Can you guys look this over for me once more to make sure im all good on this...
I will be taking:
Wks 1-11 Test Enth 500mg/wk(shot Mon/Thur)
Wks 7-12 Winny 50mg/ED
clomid wk13 with 300mg/1st day; 100mg/ED days 2-11; and 50mg/ED days 12-21
Use pnp liquidex .25mg per day and have two pnp Liquifin (liquid nolva) bottles on hand as well.
Milk thistle at 1000mg/ED because of winny's heptoxic side effect
I have been given the suggestion to run my cycle like this instead:
With .25mg of L-dex, you won't have much. I will suggest using 10mg of Nolva alongside the l-dex though.
I'd also put the winny at wks8-13, then start clomid 2 days after last injection/ingestion
Also, get some ALA and run 1000mg alongside the milk thistle to help in liver aid
Should I add the Nolva to my orginal setup and also why should I go weeks 8-13 instead of 7-12 with winny?
Thanks guys, im gettin excited...