Anybody tried the American research tech test enanthate at 400mg in a 10cc vial and is it dosed correctly, is it a good product. Also are therer a lot of fakes of this product. thanks for the help brothers.
Anybody tried the American research tech test enanthate at 400mg in a 10cc vial and is it dosed correctly, is it a good product. Also are therer a lot of fakes of this product. thanks for the help brothers.
I've heard great things about rt t400. only bad thing is that it might have a little sting to it.
thanks man, anybody else with some expierence/
if it stings tho, you just cut it with some oil...that should help
I've heard it has high benzyl alcohol content. Thus the sharp pain. You can dilute it though if you want to. Take 3ccs of vegetable oil, and mix that with 1cc of the Test400. Now you have 100mg of testosterone per cc of mixture. You might have to inject more often or more at one time, but at least it won't hurt as much.
Other than that I hear it OWNS.
dosed correctly... maybe a little over 400mg/mlOriginally Posted by max25533
It is a highly reputable underground lab
there are no fakes that I am aware of
clean, strong, cheap, legit!![]()
I'm going to use RT for my next cycle. I've heard nothing but good things about it.
Don't just inject cooking oil into your body. The oil needs to be sterile and filtered.
Originally Posted by WiLLpOwEr
Bdtr, were can I get some sterile oil. Does the pain just sting for a while after the shot or will I not be able to walk the nest couple of days.
Run a google search for sterile oil....
The only time i ever did an injection that hurt bad enough for me to barely be able to stand was 3cc's of t400... I've heard ART is much easier though.
Last edited by bdtr; 09-10-2003 at 01:59 PM.
your nuts 3ccs of t 400, that must of hurt like a bitch. Thanks for the help I think I am gonna go with the ART company they sound good.
WP, You might be confusing it with Denkall T400, RTs T400 has low BA content.Originally Posted by WiLLpOwEr
The only time i ever did an injection that hurt bad enough for me to barely be able to stand was 3cc's of t400... I've heard ART is much easier though.
You fucking crazy. I did a little over 1cc. I will never do it again.
Dilute it with B12 instead. B12 is cheap, benificial and I would use it to dilute it.
So if you had Test-E 400 from RT and were giving a 1cc shot would you still bother diluting it with b12. and how much. 1:1 or 1:1/2. ??
use the b12!
id go the 1:1/2
I am not diluting it at all without any problems with pain. Only pain I ever had was with 2ccs of QV prop... hurt bad, and gave me the flu like symptoms...
Im having the same prob with qv prop, just part of the test thing i guess
I used rt t-400 and mixed it with rt eq-400 and had almost no pain at all.
little sting my ass felt like a whole pack of beesOriginally Posted by dizzle
Originally Posted by depdaddy
i had the same experience. so have all the guys at my gym and we got it from different sources.
AVOID RT like the plague.... shit is horrible. it causes so much pain and swelling that you won't be able to work out the body part you inject it into for a solid week. i'm wondering why those retards chose to put so much BA in it rather than just make it in a sterile environment so they don't have to add that much.
the ONLY people i know who like it are the "upper body builders" who inject it into their legs... the pain there won't affect their workouts.
It doesn't hurt anymore than the 50ml jug of QV Enanthate (I was taking it when QV still had a great reputation with everyone). The pain really isn't that big of a problem, my body always adjusts. As long as it is properly dosed - that is the most important part.
T400 is great when you are shooting 1g+ a week other than that just stick with T250.
[email protected]
I'm gonna ask a stupid question here....
Is RT and ART the same place? I haven't even messed with any of the underground places, but I am starting to get curious. Can someone help me out on my lack of knowledge?
RT is great stuff, especially compared to QV. I've had very little pain with their products.
Originally Posted by WoodChuck
RT is great gear, I've gotten feedback from a bunch of people on this gear as well as having tried it myself. I've never had pain from RT gear. There may have been a few early batches that were painful, but I'd consider those growing pains. I'd hate to learn that you came back to the board Mr. Dick to throw salt because you are bitter.......regardless, if anyone takes your advice to avoid RT like the plague then I pity them for what they are missing out on.Originally Posted by WoodChuck
i agree RT is good stuff..the 400 hurts like a bitch though..250 enanthate is not to badOriginally Posted by majorpecs
im running 2 grams of their t400 next cycle, can't wait for the pain.
becarefull to much of it will afect your liver and you might get jaundiceOriginally Posted by bdtr
Bump. Pointing to woodchucks thread about him and all the guys in the gym getting Rt from diff sources. Someone high up is scamming.
[email protected]
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