2003
    USA - Missouri
    Insulin is definitely not a play toy.

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    Same EXACT thing happened to my training partner, in fact the story is almost identical. I swore i'd never touch slin till AS stopped working for me. I figure in a couple years I'll give it a shot, but for now its AS and GH for me.

    Quote Originally Posted by McBain
    ive never seen a single study that shows that in non-diabetics that exogenous insulin usage will cause diabetes

    however i think insulin is pretty fvcking dangerous shit and shouldnt be touched unless you cant grow off gear anymore. I decided to throw some humalog into my last cycle, about 4 weeks after taking it (same dosage) all of a sudden the carbs wouldnt take. I took my normal amount of carbs 100g for 10IU of insulin and went hypo really badly, I ended up being lucky enough to have a friend with me who ran inside a store and got me some honey and soda. For the next 2 hours I fought for my life. By the end of the 2 hours I had taken in over 300g of carbs. I drank like 2 liters of soda, 1/2 a tub of honey, about 10 glucose tabs, 75mg dextrose, a pear, and some of a power bar. Sometimes shit just doesnt go right with that stuff. I ended up having to induce vomitting because I was so full from taking in all that shit (I would wait about 5-10 minutes after last meal/drink so I would have time to absorb the sugar and I let the honey sit in my mouth for a few seconds to try to absorb some more quickly). I think I threw up 2 or 3 times. I honestly don't know how I made it through.

    I knew what I was doing, and all the knowledge in the world almost wasnt enough to keep me alive. I thought I was going to die, shit was going black, I was almost passing out, I had some out of body was fucked up shit.

    I recommend to ANYONE using insulin to get some glucagon! If you go hypo it could save your life. I wish I had some when that happened to me. BTW I havent touched insulin since, I dumped it down the toilet that night and promised my friend (who saved my life that night by getting me all that food/soda) that I would never use it again so I'm not going to.

    Not trying to scare people...well maybe I am a little, at least get them to realize there are consequences to this shit. Insulin is NOT to be taken lightly.

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    Im taking it during the breakfast in the morning-humilin r- Is it good bros? After I made the shot I take plenty carbs and proteins.Any comments???

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Aug 2003
    "Im taking it during the breakfast in the morning-humilin r- Is it good bros? After I made the shot I take plenty carbs and proteins.Any comments???"

    Fuck man, I dont mean to sound like a dick, but you've got to be kidding with this post, especially on post called insulin and idiots. I'm not calling you an idiot, just saying that you have to be extremely educated on how to use slin before even thinking about. You fuck up once on eating the perfect amount of food and at the right time and it could fucking KILL YOU!!

    Check out the insulin.txt on the educational threads and do a search for insulin

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Aug 2003
    new york
    i find it pretty f#^**@ amazing that there is no known case of b-12 overdosing, yet you need an Rx to get it, but insulin in the wrong hands can kill you and you can get it without an Rx. something to think about.

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