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Thread: cycle help

  1. #1

    cycle help

    This is my third cycle- I did two cycles with Equipose already.
    -I'm 6'2 230- 23 years old.

    Tell me what you think about my cycle and would I should do diffrent.

    Test 250 - 1 cc- 10 weeks
    Deca 300- 1 cc - 10 weeks
    HCG-weeks 11, 12, and maybe 13 week
    Clomid-14, 15 weeks
    Clen-after that

    -I was thinking about throwing some Nolvadex and Proviron in during the 10 week cycle of Deca and Test-what do you think.

    Maybe around 10mg/d of Nolvadex
    and Proviron 25 mg/d.

    -Please help!

  2. #2
    should I throw some d-bol in there with it?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    Miller's Crossing
    Quote Originally Posted by freakysnake
    This is my third cycle- I did two cycles with Equipose already.
    -I'm 6'2 230- 23 years old.

    Tell me what you think about my cycle and would I should do diffrent.

    Test 250 - 1 cc- 10 weeks
    Deca 300- 1 cc - 10 weeks
    HCG-weeks 11, 12, and maybe 13 week
    Clomid-14, 15 weeks
    Clen-after that

    -I was thinking about throwing some Nolvadex and Proviron in during the 10 week cycle of Deca and Test-what do you think.

    Maybe around 10mg/d of Nolvadex
    and Proviron 25 mg/d.

    -Please help!
    I would
    1. Up the test to 2 cc a week
    2. Put the test 2 wks past the deca wk1-12(helps with recovery)
    3. HCG is not going to be needed
    4. Run .5mg of L-dex & 10mg of Nolva if gyno prone. If not, I'd still use 10-20mg of Nolva ED to help with lipids
    5. Run Clomid 3wks with 20mg of Nolva alongside starting 2wks after last test inject
    6. Provirons you call. I never use it but it's utilized by many

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