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Thread: quality vet fakes? --eq and test--answer please

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2002

    quality vet fakes? --eq and test--answer please

    i read a post a few weeks back about fake qv stuff
    i have some qv from a year ago and was wondering if they sounded ok

    lot 004, ex. date oct 2004

    lot 003,ex date sept 2004

    all are boxed and plastic wrapped,and have holograms
    spelled Quality vet (vet in low case letters)
    whats strange is the lot and ex. date are not stamped on i was told the first ones did not stamp seperate just on box from production

    please let me know

  2. #2
    what kind of QV test is it???

  3. #3
    I have QV Enantat 250, 011 exp.11/05 but it is stamped on.... On the hologram under the QV, it should say vetvetvet

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    enathanate 250mg--10cc bottles
    and bolden 200mg 10 cc bottles

  5. #5
    On the enanthate, to the left of the hologram it should have a yellow Q nad a green V. Under that it says quality vet (with the vet in lower case) and two lines below that it should say quality vet again but this time they are both capatalized.

  6. #6
    Also, Ive been told that the batches below 007 have had the batch number and exp. date printed on... If all these match up, I would say your good to go.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    thanks bro i will check them in the am

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