i was taking my first shot and i just can't inject alone because i can't pull the shot out to asperate. what is the best way to do shots alone in the shoulders and tri's.
i was taking my first shot and i just can't inject alone because i can't pull the shot out to asperate. what is the best way to do shots alone in the shoulders and tri's.
hit the quads for practice.
bdtr do you really have to aspirate in the delts?
I'd say its highly reccomended, for me that is where i CONSTANTLY hit veins.
my friend never does, he says no chance of hiting veins there. At least he never has?
Must be different for him, i won't even hit shoulders anymore because 1/2 of my injections hit a vein and i bleed like a stuck pig.
Hey bdtr, lets say you are in a vein. wouldn't the blood pressure just fill the syringe up with blood, with very little back pressure on aspiration. You shouldn't have to asp. very hard to see blood right?
I've hit veins and the pressure didn't fill the syringe although on other occasions a tiny bit backed up into it. After injecting through a vein, i'll never not aspirate again.
practice with an empty syringe without a needle - in 5 min, you'll learn to do it even with your left hand (if you are righthanded)Originally Posted by majormobley
Then, as BDTR said, do the real shots in your quads for practice.
bdtr. you injected in a vein?? what happened?
I coughed for 10 minutes, got light headed, almost passed out from coughing so much and threw out my back from the coughing. My wife at the time thought i was going to die. I'll never inject in a rush again.
I think, for safety's sake you should ALWAYS aspirate. Never hit a vein yet (Knock on wood) but I don't wanna find out what its like![]()
Thats all I'll say.!!
Why waste the juice!! lol
Like bdtr said practice by hitting your quads.
Always aspirate... it takes a second.
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