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Thread: When does Sustanon stop working?

  1. #1

    Unhappy When does Sustanon stop working?

    When does Sustanon stop working?

    I am on a sus / dbol cycle. The sustanon is Karachi brand, and dbol is pink thais. the cycle is 5 weeks of dbol at 35mg per day and 500mg sustanon weeks 1-10. then i will wait for 2 weeks before starting a proper clomid therapy.

    i have finished all 5 weeks of dbol and have been off dbol for a week and this is the start of the 7th week. my question is how long after stopping dbol do u notice the dbol not working, is it immediatly or do u still have dbol in you for a week or so, and same for sustanon after your last shot of sustanon how long does it still work for.

    thanks guys

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    Well for starters you need to wait three weeks on the sust to start clomid because of the deconate ester in it. Other than that, it differs for everyone.

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