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Thread: Liquidex question

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2001

    Liquidex question

    Any help would be good...

    Whens the best time to stop Liquidex? If Im doing let say...

    EQ for 10 weeks with t-prop for 12 weeks and ending with winny at week 12 would you run the Liquidex till week 12 when clomid will come in or do you continue to...?
    Would ya run it at .5 or 1.0 per day?
    Last edited by Fast Results; 12-18-2001 at 11:22 PM.

  2. #2
    CYCLEON Guest
    depends on how much EQ and prop you are running but for lower doses .5mg ED would likely be ok, for more I would bump it up to .75 or 1mg.

    If you can, run it till the end of clomid therapy - it will get you started up faster.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    I'll front load 600 - 800 mg the first 2 wks then stay at 400mg, the prop will be 50 mg ED. I'll go .75 liquidex to be safe...

    Thanks cycleon

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    Over there.
    Run it all the way through your clomid therapy. You should see better results and get your natural test going quicker.

  5. #5
    soul shaker Guest
    might want to bump the prop up alittle, your looking at 350mg a week.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Dec 1969
    Outside your bedroom wind
    Originally posted by soul shaker
    might want to bump the prop up alittle, your looking at 350mg a week.
    If it's a cutting cycle, 350 should be plenty to gain as much lean mass without major water retention. Now. if you're bulking and not worried about water...go for maybe 75mg ed.

    Running L-dex at .75mg(10-12 drops) should last you(in theory) 105ish days.

    So it would run out RIGHT before clomid ended.
    (90 day cycle- 3 weeks =21 days.......111 day COMPLETE cycle)

    Just have nolva on hand incase for rebound estrogen, although you shouldn't have any problems. Good luck FR.

  7. #7
    CYCLEON Guest
    "Running L-dex at .75mg(10-12 drops) should last you(in theory) 105ish days"

    Thats the 20ml/4mg kind only

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