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Thread: Another newbi that wants hints!

  1. #1

    Another newbi that wants hints!


    I have now lifted weights for 2 years 5 days a week. Done some good gains, but it starts to get harder to pack on muscle. So I bought my self some steriods :

    12 vials of deca
    100 tabs of dianabol
    10 tabs of clomid

    My specs:
    182 cm 5.9feet
    90kilos 198.2 punds
    15-20 % bodyfat

    I wish you guys culd help me put together a cykle. It would make me the happiest person in the world.
    Ive done some reading on the net and I know what I am getting my self in to, and I can't wait!!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by Hibuddy

    I have now lifted weights for 2 years 5 days a week. Done some good gains, but it starts to get harder to pack on muscle. So I bought my self some steriods :

    12 vials of deca
    100 tabs of dianabol
    10 tabs of clomid

    My specs:
    182 cm 5.9feet
    90kilos 198.2 punds
    15-20 % bodyfat

    I wish you guys culd help me put together a cykle. It would make me the happiest person in the world.
    Ive done some reading on the net and I know what I am getting my self in to, and I can't wait!!
    deca 200mg/2? -
    Dbol - 5mg?
    clomid????? 10 tabs??? --- extremely important you will need a supply of 600mg in the first 4 days and then 50mg/day for 3 weeks (since you're using deca)

    I wouldn't use deca by itself

    your age?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    You need test and thats alot of dianabol-what mg are they? Like Rookiejay said don't do deca by itsself.

  4. #4
    Lol If I ran a cycle for every plateau I hit in the gym then I would probably have a dozen or more cycles under my belt by now.

    I do realize everyone has their own reason for doing aas whether its justifiable or not. Thats not for me to say BUT I trully think (in your case) you will be heavily dissappointed if you go forward with this cycle IF you don't lean up first naturally, with a clean diet and good old cardio. Keep in mind the cycle your plan on running is a classic bulker and the added weight won't look visually pleasing on a 20% bf frame.

    Besides two years of training is definally not enough IMO. I'm sure you still have lots of potential left naturally with the right plan of attack and alittle patience.

    Last edited by usualsuspect; 08-29-2003 at 04:12 PM.

  5. #5
    this is what I have:
    12 vials 100mg
    100 tabs 5 mg
    10 tabs 50 mg
    My age is 21 and I would like to gain about 10 kilos (about 15-20 punds) until JAN. Long term goals: To be on stage after 3 more years of hard training!

    Do I realy need that mutch clomid? So that wóuld mean that I must do som more shopping

    Quote Originally Posted by Rookiejay
    deca 200mg/2? -
    Dbol - 5mg?
    clomid????? 10 tabs??? --- extremely important you will need a supply of 600mg in the first 4 days and then 50mg/day for 3 weeks (since you're using deca)

    I wouldn't use deca by itself

    your age?

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    For real you need test, the dbol gains will not stay and I wouldn't even consider deca without test as my base.

  7. #7
    So how mutch dianabol would you recomend.. Ah thanks man, I have limeted friends and experiense that has with steriods to do. Ive been recomenden to only take deca could you belive that!

    Yeaaah I know my English sucks BIG TIME hope you guys understand....

    Quote Originally Posted by DADDYDBOL
    For real you need test, the dbol gains will not stay and I wouldn't even consider deca without test as my base.

  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by usualsuspect
    Lol If I ran a cycle for every plateau I hit in the gym then I would probably have a dozen or more cycles under my belt by now.

    I do realize everyone has their own reason for doing aas whether its justifiable or not. Thats not for me to say BUT I trully think (in your case) you will be heavily dissappointed if you go forward with this cycle IF you don't lean up first naturally, with a clean diet and good old cardio. Keep in mind the cycle your plan on running is a classic bulker and the added weight won't look visually pleasing on a 20% bf frame.

    Besides two years of training is definally not enough IMO. I'm sure you still have lots of potential left naturally with the right plan of attack and alittle patience.

    Actuly I dont care about the bodyfat for now, I just want to pack on some more meat and get stronger. I dont wanna start cutting and look like a bony makkaroni So for me its bulk until I gain about 10-15 punds more and then the cutting can begin!!

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    something bothers me about this post........

  10. #10
    Alright don't say that I didn't tell ya, especially when walking outside your house to get the mail turns into your cardio session. 20%bf% and you want to bulk up???


  11. #11
    Quote Originally Posted by usualsuspect
    Alright don't say that I didn't tell ya, especially when walking outside your house to get the mail turns into your cardio session. 20%bf% and you want to bulk up???


    Ok its more like 15%. And I dont want to start cutting now its to late. Im gonna start with that in jan to get ripped until summer! But I tell you this your words has gotten me to wonder what I should do.
    Will se what happpens...

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    Boston, MA
    You need test and way more D-bol anywhere from 350 to 500..

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