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Thread: Sustanon 250 cycle

  1. #1

    Sustanon 250 cycle

    Hey im thinking about doing my first cycle....Im 22 and i have been training now for like 4 years now. I was wondering how a 4 or 6 week cycle of Sustanon 2 50 would would strenght and mass gains be, and what side effects could i expect...and would they be bad? Also with such a short cycle at possible 4 weeks would i need to buy an anti estrogen? would 6-0X0 work?? Thanks...and if anyone here has taken it and can give me info on how often and when to take i would appreciate it...thanks

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    what do i think of your cycle idea? it's horrible...

    you need to stick around the board and do some research...

    and also, i would wait another few years to start

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by halifaxsteve
    what do i think of your cycle idea? it's horrible...

    you need to stick around the board and do some research...

    and also, i would wait another few years to start
    why is it looking for info now....

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    first, sust is not a good choice for a first cycle...the test idea is good, but stick with a single ester, like cyp or enan

    i would run it 8-10 wks...

    side effects can be numerous...everything from bitch tits all the way down...

    you always need to have anti-e's on hand for a cycle, and plan an appropriate post-cycle therapy

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by Lifeafterdeath99
    why is it looking for info now....
    First, you don't say what doses your going to shoot. Second, 4 weeks is way too short. You wont even start to feel the the sust for 3-4 weeks. So when it's starting to kick in, your stopping. Lastly, you need anti e's and clomid for any cycle. 4 weeks of sust will shut your test production down.

    Do some more research and you will see better cycles.

  6. #6
    ok so 6-0X0 wouldent be a good enough anti estrogen?

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Aug 2003
    hey bro, search this thread, then search the educational thread, then go the anabolic review home page and go to the drug profile, you will get alot of your answers in these places. good luck and have fun, this is a great site to get the answers your looking for.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    What the hell is 6-OXO? Your cycle is way to short and you haven't given us any stats of your stats or experience.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Aug 2003
    Freakville, MA
    6-OXO is a cheap "Anti-E" that most people that use prohormones use.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    in the gym
    Hey bro we've all been there, to get your question answered better research more and put together a sample cycle and your stats and we'll get you the info you need.

    As for your question on sust, it can be a very effective first cycle. Most people on this board will reccomend Test Enanthate or Cypionate which are good as well. The problem that most people have with Sustanon is that it keeps blood levels unstable which can lead to more sides if your prone to them. Also to take advantage of the Prop in it, Sust should be shot EOD.

    A 4-6wk cycle will be a waste of your money. It will take 4-5wks for the Sust to even kick in so would not see any gains doing a cycle that short. 10-12wks should be plenty for your first cycle. As with all cycles proper PCT will be needed, so get yourself some Nolvadex and Clomid. 6-OXO will not help your HPTA recovery at all.

    I can't emphasize how important it is to research all the chemicals you plan on putting in your body. Knowledge is power and with AAS you want to be as knowledgeable as you can be. Most people though jump into cycles there first time without researching and usually don't get the gains they had expected. So use that search button to get all the info you need. Good luck.

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