Is there such a thing as steroid resistant people?
I think that my body dont seem to have any effect by steroids other than aggression and sexdrive...
So is it a body to body thing, or should AS work for everybody???
Is there such a thing as steroid resistant people?
I think that my body dont seem to have any effect by steroids other than aggression and sexdrive...
So is it a body to body thing, or should AS work for everybody???
Ehh... 28 persons have taken a look, and nobody can answer???
good question i am sure everyone reacts differently to different things bump
Well theoretically yes, steroids should work for a person with low testosterone. As for people searching for the dream body its a little more complicated. Proper dosages, cycling, PCT, diet, training, legitimacy of the gear are all key roles in seeing any gains off of AAS. A person with not training experience and terrible nutrition and no real knowledge of the chemicals in his/her body can expect no results. If you think that you are knowledgeable of all these things and dedicated to your cycle then i would say there is no reason you should see no gains.
I hope to god that it works for everybody. I mean on paper it should, higher levels of muscle building hormone (test).
I believe you can gain a resistance to steroids after prolongued use through receptor saturation, also the over use of certain steroids can gain a level of resistance as with any other drug that is used extensivly.
Maybe, it's "body to body thing" - however, I haven't met anyone, who's resitant.Originally Posted by The Natural
What specifically did you use, which AS didn't have any effect on you other than aggression and sexdrive....?
List it - and let's try to analize what you had......
Without specifics this thread would call for demagogy and pontificate.
Last edited by Rookiejay; 09-10-2003 at 05:23 PM.
Perhaps you bought fake stuff.... Aggression and sex drive are easily aroused simply by the idea that you are "ON" something. Just a thought...
I think you just need to eat more.
Every time I see a person ask why they are not getting any gains from a cycle there is a moderater who says that if you are not seeing any gains then it is one of three things
fake gear
poor diet
poor training
I think that is how it goes, but anyway Ive never heard them say that it was because there body is steroid resistant.
I put on 20lbs of FAT, bro...Originally Posted by chrisAdams
Thats enough eating from my point of view... and it was CLEAN!!!
I am now believing it may be fake... but the sust seemed 100% real!Originally Posted by nevaenuf
But maybe it was like 10% real sust and 90% oil... Therefore the sexdrive and aggression!!!
I used 500mg sus/wk 10wksOriginally Posted by Rookiejay
400deca/wk 10wks
35mg dbol/ed 5wks
That's a good cycle....Originally Posted by The Natural
What's your age and PCT looked like? We can start from there.
I'm 21 and... whats PCT!?Originally Posted by Rookiejay
PCT = Post Cycle Therapy - that's what helps you to restore your natural production and keeping the gains you made during the cycle.Originally Posted by The Natural
That could be the first problem.......
Originally Posted by Rookiejay
Dont think that PCT is a factor here, Dont get me wrong, pct is as importent as the gear itself but the bro sayd he's not growing and i woul'nt think that would matter with pct. Bunk gear and maybe overtraining but i'm more on the bunk. Whats your stats?
If he didnt grow from taking that stuff i dont know what the hell the deal is. Maybe scammed on the sust and pills. Unless your a monster i dont believe you would be resistant to what you said you took.
Oh... OK! Yes clomid... I did that one!Originally Posted by Rookiejay
But bro... that are the facts... I didnt grow and did everything by the book!!!Originally Posted by punk_bbuilder
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