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Thread: cycle advice

  1. #1

    cycle advice

    I am going to cycle the following drugs. I would appreciate some opinions/advice on how to cycle them.

    10 ml/deca 300mg
    20 ml/winny 50mg
    20 ml/primo 100mg
    100 clen. tabs.

    I am planning on cleaning up w/ HCG and clomid. Is this necessary? I want a longer cycle with lower doses (This method has proven to be the best for me in the past). I don't want to take any test or dbol, so please don't suggest it. I know it is good, but I don't want it. I am 6'0 235, w/ 12% bf. I would like to get to 245-250 w/ less bf if possible. I appreciate any advice. Thanks

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    12,000 feet above it all
    Is that absolutely all you have to work with? Set in stone I mean. Because while you could build "something" out of it, it would not be at all desirable, generally speaking.

  3. #3
    I can pretty much get anything I need to work with. It is just a matter of time. What do you mean my it would not be at all desirable? I have tried test b4, and got signs of gyno after only 4 wks. I really don't want to take anything like that. I have honestly had great success w/ deca, winny, and eq. I went from 225 to 244 on deca/winny/eq. I know a lot of it was water, but I only dropped to about 238 post cycle. I got pretty damn strong too. This was back when I played football.
    I would really appreciate any advice. I am interested in keeping a lot of my gains. Thanks

  4. #4
    bump...someone has to have some suggestions. Thanks

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    12,000 feet above it all
    Well, the most glaring weakness in the cycle is the lack of any test. While I'm not as quick to condemn a cycle with no test as some others (though the instances are few and far between where it isn't very necessary) it would definitely be needed in a cycle with deca, imo. If you say you don't want test, then I have to reply with "you don't want deca". What are the reasons for not wanting test? Bad experience in the past?

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    12,000 feet above it all
    To clarify, since the edit button isn't working, when you experienced gyno, were you running an anti-e?

  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by BigGreen
    To clarify, since the edit button isn't working, when you experienced gyno, were you running an anti-e?
    I was not running anti-e. I was ignorant at the time, and didn't do the research. Never again will I do that. I have Nolvadex, but still don't really want to use test. I may end up throwing it in. If I do, what form would be best? How about sustanon? Please give me info on the no-test cycle above, and recommendatioins on how to use the drugs. That is what I want to know right now. Thanks a lot for the response BigGreen.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    la la land
    Quote Originally Posted by tbone44
    I am going to cycle the following drugs. I would appreciate some opinions/advice on how to cycle them.

    10 ml/deca 300mg
    20 ml/winny 50mg
    20 ml/primo 100mg
    100 clen. tabs.

    I am planning on cleaning up w/ HCG and clomid. Is this necessary? I want a longer cycle with lower doses (This method has proven to be the best for me in the past). I don't want to take any test or dbol, so please don't suggest it. I know it is good, but I don't want it. I am 6'0 235, w/ 12% bf. I would like to get to 245-250 w/ less bf if possible. I appreciate any advice. Thanks
    20 days of winnie not least 35 days...also i would double your primo...but definatly add some test 400mg week plus...all 3 of your AS will cause dick problems...hell if your dick doesnt work then life isnt worth living anymore

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Aug 2003
    "Please give me info on the no-test cycle above, and recommendatioins on how to use the drugs. That is what I want to know right now."

    That's really hard to answer. It's like if someone asked you "can I build a house out of paper, glue, and popsickle sticks?" Yeah, you could do it, but would you want to live in that piece of shit?

    I'm not flaming you, just trying to explain why it's hard to put a cycle together for you. This is what I think you should do:

    1-12...test...600 mgs/wk
    1-12...deca..600 mgs/wk
    1-6....winny..50 mgs/ed
    11-14..winny..50 mgs/ed
    1-17..liquidex.. .25 mgs/ed

    This way you have all the bases covered. The winny regimen is a little unorthodox, but it would work very well. It would serve as a boost in the beginning, and it'd be there in the end when your other gear is clearing out. And there's a 4 week break in the middle, so you don't tax your liver. And the liquidex is there to prevent any gyno from the test.
    Last edited by slobberknocker; 08-27-2003 at 11:38 PM.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    I don't want to be a prick but...make your cycle THEN buy your gear. Buying gear then trying to make a cycle out of it is not effective IMHO.

  11. #11
    Quote Originally Posted by Money Boss Hustla
    I don't want to be a prick but...make your cycle THEN buy your gear. Buying gear then trying to make a cycle out of it is not effective IMHO.
    No where did I say that I already bought the drugs. I can get pretty much anything within time. I haven't actually purchased anything yet. The Nolvadex is left over from a previous cycle. I may consider test, but am curious as to what kind I should use? One of the main reasons that I do not like test is the keep gains. I lose quite a bit. I may try it again, and I WILL be smart about it this time. Thanks for the replies guys, and keep the info coming. Much appreciated

  12. #12
    Okay, I know that many of you advise that I add test to this cycle. Well, if I don't, will the primo and deca together cause any adverse side effects? I have taken deca on 3 previous cycles (400mg/week), and have not experienced "deca dick" or any negative sides for that matter. I have never taken primo before. Will taking the 2 together have any "special" sides? Thanks guys.

  13. #13
    Join Date
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    South Jersey
    If you have taken the deca three previous times and not experienced deca dick or the progesterone gyno then i would say you are not prone and should not be worried. I have never heard of a special effect when primo and deca are combined but i may be wrong.

    I would add test. What kind ya say? I would go with a cyp, or enath to keep your blood levels more controlled and since you have the E's available, u should not be worried about gyno this time. I really have no idea on a good way to run a cycle with what you had listed.

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Aug 2003
    Enanthate is my favorite test.

    By the way, don't run primo and winny together. That's a recipe for hairloss.

  15. #15
    Tank and slobberknocker, thanks a lot for your input. I think I will go ahead and run a test. I appreciate it fellas.

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    la la land
    definately enanthate...i would say shanghai 250 or Rt 400...Shanghai hurts less even with more injects...price is better as well

  17. #17
    Join Date
    May 2003
    not too far from you
    If your worried about gyno and test, there's 2 things; 1) anti-e 2) test prop.

    If you do not want to do test, I would drop the deca, do 50mg eod winn, primo to 300-600/wk. sell the deca and get anavar and use that b/n the winn.

  18. #18
    Join Date
    May 2003
    not too far from you
    Another Q's What are your GOALS

  19. #19
    Quote Originally Posted by custom fit
    Another Q's What are your GOALS
    I am currently 6'0 232 with 12% bf. My goal is 250-255 w/ 10-12% bf. I have honestly gained 18lbs on deca before. I know a lot of it was water, but I got pretty damn big. thanks fellas.

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