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Thread: Im so confused

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2003

    Question Im so confused

    well im really confused my connect said that my deca didnt show up now im considering maybe cycling trenbolone instead i dont know what to do any help would be great and i need to know how to cycle the trenbolone i was gonna do 400mg/wk of deca how about the tren?? Anything would be helpful oh yeah prices would be great i didnt see any on the list

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    long island new york
    Well since this is your first cycle (according to your profile).
    Go with test enanthate 400-500mg/wk. Test only is ideal for a first cycle.


  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by xxxl83
    Well since this is your first cycle (according to your profile).
    Go with test enanthate 400-500mg/wk. Test only is ideal for a first cycle.

    omg, test only good for a first cycle? or would "better" be a better word to use?

  4. #4
    this is also my first cycle and i'm on QV test enatat 250... 500mg per week. why is this always considered a novice cycle?

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    long island new york
    No Genetics,

    I really don't understand what you're asking but, what I'm trying to say is using just testosterone alone is ideal for a first cycle.


  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    deca and tren are 2 very different seems odd that you would decide to do one or the other. i think you need to do more research.

    however, for a first cycle, stick with test...but do more reseach first

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    Nowhere, USA
    hmm.. yeah.. it's pretty unusual to run just a cycle of tren. I'd say do what the other guys said and go with Test. This is your first cycle, and therefore, the one that your body will probably react the most to.. it's like hitting puberty a second time. Maybe even start it with dbol, like 25 mg ed for the first 5 weeks. Along with the test, which for you would probably be around 200-400 mg test enan a week for weeks 1-10. Best to be conservative, since you don't really know how your body is going to react as far as sides go.
    As far as price information goes, on the main site there's blackmarket prices.

    Also, don't forget your post cycle goods. You don't want to lose all your gains or gain some knockers.
    Last edited by chrisAdams; 09-05-2003 at 02:32 PM.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Aug 2003
    well thanks alot for all the info. I was having a hard time finding tren but now that someone used its other name i'm not so lost. The only reason i went from deca to tren is because a friend i have did tren. I liked his results and my boss wanted me to do deca. So i think im gonna do only a short cycle maybe 4 to 6 weeks at 350mg maybe 400. Oh yeah i did a cycle of dbol like in june till july 20mg a day. I got strong but thats about it nothing as far as noticeable mass difference. But I'm gonna go with tren for 4 to 6 weeks unless anyone has a better idea on what i should do.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by xxxl83
    No Genetics,

    I really don't understand what you're asking but, what I'm trying to say is using just testosterone alone is ideal for a first cycle.

    thanks bro, now that makes some sense

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by mattyboy0037
    well thanks alot for all the info. I was having a hard time finding tren but now that someone used its other name i'm not so lost. The only reason i went from deca to tren is because a friend i have did tren. I liked his results and my boss wanted me to do deca. So i think im gonna do only a short cycle maybe 4 to 6 weeks at 350mg maybe 400. Oh yeah i did a cycle of dbol like in june till july 20mg a day. I got strong but thats about it nothing as far as noticeable mass difference. But I'm gonna go with tren for 4 to 6 weeks unless anyone has a better idea on what i should do.
    that is a very poor decision.

    if you are going to do deca, you need to run it 10 wks and run test with it.
    test is the base of all cycles.

    if you did a 4 wk cycle of dbol only, it's not surprising you didn't make great lasting gains...

    i honestly think you need to take some time and do more research before you do another cycle.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Aug 2003
    well now i'm all screwed up so im gonna do deca 10 weeks but i did get lasting results from the dbol it was like 7 or 8 weeks i dont remember my strength shot throught the roof. my bench shot up to 225 for 8 solid reps only wieghing in at 180 so deca 10 weeks is what im goin with

  12. #12
    Join Date
    May 2002
    South Jersey and HATING I
    Quote Originally Posted by mattyboy0037
    well now i'm all screwed up so im gonna do deca 10 weeks but i did get lasting results from the dbol it was like 7 or 8 weeks i dont remember my strength shot throught the roof. my bench shot up to 225 for 8 solid reps only wieghing in at 180 so deca 10 weeks is what im goin with
    ok bro sounds like you need to do some research! dbol 7 weeks? No man! I'd say run test only, but not at 200 I'd say atleast 400 a week, if you want to stack compounds go with test/deca. That is the beginners stack, and what I've been on for 3 weeks today. Definatley do you research bro! don't do it because your boss wants you to do it or because it's all you can get. If that's why you're going to run a certain compound, then don't do it till you get what you want! My .02..


  13. #13
    Join Date
    Aug 2003
    Sid so run the trenbolone at 400 a week for how many weeks i just want to gain like 10 to 15 lbs im at 180 now dont want to be over 200 to short just get a nice base? anything would help thanks alot peace

  14. #14
    Join Date
    May 2002
    South Jersey and HATING I
    Quote Originally Posted by mattyboy0037
    Sid so run the trenbolone at 400 a week for how many weeks i just want to gain like 10 to 15 lbs im at 180 now dont want to be over 200 to short just get a nice base? anything would help thanks alot peace
    Tren? I didn't say tren, but tren or fina would be run like 75mg ed or eod. 400week for test/300 of deca! I wouldn't run tren on a 1st cycle! If you ran test it should be at 400/500 or even 600 a week. Test only or test/deca..I don't know where you got tren from...


  15. #15
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    There is so much going on in this thread that I'm even confused, lol. Here's a post I've made before regarding first cycles. I feel it's appropriate in your case, too, although you have taken dbol before. Enjoy....

    It's my opinion that a first cycle should have 2 primary characteristics: (1) easy post-cycle recovery and (2) flexibility. Everything else is secondary.

    Why? The last thing you want to do the first time around is murder your HPTA without even knowing how you'll handle recovery or even the cycle itself, for that matter. The best way to accomplish this is no deca, no tren, no 10-12+ week cycles, etc.

    As for (2), once you inject the medication, you can't get it back. If you run into problems, you're gonna have to ride 'em out. However, a cycle that is created with flexibility in mind will permit the user to adjust dosages/compounds and experience the results of those changes very quickly. The best way to make a cycle flexible is by using fast-acting meds and avoiding heavy esterified compounds.

    The very best first cycle that I could recommend using these 2 principles would be:

    weeks 1-6 Test Prop 100mg EOD
    weeks 1-6 Dbol 20mg ED

    With this stack, you can expect to be flying high by day 10- on top of the world - no waiting till weeks 4-5 with enanthate/cyp, deca, etc. If you run into problems with say the dbol, fine, just drop it. It will clear in a couple waiting for the longer stuff to clear. Need to adjust the test dosage, go'll feel the difference in a few days, not weeks.

    Your gains will be really high quality if your diet is in check. Your strength gains will be excellent with phenominal pumps. 100mg EOD of T prop is about the same (if not more) as 400mg/wk of T Enan/Cyp since the ester takes up so little overall weight.

    Lastly, recovery from this stack will be a breeze. The meds will clear very rapidly instead of tapering down over the course of 3-5 additional weeks, further delaying HPTA restoration. Wrap up with a SERM like nolvadex and in 4 weeks, you'll probably be completely restored instead of coming back here 6 weeks after your cycle complaining about erection problems, motivation issues, etc.<--- this is very common on the Internet boards.

    I'm probably the most conservative member on this board, next to SWALE (who's an MD). But I guarantee you'll love this stack. It's not all or nothing with your first cycle. Above all, your health, safety, and sanity should be prioritized over the drugs, especially the first time around.

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