I am taking 75mg Tren ED/50mg Winstrol ED.
I have be doing a fair amount of cardio... usually 45 minutes 4 days a week. Often I will go to the 60 minute mark, sometimes even longer.
Not every night, but several nights, I wake up and feel my heart pounding. It is a steady beat, not irregular, but it is pounding. I wake up because of how hard it is beating. Granted, it is not beating as hard as when I do cardio, or anything like that, but is FAR excels any resting heart rate I have ever had.
I am a getting a little concerned. Not to mention that I have begun having visions of my heart as pumped as my muscles are after my workouts (those on a tren/winstrol cycle know what I mean). The funny thing is, it's not funny. My heart is a muscle. Shit! I am stressing out.
Someone... tell me something! Any expereinces or feedback would be helpful.