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Thread: Heart palpitations at night - Winny/Tren

  1. #1

    Heart palpitations at night - Winny/Tren

    I am taking 75mg Tren ED/50mg Winstrol ED.

    I have be doing a fair amount of cardio... usually 45 minutes 4 days a week. Often I will go to the 60 minute mark, sometimes even longer.

    Not every night, but several nights, I wake up and feel my heart pounding. It is a steady beat, not irregular, but it is pounding. I wake up because of how hard it is beating. Granted, it is not beating as hard as when I do cardio, or anything like that, but is FAR excels any resting heart rate I have ever had.

    I am a getting a little concerned. Not to mention that I have begun having visions of my heart as pumped as my muscles are after my workouts (those on a tren/winstrol cycle know what I mean). The funny thing is, it's not funny. My heart is a muscle. Shit! I am stressing out.

    Someone... tell me something! Any expereinces or feedback would be helpful.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    The Gym-aka my garage :-)
    My heart did that on fina also. Check you BP 2-3 times a day. Once when you wake up, ect,ect.

    I liked the strenth gains on fina, but twards the end I really started to hate it. It made me feel warn out. I couldn't even waterski without loosing my breath.

  3. #3
    Any one else have this expereince?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    Yes, I had it while on Winstrol and Test enan. I couldn't sleep because I could feel it pounding through the bed! It even felt like my heart would skip a beat. I went to the Dr. and I was OK, but don't take any chances. Get your BP checked and if it continues, see a doc.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    I had the same thing happen to me on fina/prop at 75mg ed of each. 45 min of cardio? I was lucky if I could get five while on the fina! I'd be laying on the floor gasping for breate if I pushed it to ten minutes!


  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    hey wait, i'm on tren right now (5 days in). whats with this "i'm outta breath on fina" thing? can yall clue me in? its weird, since i started, both me and my roommate have been sleeping a lot more (he's actually sleeping right now). i dunno what his problem is, but i'm on drugs...

    -- cb

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    My heart was skipping beats when i was on 5, 10mg winny tabs a day as part of a much larger cycle, it stopped within days of stopping the win tabs. I would sit and take my pulse which was regular until I would feel my heart skip a beat in my chest, I first I didn't want to believe it was my heart, it was not till i was taking my radial pulse and I felt my heart skip and at the same time felt the flat skip in my pulse that I believed it was my heart, that was incredabaly scary feeling the flat spot in my pulse.

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