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  1. #1
    GMuscle's Avatar
    GMuscle is offline Associate Member
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    Exclamation Starting Cycle of Deca, Sastanon, D-bol, and Winny(Want Advice)

    I am 29yrs, 5' 8", 209lbs,Bodyfat 11-13% and have been training off and on for 17yrs. I have a 49 1/2" chest, 17 1/4" arms 26 1/2" legs 16 1/2" calves and a 34" waist. I don"t know if I am ready for juice or not.I got togather some(Deca , Sastanon, D-bol, and Winny). I have 1 10cc bottle of 200mg Deca, 8 amps of Sastanon, 100 Naps, 50 pink Thai D-bols, 45 Winstrol tabs (don't know if Winny is real or not?), and a bottle of HCG . The Winny is supposed to be 12mg tablets, they are plain white with a score down the middle of one side. The Winny is about the sixe of a nap but thicker. I wish I knew whatthe Winny is suppose to taste like. If anyone has any input as to how I shoud cycle what I got for the best results I would love the input.

  2. #2
    MBaraso's Avatar
    MBaraso is offline Retired Mod
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    You need more deca , sus and probably winny, also you'll need clomid for post cycle.
    The winny is probably 2mg tabs which means you need to take alot of them to get the 50mgs per day that you'll need.
    This is your first cycle so I would stick to 2 compounds. Save the rest for another time.
    Week 1-10 Sus 500mgs (750mgs 1st 2 weeks)
    Week 1-4 d-bol 30mgs ed
    Clomid 2 weeks after last shot of test.

    You could add deca in @ 400mgs for weeks 1-10 but it's not really nessasary being it's your first cycle.
    Have anti e's on hand just incase.

  3. #3
    BigGreen's Avatar
    BigGreen is offline Anabolic Member
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    1 10cc bottle of deca at that concentration run at an acceptable dose would last you five to seven weeks - not long enough to even warrant sticking yourself with it. The "sastanon", which I'm hoping you mistyped and is really "sustanon " (otherwise, unless their is a legit sastanon that I'm not aware of..and that could be the's not real, imo) is 250 mg/amp more likely than not...enough to run for 8 weeks if you ascribe to the low dose school of thought, but at your size and experience, probably would best be run @500mg/week...thus it would last four weeks; once again, not nearly long enough to even waste your time.

    The winny, and I have not heard of 12mg tabs, if even real would last you about 10-15 days at a dose even remotely considered acceptable. I'm sure I'm gettting repetitive here, but once again, not a long enough duration to even bother with. You're left with possibly maybe being able to build a dbol only cycle, something that's not really advisable. Lastly, with the amount of gear you have and the time you could run it (and I don't advise you do attempt to run ANYTHING with the amount you have), HCG is the biggest nonfactor in the world.

    The bottom line is that you are in desperate need of more gear, more applicable post cycle ancillaries, and (very likely) more education insofar as AAS are concerned (and I say that in all honesty and with all due respect). In my opinion, you've chosen the best possible place to learn, and I suggest you do just that. You appear to have made incredible progress naturally, and I'd hate to see you short circuit your efforts on a very poor cycle (and YES, a very poor cycle can not only leave you with zero net gains in the long run, but can least temporarily...detract from what you have now if you're not careful).

  4. #4
    GMuscle's Avatar
    GMuscle is offline Associate Member
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    Question This is how I was going to take it. What do you think?

    Thank you guys for the replies. All the measurements I posted are "Cold" non pumped measurements. And the Sustanon is real Oreagon. The Deca came from a Hormone replacement clinic in Florida. The only thing I am not sure about is the Winstrol . It is 3 years old.Anyways I was thinking of using this stuff as follows:
    Week 1: 1cc/200mg Deca, 1 250mg Sustanon, 3 D-bol/day
    Week 2: 1cc/200mg Deca, 1 250mg Sustanon, 4 d-bol/day
    Week 3: 2cc/200mg Deca, 2 250mg Sustanon, 4 d-bol/day
    Week 4: 2cc/200mg Deca, 2 250mg Sustanon, 5 d-bol/day
    Week 5: 1cc/200mg Deca, 1 250mg Sustanon, 4 d-bol/day
    Week 6: 1cc/200mg Deca, 1 250mg Sustanon, 3 d-bol/day until gone
    Week 7: 1cc/200mg Deca, 5-6 Winstrol/day
    Week 8: 1cc/200mg Deca, 3-4 Winstrol/day
    Week 9: HCG

    I was thinking since it would be the first time I might get some decent results? But, after reading these posts I don't know if it is even worth trying? What else do I need? What is Anti-E? And still no one has said anything about what Winstrol should taste like. I thank you for any input as this is very important to me.

    "What we do today will echo in eternity!"
    Last edited by GMuscle; 08-19-2003 at 10:35 PM.

  5. #5
    BigGreen's Avatar
    BigGreen is offline Anabolic Member
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    Pyramiding as you have it is NOT a good idea. Deca and Sust are essentially self-tapering. Might I suggest looking below at my signature and clicking on the link to "The Case Against Sustanon ", that should explain a bit as to why your lay out would be wreaking absolute havoc on your system.

    I'll concede that given what you actually have, you've managed to arrange something with some obvious thought, intent and strategies in mind. However, not to sound like a jackass, but I can build a house out of popsicle sticks and old newspapers and it would likely be an excellent home given the materials I had to work with. I would NOT, however want to live in the thing. Likewise, as well intentioned as your cycle is, I would NOT want to adminsiter it (nor would I want you to).

    You concede that you aren't sure if it is even worth trying with the materials you have. GO WITH THAT FEELING. Stay here, and read up (and i mean REALLY read...start in the educational threads, maybe my signature, then with the questions you have from there use the search button...incidentally, another great search tool is to simply search for "steroid " but specify that you only want threads with 100 or more responses).

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