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Thread: Dbol/Winny Tabs

  1. #1

    Question Dbol/Winny Tabs

    Has anyone tried dbol/winny tabs 25mg/25mg? I just got some and they are blue and say dianabol 25mg on them. My source says that they are a new product, but, I am having problems finding out any info on them. They are also known as Diosterol. Any help is greatly appreciated.

    I was also wondering about using d-bol and winny together, is that a good idea? It seems like both are fairly toxic.
    Last edited by blenda; 08-28-2003 at 10:14 AM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    I've never seen them, and it's a lousy blend.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    Southside Jamaican Queens
    never seen them either, but I would not personally combine a bulking product with a product generally used during a cutting phase....atleast if you did give about a 4 week space between the 2 17AA's

  4. #4


    Thats what I thought, Im not even sure that they are what they say that they are.... They are blue with dianabol 25mg written on them. Does that sound like straight d-bol tabs?

    Here is my cycle plan. Let me know where, if I should use these tabs.

    Week 1-4 Dbol-Winny Tabs 25/25mg ED
    Week 1-10 QV Test Enan 500mg/wk
    Week 1-6 QV Deca 500mg/wk
    Week 7-10 EQ 500mg (250mg twice/wk)

    I was planning to do wk 1-10 of EQ but ran a little short on the gear funds. Will it be okay to use the tabs wk 1-4, and is 3 weeks of EQ long enough to get the benefits?

    Thanks for the response.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    Southside Jamaican Queens
    *shakes head* would take too long to critique that cycle seeing as I am at work.

    Just please do some research...that cycle is completely flame intended

  6. #6
    Not taken as a flame.. I understand, I am at work as well. I have done research and I was told by multiple people that 10 weeks is long enough, 500 enan per week is good, 300 deca per week is good, of course I will run anti e's 2 weeks after last deca inject. My question is around the dbol tabs and eq. If they are a bad idea, I will nix them and just run the enan and deca. I just wanted to get a jump with d-bol in the beginning because of the length of time it takes for the enan to kick in... I will do more research, but, if you could point out the major problem, I will work to fix it.

    Thanks again.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    Southside Jamaican Queens
    OK...for starters, what is a d-bol/winny tab? I know your not saying its the same tab? One is a muscle hardener commonly used in cutting phases while the other is a bulking AS. I know your not talking about taking winny and d-bol together like that, with both being 17aa your liver will go through Hell.
    And although EQ and Deca hit the same receptors, unless you absolutely have to I wouldnt just run Deca 6 weeks and switch 3 weeks before my cycle ends.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    Boston, MA
    Hmmm Never seen them Bro ! Not a very good cycle either !

  9. #9
    They are the same tabs... do a search for diosterol on the web, they are from Belize I believe. Anyway, I know that you guys say that my cyle is bad... how about some constructive criticism. Tell me what I need to add/remove.

    Should I just run the cycle below:
    Week 1-10 Enan 500mg/wk
    Week 1-10 Deca 300mg/wk
    Anti E's 2 weeks after last inject.

    I will drop the eq and dbol/winny if necessary. Just need a little guidance.

    Also, the d-bol/winny tabs are the same tab, do a search for diosterol on the web. I want to keep my liver, so, if bad idea, i will send them back.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by blenda
    They are the same tabs... do a search for diosterol on the web, they are from Belize I believe. Anyway, I know that you guys say that my cyle is bad... how about some constructive criticism. Tell me what I need to add/remove.

    Should I just run the cycle below:
    Week 1-10 Enan 500mg/wk
    Week 1-10 Deca 300mg/wk
    Anti E's 2 weeks after last inject.

    I will drop the eq and dbol/winny if necessary. Just need a little guidance.

    Also, the d-bol/winny tabs are the same tab, do a search for diosterol on the web. I want to keep my liver, so, if bad idea, i will send them back.
    Deca is a longer lasting e - and you should start PCT 3 weeks afer your last shot (and 2 weeks after last shot of Test E) so, having said that

    make sure you run Test E 1 week past deca so either
    1- 11 Enan
    1- 10 deca
    13 - 15 PCT

    or if you alread have the gear

    1-10 deca
    2- 11 TEst e
    13-15 PCT

  11. #11
    Thanks for the input, I am eager to get started.

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