Whats the best fatburner steroid (listed on this site) for getting rid of unwanted bodyfat.
I have been doing a couple of cicles and done good in the past.
The last 9 months I wasn't able to work out due to some personal problems![]()
I lost a lot of wait, I starrted trainig yesterday again and am doing a cicle with sus,winny, - for the coming weeks
i'm gonna do a total of 12-14 weeks.
I also want to throw anadrol in (if I can get my hands on good ones because I have had fakes in the past)
The anadrol is gonna help me I hope because I need it for all the lost weight.
So i have alittle bit of fat on the belly noe ( to me ít's a lot!!)
wanna get rid of it but am trying that wtith winstrol (winny)
anyone have other sugg for me?
thank you anyway for reading